Birthday 1990-12-03 Gender
Female Location At a hotel eating L's cake. Member Since 2005-01-16 Occupation An obsessive fangirl Real Name Bishie or Bishieluver is fine thanks.
Achievements I'm alive am I not? Anime Fan Since I watched Toonami on Cartoon Network in 1998. Favorite Anime Inuyasha, Naruto and Rurouni Kenshin. Goals To own all of the Rurouni Kenshin manga and get 100 reviews on my fanfiction. Hobbies Drawing, reading, watching anime, playing video games, looking at fanart, ect. Talents Drawing and making people smile. Oh yeah, and make people look at me strangley! ^^' Bishieluver01
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Being sick sucks...
Marluxia, Sesshoamru, Sephiroth:"Gezunteight."
ff* Ugh... I hate being sick. And during summer break too... T_T Lucky you guys, you don't get sick...
Axel:"Yeah, I couldn't imagine Sesshomaru with a cold."
Does anyone have a cough drop?
*sniff* This. SUCKS! Why do I have to always be sick sometime during Spring or Summer break!? NEVER during school or winter but during the fricken summertime! Damn it!
Marluxia:"Get over it, you'll get over it in a few days. Besides, you have video games to play and TV to watch."
...Oh yeah... ^^' Back to fanfiction! *runs off* Comments (3) |
Saturday, June 17, 2006
*cries* Neji...
*sniff* Just watched episode 117 with the fight between Neji and that spider sound ninja... I was, no still am, crying during the last 5 minutes. *wips tears away* I'm going to sleep now, Sayonara and good night. *walks away crying*
P.S. I'm gonna do an Itachi cosplay and there's nothing you can do about it. Comments (4) |
Thanks for the support guys. I really appreciate it. :)
How are you guys? I'm peechy thanks. Schools out in 3 days and I'm done with a few of my projects. I'llpost some pictures on Friday. Funny ones. Ones I absolutely adore. I'll also post a few of my goodpictures I want to submit but can't. Oh well.
I heard some of you had problems with the music and watching videos interfearing with each other. Just click on the video and it'll go into a new window. then exit outta the other window you had on (or click back) Hope that helps, or if you already knew that, then I'll stop annoying you now.
I'll post the first 2 Naruto flashes later this weekend. the 3rd is the best but the beginning of the first on is awesome!
Have a nice day guys, Sayonara!
Random Question of the day: If you could have any character from Naruto be a kitten for a day, who would it be?
Answer: Gaara. Not only cute, but badgers arn't as cute as kittens. Comments (2) |
Saturday, June 10, 2006
In a bit of a bad mood.
I'm a bit sad since even though I should be happy that summer's coming, I'm not. I'm an odd student huh? Ah well.
In other news today, my bro's B-day was yesterday. Forgot to tell you guys... Also made a sad fanart having to do with Spirited away. Not sure about submiting it though, it's kinda more of a scetch done during class to pass the time.
Having a good day? Bad one? This one will cheer you up a bit. (If your a Naruto fan)
Sorry again!
Sorry I havn't been on, and I mmight not be on for another week.
Mainly because the last 2 weeks of school are EXTREAMLY CHAOTIC! Book reports here, make-up work there, I'm breaking under this pressure! T_T This is also helped by the fact that no one is visiting my site! *cries* The only thing that's keeping me alive here is the oh so lovely fanfiction. Thank god! Hope to hear from you guys soon. PLEASE! I'm sorry I havn't been going to your sites, but I need to do homework. I might get better off on summer break. Sayonara. Comments (3) |
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Names for Kittens (part 2) and an Ed complex.
No more need for names. Me and my brother figured them out. Here they are:
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
Axel (Kingdom Hearts II)
Sheena (Tales of Symphonia)
Naruto (Naruto)
Jay (Tales of Legendia)
Chloe (Tales of Legendia)
Like? Don't like? Get over it. Anyway, I was serching around wikipedia and I came across a bio about Itachi Uchiha. I looked some stuff up and did some math and it turns out that he's only about 5 9". That's kinda short for a 17 year old. Heck, my brother is younger than he is and he's about as tall as he is (he's short for a 16 year old). *whispers* I think he has an Edward Elric complex...
Sasuke:"...oh s***..."
Lol. ^^ Comments (3) |
Sunday, May 28, 2006
New favorete pairing: GaaraXSakura!
Yep, I like flower and mr. sandman "Don't call me that!!!" as a couple. I like them together, seeing as if it gives Ino-pig a person to annoy the hell out of. I seem to like those non-cannon couples like SephXYuffie and SessXKag. ^^ It's cute her calling him Gaara-kun too. Wheather you like it or not.
Watched Naruto episodes 73-80 yesterday night. I skipped everything that didn't have Gaara in it. (for the fights) I was bawling during episode 80. It was so sad!!! I feel really bad for Gaara. He was just like Naruto, but he didn't have any friends. T_T
Question of the week: Who is your favorete non-cannon (not in the anime) in Naruto? I think SasuSaku counts...
Names for Kittens
I just recently found where my cat Pumpkin had her kittens and I must say, they are adorible. 2 of them are blond, 2 more are black tiger-striped, 1 is grey with stripes on it's underbelly, and the last one is a dark grey with a white face and a tan spot on it's eye.
I need a few more names for them. My brother is naming his Godzilla after his cat that ran away a few years ago. He was nice too. I'm naming one of them Axel. I'm thinking about Itachi and Marluxia (Marl for short) but I need some more suggestions. Any hints? I'd appreciate it a lot.
In other news, I'm really into Naruto right now, mainly Gaara. In one fanfic, he's sorta nice... and not. I didn't know he had a demon like Naruto though. I have sort of a fetish for Marluxia now. So what if his hair is a little pink and his power is sakura petals? I like sakura dammit!
A lotta P.S.'s
Sorry for being off for a while and not visiting your sites for a while (except yesterday) but I'm being crushed with a lot of homework and make-up work. Serves me right for being lazy and not doing it... *sigh* Anyway, I don't CARE if you guys think that it's my own fanfic and I should make up ideas on my own, I NEED HELP! >< Damn it... Oh well, hope I can get to your guy's sites soon. Sayonara.
P.S. Is anyone else's guestbook entry's going down as in disappearing? This is getting outta hand...
P.P.S. Really, I need ideas for my Axel and Marl-sama fanfic.
P.P.P.S. Need some ideas for fanart too.
P.P.P.P.S. Anyone know when Itachi shows up in Naruto?
P.P.P.P.P.S. ...PICKLES!!!
P.P.P.P.P.P.S Forget that last P.S. Comments (5) |