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• 1990-07-04
• a dark shadow
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• 2004-11-02
• assasin
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• kiei
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• i can remeber
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Monday, October 10, 2005
ahhh!!! sorry every one!!!
i would just like to put up this post for every one that is my friend or had me on their friends list
i'm very very very sorry for not being through the whole summer and for even longer, but my comp broke down just when the summer came around. now my parents refuse to get it fix so i'm stuck with using the school comp and that rarely is possible too *sigh* i'm sooo terribly sorry every one *sobs in a small corner*
i'll try to update and hopefully get a new theme down... hopefully *cries again and goes into a corner*
-luv kiei
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Friday, July 1, 2005
*sigh* iku, all i can say is that Kino has been very wrapped up with his dad and his mom and his step-dad and step-bro *laugh* he's got a lot of stuff on his mind... or some thin like tat lol... i haven't talk to him since... like forever... so, i'd have to say tat i'm not sure wat's been up w/ him ^.-'
and well... i went to a wedding last last week and it was soo fun lol but i was in so much pain after the party cause i was dancin n i was wearin high heels... and man was i hurtin bad *sigh* i would luv to show u all wat i was wearin... but i didn't take a pic *sob* srry
oh n one last thin to say before i go... i'm grounded!!!! can u belive tat?! i got grounded like today n so now i can't use the comp *sigh* so i might not update for a while but don't worry, i'll come back *thumbs up* i just wanted to tell every one so tat ppl wouldn't think i died or some thin lol

~luv kiei
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
im back!! *smiles*
i'm back every one!! woot! *smiles n hugs* i've finally came back and i can't wait to work on my site more ^.~ i've been out of town... or more like out of state but wateve
i'll explain to every one tomorrow kay? i gotta go and take care of my sisters right now *sigh*

~luv kiei
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Monday, June 13, 2005
new theme
here's a new theme tat i do hope every one will luv n such *sigh* actually, i got the pics from a friend's brother ^^' don't ask but i do hope that every one likes it
it's definitly on the lighter side and i must say i kinda like it n such ^^ can't say much as to wat it's from but yea... since i really don't know wat it's from =/ lol ^.-'
exams were over last week *sigh* woah, am i glad tat was over w/ u got no idea how reliefed i am now *laugh*
i've drawn tis really some wat cool pic of tis random girl n it was done free hand n suprisinly i'd have to say i kinda like it *nervous laugh* tat's a first -.-' (i realy ever like the pics i draw my self)
must go now n work on other ppls sites *laugh* see ya

~luv kiei
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
wahhhh!!!! the end of the year for school is coming soon!!!! nooooooooo!!!! i don't wannna have to take exams!!! why?! why?! *bashes head against the wall a few time* i don't wanna!!! i don't wanna!!!!
oh oh oh! i get to disect a frog in biology tomorrow ^^ *smile* sounds fun huh? not to mention, my lab partner is a total idiot *sigh* he doesn't even know where the dorso and ventral side of the frog is *sob sob* i can't believe i have to work w/ him... but he's funny so i guess i can't complain too much *shrug*
let's see.... wat else can i babble bout...? oh yea, i'm writing a story n um... i'm writin it n so... it's bein writen right now... -.-'
lol well, tat was just random n really made no sense wat so ever... oh! i almost forgot! i have to get off n go work on my government project... tat was due... like 2 or 3 weeks ago... ^^' oops... i should really do tat huh...?
well, i shall leave u peeps for hw... *shiver* i can't believe i'm actually gonna do tat project... lol, see ya ^.-

~luv kiei
Comments (8) |
Monday, May 30, 2005
*sigh then sob* well, judging by the comments i got, i guess i'll have to try and find a different song to go for my site *sob sob*
well besides that ^^ how's every one doing? i get to go back to school tomorrow and i ahte to say this... but i'm actually looking forward to it ^^ *laugh* odd isn't it?
i'm not gonna write too much cause my life is just really a boring piece of junk and so i won't bore you all with my random babbling and instead... i will treat you all to some pictures *nod* yup :)

~luv kiei
~now for the pics~
lol i made this in my spare time so forgive me if it looks really bad ^^'

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Friday, May 27, 2005
hiya all =^^=
for all those who have commented on my last post thanks for commenting ^^ but i wasn't really sad about love, i was just in the mood to say some thing weird ^^' but thansk still ^^ *hugs to all those who commented*
i'd also like to ask a question for those of you who are visiting, does the music for my site work? (just wonderin)

~luv kiei
Comments (7) |
Friday, May 20, 2005
i have come to the conclusion sucks!!! ....uh..... *blink blink* i kid, i kid lol i'm being stupid again -.-' i would not know whether love sucks or not cause i've never been in love and i'am not planning to be ^^
i'm just babbling about nonsense right now and i've really got no idea what in the world it is that i'am saying..... i'm crazy!!!!!
g2g, my step-dad's yelling at me and tellin me to shut up n stop talkin to myself.... -.-'
TT_TT how cruel is tat? do u feel pitty for me?! do u?! tell me u do!!!!

~luv kiei
Comments (4) |
Thursday, May 19, 2005
i got the theme down!!! whoot!!! yay!!! *hugs every one* tis calls for a celebration!!! *brings out bottle of water* .....uh... i'm on a diet so i gotta watch wat i drink ^^' *cheers* but still, i got the theme down ^^ lol
this time it's mostly based off of Apocripha (a game) and mostly it's all about Seles, who is a fallen angel and the bg really isn't from Apo. but i'll be trying to look for the right bg soon but for now, we'll just go w/ the chained up neko ^^'
hope every one likes the new theme ^.-

~luv kiei
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
okay, currently, my family has been keeping me crazy and my parents are leaving for awhile (or atleast my mom is) and so i've been having to babysit for a long time but i promise that i will soon be able to update more on here
also, once i get the chance, i will be starting to work on a whole new theme and i will try to make a avi aswell soon *sigh* so much to do
my bad every one, i will visit soon, oh and before i forget, thankies to all those who have still come and commented on my last few updates ^^

~luv kiei
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