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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
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Friday, December 3, 2004
I'm still sleeping...
Yes, sleeping.. *falls on keypad* Huh? Oh, hi. I got up at 8:55, which was great ^_^
I first wanna tell you who I forgot to put in that quiz in the "hate" catigoy. Lyserg, fuck I hate him! He is a depressing, low life, one-track minded idiot! Yeah, I hate characters alot of peeps like... meh! I like to sleep. Which leads me to a rant.
Why when you are little, do you hate to sleep yet when you are a teen, and getting older, you don't wanna wake?
Lets use my lil bro as an example. Little kids, they have SOOO much energy that a day is not enough to burn it all off and make them settle down and sleep. Like my lil bro. Yet, he is 13, and he will still wake up at anything! Christmas, last year. (damn him *shakes fist*) he wakes up at 7:30!!!! He runs around upstairs, into my room, "Cody Cody, wake up! Its christmas!" I jjust say, go away, its called sleeping! Yeah. I would never get up, even when I was 13, like that... starnage boy. But, he is like a lil kid, hyper active!
So, I see it as a lil kid needs to burn off alot of energy in the run of a day, as so they can sleep at night, without hassel, or getting up early *shakes fist at lil bro*
On the Teen side. We never wanna get up! Its like, torture for us! Sleeping is "fun" unlike how it used to be when WE were little. I ask, why do you like to sleep more when your a teen, rather then a lil kid? 2 answers for that to!
1. we spend more energy, with harder school, extra activities, chores, its tougher for us.
2. we appriate rest, and relaxation, we don't need to explore anymore, like lil kids, always wanting to know new things, and sleep gets in the way of their discovering. We don't care, we could care LESS! We have discovered enough at our point in life, and sleep is the only important thing then.
So, in conclusion, if you ever ask that question, or someone else does, theres your answer! I've been looking for this answer for a LONG time!
like my rant? Good info eh? Tell me what ya think if you read it ^_~ See you all... ahh.. when you get home.

Yes, this is my first result of the quiz! no cheating! lol.
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