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San Antonio
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You'd make fun of me...^^;;
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7 years old ^_^
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, Full Moon Wo Sagashite, KamiKaze Kaitou Jeanne, D.N.Angel, and much more
4th Grade teacher or Art Teacher...or Grpahic Designer
Drawing, acting, singing, reading, playing sports, etc.
Act, draw, sing....
| Bishojo Tenshi
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
The Penguins slowly take my sanity one by one...
Time: 2010 (8:10 PM)
Mood: slowly getting by
song: Im too lazy to get my CD player...which is on the 3RD STORY!! DX
Day II at this place I call... "grandmother's house"
Slowly getting by with my sanity still in tak. :)
Woke up around 8 from my dad asking me if I wanted to go with him to see my granny. I said sure, its better than going shopping with my mother and "mimi" (aka: grandma..She'd kill me/ b**** at my if I called her makes her sound old)
Anywho! I took a shower and ran down...4 flights of stairs to make it to the kitchen and delcare my presence known. My dad and I left and we talked ALOT about life and other things in general.
Its scary how alike we are.... >_> too alike...DUN DUN DUN!
Visted for awhile and my bonding insued with teh kitty and CUTE wittle 3 month puppy. <3 heee I also tried a Kalu'a or however you spell it...its not all good.. :/ taste kindy icky for me. bleh.
Left then went back here where I searched for my art realize I left it at the Dugas (try and pronouce it! It you say it correctly to my face I promise a cookie. :3)
Anyways, I get all annoyed that I left it and began to brood then my "mimi" called me downstairs..which made me run down 4 flights of stairs and to see why she called me. She dragged me to her friends house b/c she was worried for her or something, since her friend has no arms or legs. >> << Yeah, well we got there and NO ONE was awnsering the door or the phone so we're trying to figure out the code then we get it and rush inside, to find her friend VERY drunk. Boy was she cussing up a storm..O_O;; Anyways, we, well I helped her to the bed and got her all compfy, and she seemed very out of it. Her boyfriend comes over later after we called him and takes care of her. HER HOUSE IS BEAUTIFUL!! oh my gosh!! I <3'd her house! I would LOVE having a house that awesome. <3 pweeee..
Got back and Uncle Wil and Aunt Toby came over! They're totally awesomes.
It was funny how Mimi and Aunt Toby kept arguing and arguing and..ARGUING XD Uncle Wil, Papa, my dad, and I were placing bets on whom will win and counting up "diss points" Indeed a intriguing time. My lil bro has been at the Dugas' house this whole time so its been kinda lonely without him....*sigh*...Ok happy time again X3
Getting back Friday night...cant wait... Im so bored. and I miss everyone.
Hope everyone has a good Giving Thanks. :)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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