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Thursday, June 28, 2007
I finally got my report card!! Sorry, I'm a weirdo.
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Okay so, I'm going to put all my second semester grades... actually I'll put all year. Yes, I am that much of a stupid idiot and feel like telling everyone my grades.
It'll go like this:
Class = quarter 1/3 - quarter 2/4 - exams - semester grade
First semester:
English I = B - C+ - B - B
Algebra I = C+ - B+ - A - B
Physical Science = D - F - D - F
French II = C - D - F - D
Band = A - A - F - B
Keyboarding = A - B - C - B+
NJROTC I = B+ - A - B - A
I failed science first semester so I have to go to summer school for it.
Second semester:
English I = B+ - B+ - C+ - B+
Civics = C+ - B - B+ - B
Algebra I = B - C+ - F - C+
Physical Science = C - D - C - C
French II = F - W - W - W
Health = A - B+ - C+ - B+
NJROTC I = B - B - B+ - B
I have W's for french because I dropped the class. Also, for algebra I only got an F on the exam because I kept falling asleep and I couldn't concentrate.
But yea, I only have to go to summer school for science. =]

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Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
so yesterday i was bored and i cleaned out a bagillion email accounts for my moms work.
then i was stressing out because i was so fucking god damn bored.
ten my brothers took my to my moms office and got us dinner.
then we hung out there till like 8 30
she was telling me that my grandmother tells my brother things about like how she wants to bitch me out bcz i ruined christmas supposedly.
ohhhh well.
then my mommmy took me to the mall and such and i got my ear lobes pierced a second time. so now i have five piercings.
ooohhh and she bought me coffee on the way home and i added a shitload of sugar to it. its yummy now
hmmmm brittany and i might see 1408 today at 2... hopefully im allowed to and such haha.
well i have nothign else to say so good night.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I hicupped.
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
MUAHHAHAHAH My site is cooler than yours because Brittany did it. ^_^ Thank you Brittanyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Mister Erection Booby Loving Mommy!!!
Queen of the dorkies! She said I'm the princess... hahaha.
Mmmmmmmmmmm, I have nothing else to say.
Good night!!!!!!
Sooooo,,,, itchyyyyyyy
energy drinks are good.
when brittany gets her license she should take me on a coffee run in the middle of the night. lalala.... or something

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
so new york wass boring. but it was okay...
we drove to this great escape lodge in ny and they had an indoor water park and such and i swam with the younger chicks alot in there and i scracthed my knee and such up cuz i kept hitting in ton the bottm and we kept going down the water slides n such then we went back to the room and had some pizza for dinner than went back then stayed up listeing to music n such and i slept on the floor like always n yea... then there was a buffet thing for breakfast and then packed up brought the stuff to the car checked out and then we to this amusement park thing it said it was six flags and idk.. but anywayssssmeghan and i sat in the first row for a steamin demon roller coaster and it was funnnnnn and then there was a log ride thing we did and then meghan and i sat in the first row of another roller coaster and it was called the boomerang and once i saw it i ran to meghan and told her we had to go on it and we lucked outbeing in front again and it bring u up backwards and ur almost looking parallel down with the ground and it shoots u down and theres two loops and some turns and then brings u up backwards and shoots u down thru it all again ^_^ then theres this scrambler thing that like plunges u forwards and back spinning soooo much ^_^ then this himmalayan thing.. idkkkkkk then we had some lunch and such and went to the water park part and we went on this tornado thing and theres a four person tube and it pushes u thru a tube and you go in this huge cone type thing and go back and forth and i made myself roll outta the tube at the end then the wave pool and anotehr lazy river and i was holding melanie under the water that poured down and hmmmmm everyone was freking out and asking me if i fell cuz i scratched my knee more on that lazy river and it started bleeding and i was examinging it and putting my shoes on n suchthen we went on supposedly the worlds number one roller coaster the sign said called the comet and the bar to hold u down was shakey and the belt that went over you both wasnt tight and i was all soaked from the lazy river and i thought i was gonna pop out it was funny... then we went home
corinne kept questioning the gps and itd "yell" at her lol... "Pleasae make the next legal u-turn." Hahahaaa... it was funny. and she said something must be seriously wrong with me and she thinks im stupid because i like to annoy people by being different, its hard to explain i guess. oh well thats my weekend bye!

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Saturday, June 23, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
The world is full of,
users and abusers.
Some you don't know of,
some you do.
They hurt more,
or less.
Depends on if,
you ever find out.
The truth behind things.
Good Night, I hope you sleep well with that conscience of yours.

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Friday, June 22, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
OKay so maybe we didn't do like we wanted. But here's what we did...
I rode my bike like most the way there and they picked me up on the way cause they passed me. Then we saw Evan Almighty and it was good basically. Then, we hung out in the parking lot drawing with chalk n such. I wrote twat really big and she wrote twat monster and boobs and drew flowers and a stick figure with big boobs and wrote like yay gay pride or something haha and i wrote twatness too and drew a heart and wrote brittany humped this pole on the light pol because she did last time lmao. Her mom came and we noticed it was five of 2 and we just didn't go to the next movie. Then we went to Good dales to get her bike fixed and it was raining then we went to subway and i stole a cucumber from her and told her that there was a camera and she looked at it and i threw it as she turned her head back and she got seeds on her face lol... then they brought me home and i let the doggies out and she hid in the car until i put jules back inside and i showed her the guinea pigs and yea......... they left and yea.. here i am!! Shes prolly sleeping cause I dont think she slept last night

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Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Okay so, my brothers supposed to go pay his ticket and give me more money.
but here..
evan almighty
all riding our bikes ^_^ im gonna ride my bike to the movies lol

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Thursday, June 21, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Okay so tomorrow, Birttany and I are supposed to hang out all day.
Here's our shedule:
-Even Almighty - 11:45 AM
-Wait 45 minutes about in the parking lot doing random shit like before.
-1408 - 2:00 PM
-Go buy stuff for lunch at Target with my giftcards becuase I have like $80 with them.
-Get some ice cream perhaps?
-Go to Robie's to get candy.
-Walk on train tracks to park and stay there for how ever long.
We're either going to walk around town or ride our bike's if she can get hers.

Comments (3) |
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Brittany is my Mister Erection Mommy. ^_^
Brittyb13 (9:16:01 PM): I'd rather be a girl than a guy
Caitigrl6492 (9:16:05 PM): yea prolly
Brittyb13 (9:16:07 PM): 'cause my penis would be up all the time
Caitigrl6492 (9:16:15 PM): i didnt need to know that
Brittyb13 (9:16:19 PM): hahaha lmfao!!!
Brittyb13 (9:16:23 PM): you know it was funny!
Caitigrl6492 (9:16:26 PM): i should post that on otaku...

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Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Schools over now.... oh well woo hooo

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