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myOtaku.com: Bishieluver01

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Spring Cleaning and the evil Furby
*falls over in exaustion* Oh my god, that was a lot of work... My family did spring cleaning a little early this year, as in yesterday. Cleaning out our rooms and stuff like that, yatta yatta... Anyway, my parents helped m brother on his MESSY room and then they did theirs. I did mine myself. You see, I'm usually the one with the cleanest room in the house. I discovered why... When guests come over, I usually open my closet and throw a bunch of stuff in it. With my research paper and school, I havn't cleaned it in a while. So when I opened the door, an abyss of clothes, pictures, books and sleeping bags (don't ask) awaited beyond the door to light. Tch, more like the door to the closet that never was; more like a collect-all. ^^' Great, now I'm using Kingdom Hearts II terminology.

Anyway, I discovered this gem of a KH2 video on youtube and it's flippin' awesome! Features Axel, and an evil demonic Saix Furby! XD Great video, though it does feature cursing. ^^ My favorete line is 3:06-3:15:
Saix:"I'm going to give you... gohnarea!"
Axel:"Now it's threatening me with transmitted deseases!"
XDDD Hope you all like the video, now I have to do more work in the morning, (it's 10:40 here). Sayonara!

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