first of all i didnt say that i'm not adding her cuz shes a lesbian second of all , DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING LONG AGO THAT WAS, third of all i'm sick of you bitching at me when i dont even do anything, fourth of all when you DO bitch at me i use to suck it all in now i dont, fith of all you always said we werent friends then we were again, sixth of all i cant take that anymore, seventh of all i'm sorry for all of this, eighth of all i hope you recall how many times i tried to be britts friend and she threw me down, nineth of all think your the only one thats ever sad? what about me you even know what goes on anymore, i dont tell you because i cant and i wish i could...but you'd get more sad than you already are, and i could care less if shes a lesbian, and jenny talks to me so i think all that is over with ...brittany just hates me cuz i'm me and i should go shoot myself like alreayd know what i'm talking about okay, and God does love you for who you are, its just he didnt create you for being gay or bi or lesbian, its like a hack ina game, like your cheating on the right way to go, but thats how that goes and i'm not saying that to be mean, and what is your problem caitlin i've tried and tried to make you feel better and i didnt see an improvement, i know it seems like i've been a bitch for the longest time, but thats because of what you do, your emo aways make me emo thats why i did what i did, caitlin i dont want to be sad anymore, you being sad makes me sad and i dont know what to do so i get mad cuz i feel like theres no point in anything, but when i dont see your aways everyone tells me how important i am, but those aways make me think about ALL the people who have said i'm not important, and now i'm not important to you know so ...i guess its over, but i have to say its too late because you always make us not friends anymore then you apologize and then we're friends again, but the same thing keep happening so i had to step up and end it by telling you i cant take it anymore, and why are you saying all this mean stuff about me ...what did i say about you thats mean ...all i've said is what i feel, i might've accidently called you names out of rage, but... i said i'm sorry so i'm sorry but i know you wont believe that because you never believe me when i tell you i love you or i say sorry or anything, just rub it off and it hurts alot