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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Found something sharp... but not sharp enough.
BUnch of bright pink lines on my skin thats all.
Oh well... I'm going to Chuck E. Cheese's with my sister and oldest brother. Bye.

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Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
I need something sharp. Well I don't neeeeeeeed it but I want it. My mom took the other ones I had. They were all dull anyways and just.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. >_<

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Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
too fucking god damn bad i wont

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Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
That's my memere's obituary listing thingy.=\

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Monday, February 26, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
I might ot be going to San Diego anymore because the funeral's Friday. AGHHHHHHH
I'm in a bad mood now....
I hit the wall with the side of my arm really hard.
And I kicked this box/seat thingy and my foot hurts.
And I was throwing stuff.....
I'm kinda pissed clearly.
Bye byez.........

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Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Just found out it was this morning. At about 7 am my time.

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good and bad or today.. joyyyous...-_-
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
My memere died either yeterday night or this morning though.......

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Saturday, February 24, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Strawberry ice cream is verrry good, yet evil. My dog Maple won't stop growling and just attacked my big dog Jules because she, Jules, wanted her bone back. Oh well, Candy's the only good behaved one at the moment. Actually, as usual she is. Oh well. My dogs are retards but I love them so much.
Last night, my mom, dad, sister, and I went to Merrimack and went to Cinemagic and saw "Because I Said So." It wasn't that bad a movie actually, though I like pretty much any movie anyways. Only movies I don't favor really are like my sister's little kid movies or movies like Star Wars and such. They bore me to death I've never been able to finish a movie like that because I fall asleep, start watching it in the middle of it, walk off and do something else, or just get bored and don't want to watch it anymore. Usually I get bored with it or fall asleep during it normally.
My sister isn't even 6 1/2 and she has an iPod. My mom got one for Christmas and she didn't use it and didn't want it so she gave it to Kristina. It's better then mine it's a newer silver on and it's a 4GB or something like that. I have the older nano and it's black and only a 1GB. Ugh stupid sister.
I called my mom earlier at work and asked her to just bring me to the laundry mat to do all my laundry and she said she would. But instead she left work before I was supposed to call her and went to her mom's house. Then I called there and she was there and she was like, "Oh yea, well I'm at Nanny's I can't now. How about tomorrow instead?" She always just goes to her moms and stays there forever and talks about stupid ass shit and isn't home. She's barely ever home and when she is she's yelling or complaining about something. Then I hate how she promises things and doesn't keep them and acts like there never was a promise. I fucking hate the living hell out of that so much.
I need some things for San Diego and she said she'd take me shopping this week during vacation. If she finally does then it'll be last minute the night before, like fucking always. I hate that sooooo much.
Then she invited her mom and step-dad on the San Diego trip and now her mother's going to lecture everyone all the time and I'm going to punch her in the face like I dreamt once. When I dreamt the I woke up after and fucking laughed so much.
Oh well, I think she's home now. I'll shut up and stop now. Sorry for bugging you guys. And that I complain way too damn much, I'm sorry.

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Thursday, February 22, 2007
...; my memeres dyingg.................
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Caitigrl6492 (8:38:39 PM): no its my great grandmotherOsoccerrockerO (8:38:51 PM): ohhhhOsoccerrockerO (8:38:56 PM): im still sorry thoughCaitigrl6492 (8:39:00 PM): yea its ok...Caitigrl6492 (8:39:30 PM): you know the like dementors or whatever in harry potter in the movie how they look when theyre like getting their souls or whatever sucked out?OsoccerrockerO (8:39:53 PM): yeah...OsoccerrockerO (8:39:55 PM): lolCaitigrl6492 (8:40:18 PM): thats what she reminded me of when my mom and i just saw her...OsoccerrockerO (8:40:29 PM): oh MY!OsoccerrockerO (8:40:35 PM): is she in the hospital?Caitigrl6492 (8:40:40 PM): nursing homeOsoccerrockerO (8:40:58 PM): ohhhOsoccerrockerO (8:41:00 PM): how old?Caitigrl6492 (8:41:31 PM): ummmm like 92 93?.... idk exactly she was born jan 11 either 1914 or 15 not sureOsoccerrockerO (8:42:21 PM): wowCaitigrl6492 (8:42:40 PM): yea..Caitigrl6492 (8:43:14 PM): my last great grandparent.... that i kno of... i dont kno about like any of my family from my moms real dads side so yea screw that and yeaaa...OsoccerrockerO (8:44:03 PM): awwwwww! im sorry! Caitigrl6492 (8:44:11 PM): yea...Caitigrl6492 (8:44:43 PM): they had like given her this gel stuff to help her sleep and they woke her up a little bit she could barely open her eyesCaitigrl6492 (8:45:01 PM): my mom only asked if she was awake but they woke her upCaitigrl6492 (8:45:22 PM): some old lady in a wheel chair let us in because visiting hours were over and yea..OsoccerrockerO (8:45:37 PM): aww! what does she have?Caitigrl6492 (8:46:20 PM): shes just old..... and she like had fell i think that how she got put in there... and shes been havng trouble remembering things sortaCaitigrl6492 (8:46:49 PM): but shes all pale and boney and her face just reminded me of the like sucking out thing...OsoccerrockerO (8:46:54 PM): oh my!OsoccerrockerO (8:47:00 PM): hat must suckOsoccerrockerO (8:47:04 PM): *thatCaitigrl6492 (8:47:17 PM): Caitigrl6492 (8:47:37 PM): hey.. put skin on a skull and thats what u got...Caitigrl6492 (8:47:46 PM): well not the big mouth prtOsoccerrockerO (8:48:28 PM): oh my!OsoccerrockerO (8:48:30 PM): hahaCaitigrl6492 (8:48:36 PM): i couldnt touch her it was scary...OsoccerrockerO (8:49:49 PM): oh my

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
last night i fell asleep at like 7 or 730... and i just woke up like 45 minutes exactly ago at exactly 4 am............ im so cold and i dont feel good and just yea...... im gonna go now cuz i dont have anything else to say so good night.. er well morning

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