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Monday, March 19, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
James has too much Estrogen.
Just Timberlake:I'm bringing sexy back.
James:Oh yes you are baby! You're bringing it back all right I want me a piece of that! *drools*
haha lmao >_<
Have fun at school! lol. Bye bye!
LMAOOOO thats so hilarious
i think i might be sorta mean cuz like i just sent him a msg and such and and uh here the conversation with him n me!!
Caitigrl6492 (04:14:27 pm):
James has too much Estrogen.
Just Timberlake:I'm bringing sexy back.
James:Oh yes you are baby! You're bringing it back all right I want me a piece of that! *drools*
haha lmao >_<
Have fun at school! lol. Bye bye!
Caitigrl6492 (04:14:49 pm): i admit its funny but sorta mean. sorry haha ill shut up
kioblaster (04:15:23 pm): wtffff
kioblaster (04:15:25 pm): i shaved
Caitigrl6492 (04:16:11 pm): cool i saw cuz the comments on my myspace and noticed the pictures
Caitigrl6492 (04:19:46 pm): i take it were not that much of like good friends anymore if that really ever was true...cuz we like we never tlk anymore .................. oh well things change
Caitigrl6492 (04:23:26 pm): point proven
he doesnt even give a crap i deleted him off my myspace.... that further proves it! muahhaha oh well i dont really care anymore hes the one that was an asshole to begin with about such pointless things and blames me for it and if i lived near him id fucking kick his ass damnit cuz he pissed me off ^_^
ooooooooooooo me and brittanysss conversation!!
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Caitigrl6492 (04:15:03 pm): oh so hes gay?
brittyb13 (04:15:14 pm): yess
brittyb13 (04:15:41 pm): haha that doesn't offended you does it? _
Caitigrl6492 (04:15:56 pm): lmao not one bit i thought it was hilarious
brittyb13 (04:16:01 pm): lol
Caitigrl6492 (04:17:03 pm): yeaaaa i had to not laugh like. er well out loud cuz im at my moms work and her n stephane are on the phones
brittyb13 (04:17:19 pm): oooh lol
brittyb13 (04:18:33 pm): Justin Timberlake:I'm bringing sexy back and they all don't know how to act.
brittyb13 (04:18:44 pm): James:watching the video and jacking off to it
Caitigrl6492 (04:18:47 pm): how do you know the lyrics O_O
Caitigrl6492 (04:18:52 pm): well... i do too
brittyb13 (04:18:52 pm): haha I've heard it
brittyb13 (04:18:54 pm): lol
Caitigrl6492 (04:19:06 pm): me too... my mom blares it in the car when its on
brittyb13 (04:19:10 pm): lol
brittyb13 (04:19:16 pm): James:watching the video and jacking off to it haha did you see that part?
Caitigrl6492 (04:19:30 pm): wait huhh
brittyb13 (04:19:47 pm): haha James is watching the video for that song and jacking off to it
Caitigrl6492 (04:19:51 pm): ohhhh
brittyb13 (04:19:54 pm): lol
Caitigrl6492 (04:20:35 pm): well if he does to a dragon then i guess i could picture that...
brittyb13 (04:20:41 pm): haha
Caitigrl6492 (04:21:54 pm): my moms a meanie butt..... cuz i couldnt see the tickets that were right in front of me... haha i turned around and looked andi was like what tickets then she stomped over and grabbed them and was like these tickets
brittyb13 (04:22:16 pm): lol
Caitigrl6492 (04:26:27 pm): sharpies smell weird
brittyb13 (04:26:33 pm): chyeah they do
Caitigrl6492 (04:27:05 pm): i was just scratching my neck with the like hook type thingy on the cap... ahaha...
brittyb13 (04:27:11 pm): lol
my mommys a meanie ass butthead too ^_^ k well yea ill shut up now bye byezx
my ass is all wet because i sat in snow.
im at my moo-thers workidy worky work and im annoying her cuz cuzi cant help my coughing and such and its annoying because theyre real like loud and brochial sorta coughs i guess... so random i barely coughed in the car this morning and all the sudden my moms like " i wonder if you hav asthma and thats why you cough like that?" i was like wtf....
k yes bye bbyexz

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Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
time to cough my guts out. and try to sleep. good night... then school.. oh so joyous.. in the morning
james is a big big big big big big big big big big big butthead. he starts tlking then he doesnt tlk anymore and that pisses me off cuz im so used to talking to him all the time but its not my fault hes an ass an objects about everything invovling meunless its the rare thing he approved of. stupid fuckign assinying (spelling?) uh yea k ill go now...

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Sunday, March 18, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
woo hoo i figured out how to put a background on finally... ekdrlnmgeksdjng

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Saturday, March 17, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.

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Friday, March 16, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
My head hurts sooooooooooooo bad.. and I can't sleep >_< Also I keep coughing. I want it to snow enough tonight so we don't have school tomorrow damnit!? >(".pw345#%^W$%#%& Ahhhhhh It hurts so much... kdrngij >_< K well time for
Tylenol + Cough Drop + Maple + Snuggle With Maple + Trying To Sleep + School Later + Head HURTS!!! = Some Majorly Serious Shittyness Of Near Future. I guess?

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Thursday, March 15, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
ahhhhhhh fuckkkk myyyy headddd

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Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
for costume day today my costume was staying in bed sleeping till like ten minutes ago.... cuz cuz cuz after being like an hour late for school and starting crying because coughing hurt soooooo much(haha im pathetic).. and still moms like fine you can stay home n such cuz im sick and my throat wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicked hurts and my head and my nose is all stuffy and i keep coughing and i cant breathe normally and then that makes me cough then lack of air from coughing makes my head hurt more....
Also anyone wanna buy Brittany and I cologuard flagsss?!?!
ugggh my head >_<.. and throat... andd stomach... and fuck it.. my whole body hurts

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
My mom and Brittany's mom are now named "Porn Star Wannabe Meanie Ass Old Ladies." The End.

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And to think I thought I had maybe loved you...........not that you care anyways.
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Today... I have to wear black to school.
That won't be very much different from usual though because i wear black like everyday... not always like entirly though but half the time yea.
The only person I actually talk being a big huge-mongus asshole. To simply put it. He complains about everything about me and finally he just stopped talking to me and if I say something to him he won't answer. The fact he's idle half the time doesn't help but still. He's a big butthead -_-.
All my scars on my arm show a lot lately... Like darker and more visible...sometimes but moreso than before. semkrdngfjdth Sorry.... I'm just a stupid fucked up piece of shit ^_^
Woops... that's one of the things he got pissed at me for. "You say stupid shit all the time." or something like that. -_- And he doesn't like that I put skulls as my smiley things on AIM. -_- Who cares if I like skulls?... Geez. Oh and he's like 'I don't like your AIM sound when you send me IMs so you made me have to turn off my noises. Now I don't hear the sounds when people IM me. Ugh.... fucking jerk. I'm beginning to regret saying he was one of my best friends now. He finds anything and everything about me to complain about. Then sometimes he would pry into things that he didn't need to know about and then get all pissed off at me for it but it's his own fault for prying. Then he says I start things but it starts with him.... him prying and getting pissed. That's so fucking his fault because he just had to pry in the first place and that just made him pissed and by me telling him he thinks I'm stupid for it. He said I was in one of my "sad moods" as he calls it and said I made him cry and scratch off skin in one place till it bled. -_- He tells me that now like four or five months later cause that was like last week he told me and it happened like last October... I remember cause first I did anything or whatever like that stuff was October 18th last year... I remember because I looked back on post for here once and saw... It's been stuck in my mind since then. If I made him do that. Then I'm still not as bad as he is. He's made me do more then just scratch at skin till it was gone. Way more.... FUCK Sorry >_< I'm stupid see.... oh and he gets pissed at me for saying I'm stupid or annoying or whatever too but he says I am to me so why can't I say it about myself.
He gets pissed if I say ok a couple times in a row also.... Like he'll be talking to me about stupid video games and I honestly could care less but I pay attention to what he's saying and I don't have anything else but "Ok." to say usually and he gets all pissed and says I don't pay attention to him and such and calls me a liar for whatever reason and just yea.
I guess I just wish things were like they used to be... Things wouldn't change as much as they have. I want things to be like when things were going good again... No fighting or hitting or not talking or whatever happens.
This just reminds me of Anna talking about little children getting molested and how it ruins their lives. She had to say that when her and Brittany slept over for my birthday in the camper. I remember wanting to fucking scream in her face to shut the fuck up and be like yes it does ruin kids lives why do you think I'm so fucking damn screwed up. lsdgnjg >_< But instead i curled up in a blanket and hugged my pillow and stared at nothing but like stared and remembered about when I was little and I was rocking back n forth on the seat and being like "Yup... it does ruin their lives... it ruins their lives forever..." and mumbling after to myself ..."I should know"..... and I think they knew I mumbled something but I didn't repeat it cause I didn't want to. I know I had told Brittany about that before though....... when we were online or on the phone... I think online.... But I don't know. It was so long ago cause I can't remember...... I don't even talk to her even anymore but not that anyone else cares. I'm alone in this world and I'm just here to wait to die.

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Monday, March 12, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Good job to people who changed they're clocks ahead. I'm bored. Today at school it was "Comfy Day." Tomorrow is "Sports Day" and we're allowed to wear hats so I think I'm going to wear my Patriots visor perhaps. Yea this week's "West Week" at school and you have to do things on certian days like Wednesday is "Class Color day" and freshman have to wear black, so that's what I'll wear.... like half the time I do anyways. Sophmore have to wear pink, Juniors green, Seniors red. I think.... I forget exactly what colors. I remember teachers have to wear orange and such.... Thursday is "Costume Day" and then Friday's "West day" so we wear West things I'm assuming? K g2g... bye.

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