Shattered Peices (11/29/07)
hella =]
I�m just passing threw and happened to drop by your site, which i found rather cute, so I decided to leave my mark if that doesn�t bother you.
feel free to pm me anytime you�d like.
if you do, though, please don�t ask us to be friends. id rather be your friend than say I�m your friend. I don�t know you that well yet; even if you do sound nice, I cant judge that question. Plus it�s a weird question. XD
either way, id still luv to be your friend. id just like to get to know you better =]
I�d much appreciate a sign back pleaseee.
XxPunkPrincessxX (05/26/07)
Nice site, thanks for signing my gb
angelkyo (02/20/07)
hi nice site
kittygirl56 (01/22/07)
Hi nice site
I love greenday too they rule!
My Deadly Wound (01/22/07)
HI i like your site it's really cool. well when you get the chance come take a look at mine and sign the gb. bye byes
Im A Girl Dammit
SteveThePimp (01/06/07)
hey sam champ rulz! well just stoppin by... ttyl peace represent!!!
Temari of Sand (01/03/07)
hiya! hiya! hiya, Alexis!!! me, Rosey ^^ made a new site! hope you can check it out and sign the BG! tlk to you soon ..::luv::..
~my pen name~
demon dragon (01/02/07)
hey there! ^^
Dont mind, me im just some random signing your gb, lol XD
Your site is really nice!
Well, see ya! Hope you visit me and sign my gb in return! I don't mind if you add me either
pepolesukbawls (12/29/06)
Hi, i'm Aurora!
Check out my site sometime and plz be sure to sign my guestbook...
-ja ne!
Sasukefanohheshot (12/03/06)
Love the site Rock is good for your soul and so is Green Day!!!!!!!!!