I'm back! *does the happy dance, which means singing to "Rich Girl"*
Anyway, DSL! BOOYAH! It took my dad hours to make it work, cause the assholes didn't give us a password to get it going. Morons .... *stares blankly*
Now, if my scanner would work, I would show you all the KICKASS image I drew.... and finsih my other, to show you.. *sighs* technology, its hating me latly!
ANYWAY, I checked over 20 freaking new PMs.... yes, that was annoying! I also read the comments of like, almost 3 weeks worth of posts... *falls on floor and dies* yeah, Cody enjoyed them all ^_^ *huggles everyone* You guys are truely the best. You stuck by me, even when I couldn't visit you, even when I got causght EVERYDAY online *shakes fist at teacher* good thing I'm the "good kid" and she didn't care ^_^ lol. Anyway, now I'm getting back into my grove.
I am about to fall asleep so, I will end this with saying a few things. Tomorrow morning, at 7:30am *YES!* I will be writing again on DSL!!!! and expressing my feelings of how much I love you guys for being the best, and telling you all who didn't get a chance to read this to do so. Also, I'll be back at Lunch, cause of the teacher strike thingy from the last poost, thats sweet eh? I can walk home and be here! I will SOOOO totally catch up. Cause, BBT in the morning, and I'm done my work, then here at noon, so yeah, I'll be chill-axin' here soon enough.