Birthday 1990-12-03 Gender
Female Location At a hotel eating L's cake. Member Since 2005-01-16 Occupation An obsessive fangirl Real Name Bishie or Bishieluver is fine thanks.
Achievements I'm alive am I not? Anime Fan Since I watched Toonami on Cartoon Network in 1998. Favorite Anime Inuyasha, Naruto and Rurouni Kenshin. Goals To own all of the Rurouni Kenshin manga and get 100 reviews on my fanfiction. Hobbies Drawing, reading, watching anime, playing video games, looking at fanart, ect. Talents Drawing and making people smile. Oh yeah, and make people look at me strangley! ^^' Bishieluver01
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Please take the poll on my profile.
I need you guys to take it. I'm stuck on who would win a fight in my fanfic. So it'll be up here till Friday. Please take it, OR I'LL CASTRATE YOU ALL WITH A RUSTY SPOON!!! Comments (2) |
Sunday, April 23, 2006
THE MOST HILARIOUS KINGDOM HEARTS MOVIE EVER!!! Watch it. This is the best thing ever! Wait for it to load even if it takes 20 minutes. Just Watch It.
~Warning: Has a lot of cussing~
Yep, the movie's better than the book.
I watched Howl's moving thingamajigger-ah-you-know-what-I-mean. This is my favorete part. Where he's all drama queen like and he has green ooze all over him. (Eww...) Anyway, Sophie takes his arm around his neck and starts draging im upstairs. She hears a sound behind her, so she looks around to find a towel. A TOWEL. HOWL'S TOWEL. HOWL'S NAKED!!! *bursts out laughing* OMGLMAO! So she just looks up and continues.
Howl:*walks in* "That was hardly entertaining..."
Walter:*kicks Howl outta teh picture* "It's not your cue wizard."
So, borrow it from a friend or just plain buy it! Your choice.
As for an AMV, I got a HMC one with the song Beautiful Disaster by Kelly Clarkson. Don't like it? Deal with it, 'cause I don't care.
Well, there's some good stuff happining to me today. My friend Robin is letting me borrow Howl's Moving Castle again. Gotta watch it after reading the novel. Novel wasn't bad, though there wasn't a war and it was like a battle between Howl and the Witch of the Wastes. I liked the movie better, though I have to admit the part in the novel where Howl caught a cold was quite funny. ^^ Bishie + Cold = Kawaii! Also, I STILL need something to do. Give me ideas dammit, I'm bored! Um... sorry about the language. I really need something to do, ANYTHING! Please?
Well, gotta go, Sayonara.
P.S:Still dizzy from my swirling circles Reno the Turk? Sorry, but I'm not changing it soon. I like it. Comments (2) |
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I need to add an AMV...
So here's two.
An AMV made for Cloud & Kadaj...not in THAT way, okay?! They just seem so similar in the way that they search for a woman who isn't there, and for redemption they'll never find. In a way I think Cloud sees a little bit of himself in Kadaj, in the way that Kadaj is trying so hard to prove himself all throughout the AC movie. Enjoy.
Kingdom Hearts Super Drive
God I fell in love with this song. ^^
Another boring day in the life of Chri- I mean Bishieluver. That was close... Anyway. Here's a funny picture my friend anime kitty cat found. Lol! Funny. Love the looks on the guy's faces.
Enjoy! :D
Updated my site a bit.
Was going to do a really pretty wallpaper, but the stupid gif thing wouldn't work! I settled with the pretty sparkly. My pet Orion died. ...No, my online one. Actually that took up like 1000 words on my profile, so I deleated it. I put in a few images and screwed in some joints. So it looks better. Gotta go, Sayonara. Comments (5) |
Monday, April 10, 2006
ToS midis galore.
Hiya guys. Last day (more like night) of vacation before school. I went to this site and got a heaping buttload of Tales of Symphonia midis. Can anyone tell me how to put a downloaded midi on my site? I'd appreciate it very much.
Yum. My brother made me a delicious smoothie. He's annoying and violent, but he's kind too. Why can't Sesshomaru and Inuyasha act that way...? Oh well. Sayonara. Comments (2) |