after my unexpected day off, I had english first period, and he reviled we were having a test on the novel we had just finished that class... here's the catch... its tomorrow morning first period! Now, imediatly, this worried me, but not so much now, because I realize I know almost all the answers to the questions of the novel, just the vocabulary, its hard, old west stuff!
Anyways, I have made a few more buttons, and might post them, but I really don't wanna cluter up my page. You can see tham on my site. Just see the top button at the top! Also made some banners, this morning and after school. My mom has been making me clean my closet, then my rabbit cage, and everything else she can make me do, but I'm done it all now, and am glad that they are all at the other side of the house!
Sorry to make this so long, but one more thing. Got my Shonen Jump, its wicked, got a orignal DB pinup, signed and everything! Also has a DBGT Holo-card. And, my bro borrowed a X-Box and we were playing Ninja Guiden, which is the most beautiful graphics I've seen! Later dudes! |