Birthday 1990-12-03 Gender
Female Location At a hotel eating L's cake. Member Since 2005-01-16 Occupation An obsessive fangirl Real Name Bishie or Bishieluver is fine thanks.
Achievements I'm alive am I not? Anime Fan Since I watched Toonami on Cartoon Network in 1998. Favorite Anime Inuyasha, Naruto and Rurouni Kenshin. Goals To own all of the Rurouni Kenshin manga and get 100 reviews on my fanfiction. Hobbies Drawing, reading, watching anime, playing video games, looking at fanart, ect. Talents Drawing and making people smile. Oh yeah, and make people look at me strangley! ^^' Bishieluver01
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hiya guys! I'm back from my job. ...No, it's not a full time job. What's the matter with you guys, I'm only 15! No, it's a temorary job cleaning and stuff for the Whites before their party. Pretty important one too, there's gonna be people from Washington's congress or something like that. Heck, even the govener might come.
Other news, I finished my Akatsuki headband! ^^ If I could download my camera I'd show you. My hair's kinda wavy and it's a dark brown color, but it's still pretty good. Heck, my eyes are practicly black. But enough of my bluffing. I still didn't get that preasent for Bernadette yet. I have to say, you guys arn't much help at all... >_>' Well, maybe I'll get her a plushie or something.
WATCH OUT FOR THAT... *CRASH!!* ...Tree. >
I'll make it clear in one sentence. A tree fell near our house. Yes, you heard that right, A TREE! Actually, to make it correct, it fell from our neighbor's yard, across the road, across our driveway, crushing an old shed we don't use anymore, and almost hitting my dad's truck! Oo Here's a really REALLY bad map of what happened:
Yeah yeah, shut it. I know I'm bad... ><
Not there now, but it's ok. :D
By the way, I'm going to my friend's B-day party on Friday. I've already made the card, but I can't think of a gift! I was thinking of maybe a giant bad of candy, but I thought,"Her friends would want her to share." But that's still an option. And when it came my birthday she was really nice and gave me her Sesshomaru plushie, the only anime thing she had! I really want to pay her back for that.
By the way (again) here's the links for the card stuff. I tryed to make it funny...
Back from Vacation!
Hiya guys! I'm back from vacation at the coast and I'm still alive thanks! :D It was relaxing all right; pretty hikes too. ^^ So you guys know, I went to the coast of Washington state. Olympic National Park actually. Don't know it? Google it. But GOOD GOD, the trees there are huge! Trunks that are like 10-15 feet in width! Oo
Anyway, the most interesting thing to happen on our trip was actually kinda bad. See, we brought our boat to launch into one of the lakes and we lost the boat key. So it would be useless then, see? So we went looking at all the places that it could have been. On the way back when we thought it was all lost, I saw the little float on the white line of the road. I picked it up, but there was no key. Turns out it was on the yellow line of the road a few feet away. Really luck of us to find it like that. Well, more like me and my eagle eyes. ^^ Lucky because if a car ran over the float or the key, it would be crushed and unusable. My good luck strikes again. ^.^
Anyway, I'm back and visiting sites again, so visit me and I'll do the same. See you guys soon, Sayonara.
P.S. Have anyone of you have had a bishie on your mind every day and night for a few nights and stuff? Albel has invaded my mind and he won't leave! >< Was thinking about him all vacation... Comments (5) |
Sunday, August 13, 2006
See Ya.
Hiya guys. Since I'm going on like a week vacation I'm not going to be here commenting you guys. So this will be the last post for a while. ;_; Sorry... Buuut I have some good news, I guess. My fanfiction account finally lets me submit storys, so I might be uploading some stuff in the near future. Also, I got over my writers block on my KH2 story so yay! :D Here's a little preview:
"Dammit! I can't get the ship to slow down!"
Demyx sank to his knees and wailed,"That's it! This is the end! It's game over man, game over!"
Larxene roughly pulled him to his feet,"It isn't over 'till the fat lady sing, you hear me?"
Axel stared at her. "...What? What are you staring at!?"
"Well sing already."
Larxene then proceded to kick him in his... umm... his 'special' place... yeah... *cough* On with the story!
Well? Is it good? Bad? Should be thrown into the fiery pits of hell? Review and comment please! I tried to put humor in it, but it's comming soon! Maybe I should do a oneshot on Star Ocean... Eh, maybe not. ^^'
Well, I can't think about anything else to write about so... I guess this is goodbye till Friday. Well, Chow for now. Sayonara. Comments (2) |
Friday, August 11, 2006
Grr... Stupid theOtaku won't let me submit the peice of fanart I made. *fume fume* It was a good one too!
Albel:"Calm down fool."
Marluxia:"You do know it's of you, right?"
Oh well, I'll just post it on here to let you guys see it. At least you people will be able to see it... And be nice, I made it in Paint and it's the first time I tried shading. Enjoy. Comments (4) |
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
A new obsession. (God help us all)
This is probably going to be the last post this week due to something coming into my life that I can't pry myself away from.
It's this game:
(from top right: Cliff, Albel (BISHIE!!!), Nel, Fayt, and Ameena. All from a wonderful, beautiful, and hard RPG called Star Ocean Till the End of Time. God and now I'm addicted to a new bishie. *heart* I have to say, he kinda looks like Envy off FMA, with that dark green/yellow hair and his... *cough* suggestive outfit. Though he isn't nice by any means. Calls everyone 'fools' or 'maggots' or something like that. Also nicknamed Albel the Wicked for his lack of mercy on any person. Weilds a katana too. But the best thing...
His evil laughter is the best I've ever heard. XD MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Marluxia:"She's doing it again..."
And now to present, Albel Nox!
Albel:"What the hell am I doing here? Who are these fools?"
You're on myOtaku site! My name's Bishieluver01, and these are my bishies. The one with the sythe is Marluxia. The black clad one with silver hair is Sephiroth. The one with the black cloud cloak is Itachi. The spiky redhead is Axel. And the shrimp with the goard is Gaara.
Gaara:*scowls at Bishie*
Sesshomaru isn't here right now, so I can't introduce him to you. Buuut, that's all of us. So, whatcha wanna do?
Albel:"Kill you."
*sweatdrop* ...Eh he he... How about you go kill someone other than me... Like those fangirls over there. *points*
Random Fangirl 19327:"I love you Albel!"
Random Fangirl 8194:"Have my babies!"
Albel:*sweatdrop* "...Something challenging..."
Umm... Here's DMC 3 and Halo 2, have fun.
*walks off*
Phew... Cheating death talking with him. Heheh. ^^' Anyways, have a good week guys, Sayonara. Comments (5) |
Monday, August 7, 2006
Hiya guys! *pets Chloe* Kittens were real funny today. K, I was on the computer with Axel and Chloe between the keyboard and moniter. I was surfing and they were looking at the mouse. Actually, more like staring. I moved it around a bit and Axel tried to pounce on it! XD I did it again and then Chloe started to do it too! They're so kawaii!!! ^.^
Anywho, I did an Otaku Attraction for you guys. It's a Naruto one done to 'Far Away' by Nickelback. I'm kinda worried that they won't be able to post it because it was disabled by request. But it's still really good and kinda heartbreaking too. It was kinda a tribute to a girl named ihateprepsandkikyo on youtube who commited suicide not too long ago. Sad really. Here's the URL for it.
Sad fanfic/funny skit
*walks in crying* *sniff sniff*
Marluxia:"What's with you?"
*sniff* I was *sniff* reading a really *sniff* good Naruto fanfic... *crys some more* ONE OF MY FAVORETE CHARACTERS DIED!!! *crys*
Marluxia:"Umm... A little help would be nice."
Sephiroth:"Who bit the bullet?"
I can't say... *sniffle* It would *sniff* spoil the story...
Axel:"C'mon, just tell us!"
NO! It would spoil a really great fanfic!
*Itachi walks in*
Itachi:"What's making all this pointless noise?"
*stares* WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! *hugs Itachi* WHY!?!?!?
Itachi:*sweatdrop* "...Did I miss something...?"
Don't EVER do that again Ita-kun!! (my nickname for him) I can't handle HIM- *points at Axel* as it is!! *sob sob*
Axel:"What did I do?"
Sephiroth:"Is anyone else utterly confused by this?"
Marluxia:"I am."
Itachi:"Get. Off. Of. Me. I have to go on a mission."
*stares with tearing puppy-dog eyes* Please don't go Ita-kun... *sniffle*
Itachi:*sweatdrop* "I said get off!"
I'll sick Michel Jackson on you.
No, the real one.
Itachi:*shivers slightly*
Sasuke:*yells from backround* "Who's the weak one now!?"
Itachi:"Foolish little brother... Can't you just shut up for once."
Axel:"This is getting confusing, I'm outta here."
Marluxia:"Superior probably wants us to go collect hearts."
*both leave*
Itachi:"Don't leave me here with this crazed fangirl!!"
Sephiroth:"See ya."
*Seph leaves*
Sasuke:"I hope she frenches you!"
*sniffle* Ok, I'm done. Sayonara Ita-kun! *leaves*
Itachi:*blinks* "How do I get out of this room...?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~:b~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comments (4) |
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Funny Naruto parody thing I found on youtube.
First Orochimaru part had my eyes popping out of my head! O.o But everything else is awesome!
I'm in love with this video. Makes me shiver when i watch it! Too bad it's only 1:43 minutes long... I think the song's name is "Prelude 1221" by AFI.