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Friday, April 6, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
I went to see Blades of Glory with Brittany today ^_^ I thought it was fun. SHe said she was gonna go hug the light pole thingy... hahahaand i was waving to people driving by when we were waiting for her mommy to pick us up it was a funny yet retarded movie and just yea...
my mothers being a whore bag so im in a pissy mood now and the fact i have no life and no one to tlk to . FUUUUUUUCKKKERRRRSSSSSSSSSSSS
look sideways

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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Snowwwwwwwww Dayyyy..... and I didn't go to school yesterday because I didn't finish my project cause I forgot about it and I had no clue what I was doing so my mom took me to her work and had me work on it

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Monday, April 2, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
I'm such a fucking retard.
I said things I said I'd try not to say. I told him I couldn't promise though.
[16:19] Sorry...: see why i dont like to promise things.... cuz im a stupid fucked up bitch and people say stuff and i have to say something back and i do and i regret it and i kno i cant trust anyone now especially ariel.. i give in too easy when people wont shut the fuck up about something sometimes and i do things and i regret it and she promised not to tell u but she did anyways and just... ahhhh she felt bad and like begged me to tell her stuff and i ended up doing it so she would leave me alone about it and i just gave in like the stupid idiot i am ... dont give me the bullshit and say im not cuz i kno i am and if u even consider me as ur friend im a horrible one and i should go die
mmmmmmmmmmmm thats pretty much covering it.. so yea ill go now

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Sunday, April 1, 2007
I am understood - relient k
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Sometimes it's embarrassing to talk to You
to hold a conversation with the only one who sees right through
this version of myself I try to hide behind
I'll bury my face because my disgrace will leave me terrified
and sometimes I'm so thankful for Your loyalty
Your love regardless of the mistakes I make will spoil me
my confidence is in a sense, a gift You've given me
and i'm satisfied to realize You're all I'll ever need
You looked into my life and never stopped
and You're thinking all my thoughts
are so simple but so beautiful
and You recite my words right back to me
before I even speak
You let me know, i am understood
and sometimes I spend my time just trying to escape
I work so hard, so desperately, in an attempt to create space
cause I want distance from the utmost important thing I know
I see Your love, then turn my back, and beg for You to go
You looked into my life and never stopped
and You're thinking all my thoughts
are so simple but so beautiful
and You recite my words right back to me
before i even speak
You let me know, I am understood
You're the only one who understands
You're the Only One who knows me yet still loves completely
and sometimes the place I'm at is at a loss for words
if I think of something worthy, I know that it's already Yours
and through the times I've faded and You've outlined me again
You've just patiently waited to bring me back and then
You looked into my life and never stopped
and You're thinking all my thoughts
are so simple but so beautiful
and You recite my words right back to me
before i even speak
You let me know, I am understood
the noise has broken my defence
let me embrace salvation
Your voice has broken my defence
let me embrace salvation
Your voice has broken my defence
let me embrace salvation
Your voice has broken my defence
let me embrace salvation
Your voice has broken my defence
let me embrace salvation
Your voice has broken my defence
let me embrace salvation
Your voice has broken my defence
let me embrace salvation
let me embrace, let me embrace salvation

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Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
If you really want to say you're someone's best friend then, why would you bascially get mad at them for just being who they are? Be all bitchy with them about the littlest things? Be mean and pursuade them into hurting themself even though you tell them not to anyways, but the things they try to deal with get just so damn built-up and they just... go over the edge and hurt themself not caring what others think about it because it's what they're doing to themself, not anyone else. So why the hell would they think twice that people would give a shit about it because it's not their business anyways? I began to realize that what I tell other people, about friends caring about you and not what you have or look like, and only liking you for you. I wasn't even taking that into my own consideration. Now I realize that if someone's really your like... good friend, they won't care except for you and not the things you do or like unless it's harmful to you and they're just trying to look out for you I guess... I don't know. Sorry. >_<

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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
March 31st, 2007. Maple and Candy's 1st birthday.
La la La la la Laaaa. I'm fucked up in the head like wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicked fucked up. Blah.

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Friday, March 30, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Gasping for air I wondered if this is what I really wanted.
Then I thought, and I knew I was doing the world good for once.
By going away, ... forever.
Blood maybe & Sleep.
Sweet dreams people.
Silly goose head.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.

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Monday, March 26, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
ms brooks came in and told my study teacher she wanted to tlk to me and i got to go see Brittany ^_^ i was happy so thats prolly why i couldnt stop laughing and such..... then i had to leave... but.... YAY BRITTANY!!!! ahahaha shes a good artist anddraws pretty things and and and the uhh piggys i think if i remember a piggyyyy..... haha the nipples were weird and i laughed and pointed at them to her... hhaha but anyways i gotta go now YAYYY

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Sunday, March 25, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.

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