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at the computer dumbass
Member Since
drinking tea(bubble tea is the best)
Real Name
bubbles (don't mock me)
inking drawings they'll be on someday when my scanner is fixed,adding stuff to my sight without the help of fadra93,drawing manga or the bigger acheivement is that people care,swimming fast,being a cool cat,and playing the most manly instument
Anime Fan Since
since i was i n the the womb. litterly i was just chillin in their with Sgt.Frog 1#
Favorite Anime
in no particuler order FMA(i just read it), mar, wild arms,papuwa, paniponi dash,Naruto, x-men (it still counts),sgt.Frog,xxx holic,Inuyasha,BOx7,Bleach
to becom a video game creator and some how my job lands me in Ginza,Tokoyo,getting senbon and becoming a marksmen
Drawing anime, chillin',playing video games,reading(manga,or the serious of unfortanute events or books for science olympiad i know i;'m a huge nerd,fencing
you tell me
Saturday, September 8, 2007
i've been sick T~T
so yeah i had a cold and it sucked,so i was taking these pills and they were coated in suger ^^ they were yummy.but,sadly i couldn't take my sleeping pills with them so i couldn't sleep xD i read alot,and the reason i wasn't on is becuase i didn't want to get anybody else sick(i know i'm so honerable)i'm still sad i didn't get to skip school even though i was sick.anywhoose in school not much happened intsead of gym(dun-dun-DUUUNNNN)i know you all want to know what happened since my gym teacher is a dick(but probably not)well he didn't really talk to me and i took a nap because he drafted our football teams so well,ours had 6 the others had 5 XP,so yeah mine team is kinda awesome(but not really)we have three egotistical jocks,a preppy girl who hates my guts,a really cool nerdy kid,and i the "makeup wearing freak" to quote the two jocks rections to having me on the team,yeah you know we're awesome heres some diolouge that actuelly happened:
jock:okay so we have to go over the rules and positions of football ay of you know them already?
*all the jocks raise ther're hands*
jock:okay*blabs on about football*
me:oooh i have a stradedgy
nerdy-kid:this is gonna be good
jocks:let's hear it
me:okay,if we cause as much bodily damage as possible then we can easily win!!!
jocks:no*continus talking*
me:why do i want to do this again
jocks:because you want to beat the ther team
me and the nerdy-kid:and when you say beat you do mean physically?
jocks:please can we get this over with?
and after that boring shiat we had to practice routes which is running and catching the ball,i walked while everyone ran and didn't try to catch the ball,and the teacher(aka mister dick-head) thought we were practicing so well he brought everyone over to whatch us of course everyone began laughing when i got up and bursted histerically out when i walked over to were i was supposed to be and caught the ball and walked back,it was boring at best...i could bearly think over them yelling,"EMOOOOO"at me and shit like,"GO SLIT YOUR WRISTS AND DIE" my coach didn't punish them either he did nothing,i'm sure later he high-fived them or something,i bet my coach did that just to piss me off
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