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At a hotel eating L's cake.
Member Since
An obsessive fangirl
Real Name
Bishie or Bishieluver is fine thanks.
I'm alive am I not?
Anime Fan Since
I watched Toonami on Cartoon Network in 1998.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Naruto and Rurouni Kenshin.
To own all of the Rurouni Kenshin manga and get 100 reviews on my fanfiction.
Drawing, reading, watching anime, playing video games, looking at fanart, ect.
Drawing and making people smile. Oh yeah, and make people look at me strangley! ^^'
| Bishieluver01
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Hiya guys... I'm so utterly sorry I havn't been around, or even to tell you about Sakura Con! Things have come up and now I almost have no free time at home anymore. Please forgive my absence for the long period of time I was gone. I'm still here, so please don't abandon me!
Anyway, the reason I was gone was because my parents are remodling the roof. Not just for apperances, but because steam from an air vent in our bathroom caused part of our roof to start rotting out. So if we don't replace it, the roof'll collapse soemtime in the next few months or so. SO now we're working a lot on tearing out the new roof (about 40-50 sq. feet). It'sd a lot of work, and besides that, we have a really tall 3 story house. I'm afraid of being up high...
Oh yeah. At Sakura Con, it was the best thing ever, I swear! There were so many people! I saw all my bishies there! I still have to turn in the pictures from the disposable camera I had , so i can't give them to you just yet... But I'll tell you what i got. I managed to get:
~Large Itachi plushie
~Smaller Shipuuden Gaara plushie
~Yazoo keychain
~Itachi keychain (with small kunai)
~Colored Itachi pin with silver lines
^^ The concert with M.O.V.E. and Lin Clover was awesome! ^^ We were on the 4th floor of the building in the back and a bunch of people were jumping in the front. It created WAVES! All the time during the 6-8 songs we were there I kept thinking that thwe floor would collapse! XD
Anyway, I had a great time there. I wouldn't trade that experience for the entire Death Note series! Just bring a lot of money... ^^
I'm truely sorry that I didn't visit more, and I hope you come around and comment/post. Hope you all have a great and safe weekend. Sayonara!
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