I'm sick of pretending everything's okay. You know it's not. You don't even care. Can't you see how you affect other people? Clearly not, you aren't the only one with problems you know. Other people do too. You say things about others expeting eveything to be okay, but it isn't. It'll never be. You take things too harshly and in the wrong ways, but if you do it too you make it seem like it's okay for you to do. You need to realize there's other people out there. Not everything goes the way you want, get over it. Realize the truth in the world. Be out there, learn to love it, live it while you can. You're gonna regret it if you don't.
I don't know what to tell you anymore. I try, but it's not good enough for you, I'm not going to leave you, but it's not like I'm there to you anyways. You wouldn't notice if I was gone.
You don't give a shit about me. You don't try... You say things but you don't try. It hurts to see you like this, I miss you how you were when we met. I don't want to give up on you, I'm not giving up on you. I'm giving up on myself trying to be good for you. It's not like I help you anyways, you don't care about me. You care more about people you just met than you do me. If I was gone you'd be happy. You'd be better off if you never met me. Trust me you would, you would be so much better off. I miss how things used to be with us.

I've given up.