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Saturday, May 26, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Ohh.... yayy Brittany's supposed to come over today.

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You probably don't want to read this...
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
HAhaha.... you know what? Getting told there was jealousy of money, was odd to me. Then I was told that was a mistake. But there's one thing I know for to be jealous of and that's because of placement wise on the map. Closer, big deal. You deprived me of a friend and I admit I dislike that factor. Also, how there's things said that are in ways painful and I get told about that only, makes me dislike moreso. I can't help it. And getting all bitchy to me cause I was upset about something involving it, don't fucking be jealous I'm closer. I can't help that god damnit. You at least talk more than me, and I hardly see or talk. So you win in this category, okay? Be happy with what you have and don't be an ass cause of it and in your point of view you supposedly lose, but you don't so get the fuck over it.
I needed to vent, because things said from others made me think and I couldn't help it and just needed to say that.

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Friday, May 25, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
lalallalalalalalalalalalalalalalalal hello... its hoottttttttttt outtt >_< and and hmmmmmmm my birthdays in like less than ten days >_< hmmmmmmmm pirates of the carribean was okkkk but i kept falling asleep and brittany kept punching me n such to wake me up haha and she was flickinggggg meeee and it hurt a little and she laughed... and i was hyperr... and this bitch face lasdy told us to be quiet -_-.. anyways... ye yea yeaaa.... long weekend woo hoo! my dad brother jonathan and julessssss are gone hikinggg and bens home n my moms at work right now but will be home and krissy too... and maple and candyy... lalala.... but yeaa... >_< mmmmmmmmm brittany is supposed to come over tomorrow i hope she does at least n such... oh wel... lalalalalal

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Thursday, May 24, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
since the substitute busdriver was a biftchface and wouldnt let people on if they didnt have their pass then they didnt get a ride home so like half the people didnt have theirs so matt ariel and i waited together and i found a condom and ariel opened it and it was all dirty and gross and i stalked matt and made ariel come along when i was to his moms car cuz she came and such and then my daddy gave her a ride home and i walked her up sorta and i got to see her doggy and then we went and knocked on britts door for a while and she was saying she had a surprize for her n such then her mom opened the door and i was hiding away from the door then i popped my head over the edge and smiled at her and then she let us in and told ariel to turn the light on and we woke brittany upppp and yeaa.... my dad called and kept saying i had to go n such n just yeaaaaaaaa..... lol
im going to the movies at midnight with my brother jonathan and his girlfriend kelsey and maybe her brother ed and then my dad and me and brittany to see pirates of the caribean 3 and and and yeaaaaaaaa at midnighttt ^_^

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Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
I'm tired.
Good night.
It's 12:02 AM here.
I don't know why I like the word pecker face so much. =[

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
Blah blah bullshit
Baa baa black sheep.
I hate this stupid world.

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Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
People suck, well most do. Honestly they fucking do and can go burn the fuck in hell.
Combobbled is a weird yet cool word.
You're a peckerface.

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Monday, May 21, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
im making macaroni and cheese. yea i had nothing else to say and i felt like posting sorry.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007
Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
no one woke me up so i guess no parade...... errrr unless it got cancelled cuz its raining.... woops forgot about that til just now

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Ello.. Welcome to my Hell.
friday. i didnt go to school. i went to coorguard practice though. then i ent to see shrek three with my dad and my sister and i saw matt there and i was so cunfused cuz he had glasses and i was like since when sdo you have glasses and i think he said hed had them for like a yr but yea anyways then i saw kathleen kerin and melissa and they were sitting behind us and then after the movie i saw them and sam n tyler then i went home for a second and then to target and hen we went to see spiderman 3 so yea.
today i have to go to school at 11 to go to gayass bedford and do a god damn fucking parade -_- oh well brittanys not going so its gonna suck tho itd suck anyways but its more shitty now and you know what idk if im really even her friend anymore cz we barely tlk and never see each other or hang out so yea thats fucked up she only talks to me if jeny isnt online or if soething between her and jenny happened n such. -_- its kinda annoying honestly but i dont give a fuck anymore cuz that might as well be over. im sickof the bullshit and i wanna just go and lay in the bottom of my pool and drown anddie honestly. oh well not gonna fucking happen so just fuck it. i wanna see blod.. so maybe later cuz im downstairs and im not tired yet so i dont feel like going up to my room and such ight now and im prolly not gonna do t but hell who knows and or gives a fuck anyways...... i wanna hit a vein.
obviously im in a shity mood so just yea sorry i seem so god damn bitchodjgnbkfj bitchy

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