Birthday • 1990-12-03 Gender •
Female Location • At a hotel eating L's cake. Member Since • 2005-01-16 Occupation • An obsessive fangirl Real Name • Bishie or Bishieluver is fine thanks.
Achievements • I'm alive am I not? Anime Fan Since • I watched Toonami on Cartoon Network in 1998. Favorite Anime • Inuyasha, Naruto and Rurouni Kenshin. Goals • To own all of the Rurouni Kenshin manga and get 100 reviews on my fanfiction. Hobbies • Drawing, reading, watching anime, playing video games, looking at fanart, ect. Talents • Drawing and making people smile. Oh yeah, and make people look at me strangley! ^^' Bishieluver01
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I noticed a bumch of people commented about the whole Sephiroth being nice thing. That was because if he DIDN'T help me out I would have dyed his hair pink, cut it into a mohawk and made him wear a schoolgirl outfit for a year. I'm cruel I know... Comments (2) |
Monday, May 15, 2006
I'm back from the dead! Thanks to Sephiroth and Sesshomaru- *points* -I'm back to greet you all with a glomp and a smile! ...I had some lemonade, so I'm really happy! ^^ I'm in a fangirl mood, with ideas for a Marl-san and Axel-kun as my main ideas.
I have an idea that Axel, instead of fading into darkness, he's alive a year later on Destany Islands as a ghost. There, he tells the 3 that he can become human again if he renember's his name. Problem, everyone forgot about him, mainly because he was swallowed by darkness when the heartless took over Hollow Bastion (Radient Garden). But it seems that one person seems to renember him. One with a black headband...
How's that? I'm still collecting ideas for my fanfic. If you have any ideas, gimmie a PM. I'd really appreciate it!
Have a nice day, Sayonara. Comments (4) |
Friday, May 12, 2006
Happy Early Mother's Day!
I'm saying it now since I won't be here on Sunday. How are you all! According to my last post, most of you like Kenshin the best. With an Axel or Reno in between. This weekend I have an alternete version of Freakles from Rurouni Kenshin. Hope you enjoy and give your mom's a flower today. Like right after you comment on my post. ...That includes you too guys.
*Sesshomaru gives mom's tombstone a flower*
*Sephiroth gives Mom and Jenova flowers*
*Axel brings flowers to ladys*
*Marluxia gives ladys sakura blossems*
*rest of guys bring chocolates and flowers*
*Sora looks around* *eats flowers* *Kairi KO's him*
Hiya guys!
Finally, I beat Sephiroth in KH2! Man, he's one tough bishie to beat... But Fenrir is awesome! I like Bond of Flame better. ^^ Anyway, not much is going on in school. I gotta be quick before Mrs. M. sees me on another site.
Random Question of the Week: Who is your favorete red-head of anime and video games?
Answer: My favorete is Axel off of Kingdom Hearts 2.
Sayonara! :) Comments (5) |
Monday, May 8, 2006
S**t S**t S**t! Sorry for the cussing, but I'm in a panic! I accidently broke my brother's headphones and he's GONNA KILL ME! My parents too if I'm unfortunete. I need $20 fast! I only have $12. I might get my privliges get taken away, but I can contact you for a time at school. Kami help me. Sayonara. Comments (2) |
Sunday, May 7, 2006
Another AMV
This time it's Trapt's Headstrong with the Turks of Advent Children.
Thoughts thinking this:*drool* Kadaj has a nice booty...' --' *dies*
Hiya guys. I'm gonna be really busy because my mom's gone till Friday and my dad is going to make over our padio so I won't be on till Friday. Sayonara.
P.S. Any ideas for my fanfic would be nice. Comments (4) |
Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Well, I counted the poll results and got this.
Man, you guys must really not like Sessh... but, what do you expect when you make buddies with Final Fantasy VII fans. Oh well, I'll get writing. And one more thing. I'm having thoughts about a Marluxia fanfic... What do you guys think?
And no Reno. I can't do one with Reno, I don't really know his character enough to do him. Nor do I like him as much as the 11th Organization member.
I'm gonna post a few pics soon. I hope I can shrink them so they'll look somewhat decent and can still be submitted. Comments (3) |
Monday, May 1, 2006
Sorry for not viseting your guy's sites for a week. DON'T HIT ME! *cowers* Really, I am. KH2 is a good game, and it and that red-headed bishounen Axel stole all my time from you guys. I have a lot of responsibilitys... ><
Anyway, y'know my cat Pumpkin? Her name was originaly Orion. Anyway, she's gonna have kittins sometime in the next 2 weeks, so yeah. I'M GONNA HAVE KITTINS!!! Booya! If one's silver, I'll name him Seph. If red, Axel. If blond, Cloud. If black, JJ. Any suggestions?
Well, Sayonara.
P.S. Oh yeah! Look at my bishie list for a lot of changes. Comments (5) |
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Sorry I havn't been to your sites, but it's a really, REALLY good reason. I'll give you a hint. It has 3 words, The first is Kingdom, the second is Hearts, and the last is 2. That spell it out for ya. Yeah like I thought. I'll be playing my game now, Sayonara.
*runs and screams* AXEL!!!!! RIKU!!!!! SEPHIROTH-SAMA!!!
P.S. Walter's at 5, And Axel took Kratos' place at 3. Comments (0) |