Birthday 1990-12-03 Gender
Female Location At a hotel eating L's cake. Member Since 2005-01-16 Occupation An obsessive fangirl Real Name Bishie or Bishieluver is fine thanks.
Achievements I'm alive am I not? Anime Fan Since I watched Toonami on Cartoon Network in 1998. Favorite Anime Inuyasha, Naruto and Rurouni Kenshin. Goals To own all of the Rurouni Kenshin manga and get 100 reviews on my fanfiction. Hobbies Drawing, reading, watching anime, playing video games, looking at fanart, ect. Talents Drawing and making people smile. Oh yeah, and make people look at me strangley! ^^' Bishieluver01
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Anyway, I'm back into Gaia again because my friend Bernadette in on it and that's the only way I can contact her. So... what are you guys doing lately? I'm just peechy thanks. I have a test in History, but I'm good in that class, so that's gonna be ok! ^^ Anyway, hope you all have a good one (Wow, that's a short post!), Sayonara! Comments (2) |
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Bored and in a Deidara-fangirl mood...
Read the title... I just don't fee like posting anything today, but something in making me... Damn that late night fanfiction and soda to hell... Ah well, better type anyway. Lets see...
Stayed up 31 hours on Saturday. Yep, no sleep at all. ^^' My friend from the Weat Coast of Washington drove over to say hi to her old friends around and she spent the night. Stayed up playing video games, watching Saw III, playing chess (weird, but true. We were giggling and making jokes the whole time), playing truth and dare with my brother before he fell asleep, wakiing up my parents, ect. By the time me and her did all that, it was 4:45 and it was very late. She fell asleep and I said "Heck to sleep" and stayed up reading. Nce, quiet time :). Problem was whenever I sat on a couch or listened to soft music, my eyes started closing and it was very hard to stay awake. I ended up falling asleep in the middle of the floor in my living room. XDDD True story, slept 15 hours.
That aside, I watched Click earlier today. Funny movie at first, but it gets extreamly depressing later on and about 10 minutes at the end, it's a happy ending. :) Good lessons too: Never use universial remotes that are blue and glowing. *looks at stereo remote that's blue and touch-pad glows* ... ^^'
Anyway, I'm going to go and read some Deidara fanfics since I'm in the mood, so see ya later. I'll give you guys some Deidara goodness, so be happy fangirls! (I like the second pic the best!):) Sayonara!
The wait is over... Naruto Shipuuden AKA the second arc is finally out! XD I absolutely heart the opening here! DEIDARA'S IN IT!!!
Huh? Huh? You like it? I love it! Really fits the arc that the show is going into with Akatsuki and Gaara-kun! XD Watch it on youtube and you'll get a sneak peek of future Sasuke... So watch! Even if you don't like Naruto, watch the intro; it's good!
That outta the way, how are you guys? I'm feeling great, and I am SOO glad it's Saturday. Ah... the sweet sweet smell of... ...What is that smell anyway? *sniff sniff* Hmm... smells like popcorn... My dad's making it! ^^
By the way, I made another piccie on flashgear. This time it's Chase-sama, #2 on mah bishie list. ^^ I guess I'm famous for that aren't I? Anyway, here's teh piccie. Please don't draw on it since I did a lot of time on the little backround thing.
Hope you all have a good day, and bring in those theme suggestions, Sayonara! Comments (4) |
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Hiya mah peeps! Nice to see you all today on this fine day AFTER Valentines Day. ...Yeah, it's just like me to miss it, ne? ^^' Actually, I kind of felt left out of the love yesterday mainly because I didn't get much luv yesterday. Besides a chocolate and a lollypop, I got diddly squat! *sniffles* But that all changed when my dad got me a beautiful bouquet of white roses! I feel loved now! And after this post I'm going to do my secret pleasure on the internet. ...NO, IT ISN'T PORN YOU IDIOTIC PERVERTS!!! It's actually fluffy romance fanfic pairing of the following (in that order of rabidness):
(What's with all the Saku?)
And a few more from that... ...What? Why are you giving me weird looks; STOP IT! DAMN IT, I SAID STOP!!! ...Fine, be that way... *coughgaylordscough*
Anyway, I'm gonna change my site's theme in a week or so since Valentines Day is over. It's probably going to be Rurouni Kenshin, but if you have suggestions, then please, tell me! Also, if any of you can give me a NON-MORBID-HAPPY backround for RuruKen, I'd really appreciate it. PM or comments would be nice too!
What else? ...Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you all... I got a certain something at a bookstore on Saturday... I drew a very bad picture of it, but you'll easily be able to guess what I got...
Can you guess? Can you guess? ...If you can't then your an idiot... >< Anyway,. hope your days are filled with fluff and happiness! Sayonara! Comments (6) |
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Spring Cleaning and the evil Furby
*falls over in exaustion* Oh my god, that was a lot of work... My family did spring cleaning a little early this year, as in yesterday. Cleaning out our rooms and stuff like that, yatta yatta... Anyway, my parents helped m brother on his MESSY room and then they did theirs. I did mine myself. You see, I'm usually the one with the cleanest room in the house. I discovered why... When guests come over, I usually open my closet and throw a bunch of stuff in it. With my research paper and school, I havn't cleaned it in a while. So when I opened the door, an abyss of clothes, pictures, books and sleeping bags (don't ask) awaited beyond the door to light. Tch, more like the door to the closet that never was; more like a collect-all. ^^' Great, now I'm using Kingdom Hearts II terminology.
Anyway, I discovered this gem of a KH2 video on youtube and it's flippin' awesome! Features Axel, and an evil demonic Saix Furby! XD Great video, though it does feature cursing. ^^ My favorete line is 3:06-3:15:
Saix:"I'm going to give you... gohnarea!"
Axel:"Now it's threatening me with transmitted deseases!"
XDDD Hope you all like the video, now I have to do more work in the morning, (it's 10:40 here). Sayonara!
*screams and throws confetti into the air* Rejoice my friends, now I have more time on the computer! No more late-night typeing on the computer for me! XDDD Here's a favorete AMV of mine that fits the mood:
This is me right now! XD
(Just watch, it's not that long)
Mood: Happy and sadistic
Hello guys! Thank you so much for all the comments you gave me last week! Maybe it was because I went and visited all your guy's sites... Oh well! Now my new Bish I picked up will announce the weather and news of the day. Take it away Chasey-kun!
Chase:"Please explain WHY I have to do this...?"
'Cause I'll give you pocky.
Chase:"Weather's nice, but there's been a lot of frost around where Bishie is keeping me captive. Also had a big bonfire when she was cleaning up after that tree fell on one of her trails. She said it was a lot of work. Sunday is also gonna be really loud 'cause the Superbowl's tommarow. Her parents are huge fans..."
Thank you Chase. *tosses him a box of pocky*
Chase:"Yay! ^^"
Anyway, my mom went shopping while me, my dad and my brother were working. She got a bunch of clothes and she went and got me the DVD I wanted since it came into theaters! What's the name guys?
Sesshomaru:"Scary Movie 4?"
Waka:"Epic Movie?"
L (Ryuuzaki):"Norbit?"
No, Saw III! ^^ God,and it was unrated too. More blood! *laughs maniacly* The ending, as always, was suprising and I actually got my mom to watch it! She likes horror movies, but my dad doesn't so he didn't watch. Anyway, she was disgusted by the amount of gore in it. Bit of nudity too... >< Ah well, chick died anyway.
Oh yeah! And I found this awesome site that's like a... an iPod or something like that! It's Great site, I'm addicted to it! ^^
What to end with... *thinks* Hmm... *thinks some more* Hmm! *thinks and starts slamming head against pole* HMM!!!
Deidara:"You should stop that... hmm."
YOUR DOING IT TOO! ...Oh yeah! I'll give you a fun lottle comic from 'Xemnas Reports #5' Hilarious, has to be my fav. in the series! XD Hope you all have a good day, Sayonara! Comments (6) |
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
To any who visit my site anymore...
I sincerly apolegize for not coming around anymore, but everything in my life has been... horrible to put it bluntly. My friends are depressed for one thing, because one of my best friends Nick is moving. Also because something really, really bad happened in my friend's life and she's really depressed about it. I don't know what to do; I'm afraid that if this keeps up she'll commit suicide. I'm serious. I can't go to her parents because they're the reason she's so depressed and also i can't go to the school because there's a person there who's out to get her. Plus if I go to the counceler then I would be betraying her trust. I don't know what to do anymore.
Also, my homework has been stacking up and my temper has shortened to a mere string of patience. If you're around me then you know what i mean when I have a short temper. I'm what would be considered very violent when I'm in a bad temper, and I can't get rid of it easily. The only time I get joy anymore is when I'm reading fanfiction or listening to AMVs, but even that is getting taken away from me from my brother. We are only allowed on for 3 hours each day, and I've grown used to it, but my brother stays on for about 3 1/2-4 hours each day. I get home at 2:50, do my chores and homework, and I want to get on for my 3 at 4:00, but he's already on. I have to stay up to 11:00 at night to get my time back, and when it comes to sleeping I can't. To any of you who are imsomiatic, you know what I mean when you can't go to sleep no matter what you try. I sleep in the morning, and when i finally wake up, there's my brother saying I should go to bed early. WTF!?
Anyway, lunch ended so i have to go. Please forgive my absence and pray for my friend, alright? Sayonara Comments (5) |
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
*sobbing* Whaaaaaah! I can't belive it! L COULDN'T have died! He just couldn't! He was my favorete character! That b*tch of a mangaka couldn't have done away with him! *crying* That's it,I'm not reading Death Note anymore, it SUCKS without L! *walks off crying* Comments (1) |
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Yeah uh... crimson zombie signed my guestbook so uh... Deals off? ^^'
(How the heck one of my friends forgot to sign my guestbook is beyond me.) Comments (5) |