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a dark shadow
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
AHHHHHH!!! GOMEN!!!!! i'am sooo sorry every one, i've been so busy and i haven't been able to go on the comp much at all. not to mention i've started running again and so tat takes awhile as well *sigh* my apolosies for not visitin at all n for not postin for a while too -.-' my bad every one *sob sob* but i promise to visit once things settle down abit ^^ tat's a promise
oh and i will also visit every one who signned my gb very very soon ^^

~luv kiei
Comments (7) |
Friday, May 6, 2005
lol it's 6:07 am right now n i'm waitin for my bus to come ^^' ... again.... well lets see.... not too much to say except tat i'm tryin to draw a picture of shuichi (gravitation) but i'm givin up on it already... n the sad thing is tat i haven't even started... lol -.-' i was also plannin on drawing a pic of eyes n kanone... but i can't seem to choose which one *sigh* things are always so complicated T_T
also... i've been making these really cute card for ppl and they're really adorable ^^ i made one for mothers day and like on tuesday i made one for my choir teacher (it was her b-day) =D
well... tat's all for now... i'll probably update some other time ^^ *hugs every one* later

~luv kiei
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
just a quick pic to post up and i'll be sure to add more things tomorrow ^^ promise much
srry, in a real rush right now -.-' i wish i could type more but my parents are coming home soon and i need to get cleaning ^.-
lol, look ^^ ayumu's doing some thing tat i luv to do in my free time (aside from writin, drawin, readin n havin fun lol) *laugh* cute apron huh?

~luv kiei
Comments (5) |
Monday, May 2, 2005
wahhh!!! i hate FMA!!! it's soooo unfair tat they killed tat one dude on the show!!! and i like him too ya know?! how unfair is tat?! why do they have to kill all the nice guys huh?! wat's up w/ tat?! *sob sob* wahhh!!!! it's not fair *sob sob* i cried (for real) it's soooo sad!!!
well, anyways.... i've managed to visit some ppls site over the weekend... but i still got a way to go *sigh* i promise to visit ^^ *nod* i promise
yay!!!! u know wat? i want a puppy and a kitty... *sigh* but i'll probably never be able to get one or atleast not until i move out of my parent's house *sigh* wateva

~luv kiei
Comments (8) |
Saturday, April 30, 2005
romeo (male acted by female?)
uh... tis is just to answer the question alot of ppl seem to ask me from yesterday's post
yes, romeo is a male but i always play the male parts when it comes to actin -.^' (don't ask y, i just do) i'm good at playin guys parts ^^ it's just tat simple ya know?
so i hope i answered the question for those of u who were wonderin

~luv kiei
Comments (9) |
Friday, April 29, 2005
ahhhh!!! i think i'm coming down w/ a cold!!!! NOOOO!!!!!!! how could tis happen to me?! Y?! i never get sick!!! NEVER!!!! why does it have to happen now of all time?! why?! *falls to my knees*
it's like freezing where i leave and i think that's why i might be getting a cold or some thing... every thing is just sooo unfair!!!
oh oh oh!! i get to place romeo from uh... romeo and juliet!! isn't tat just awesome?! *sings and dances around in circles while wavin my hand in the air* i get to play romeo! i get play romeo! yayness!!!
*hugs every one*

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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
demonic archangel- sorry for taking the pictures off but here it is ^^ (again)

if you do draw it... will youput it up for fan art? (hope you don't mind me asking ^^')
*looks around*
hi every one ^^ sorry but i'm just gonna say hi and go cause i'm actually suppose to be doing a language essay right now ^^' instead of coming here, but i needed to put a picture up for some one and i can't stay long.
later every one

~luv kiei
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
so well... i just got another project on top of the other one *cry* why are things sooo unfair?! and i also have to get my bio lab done... *laugh* it was like due last last week heehee... my bad... oops... -.-'
but once i get that whole thing done i promise to visit ^^ *nod nod*

~luv kiei
Comments (6) |
Saturday, April 23, 2005
yay!!! i got the new theme down!!! hip hip hurray!! *hugs every one* isn't it jusy wonderful? *starry eyes* i could just stare at it all day if i could
btw it's eyes rutherford from spiral ^.- tis is my second time of usin him as my bg *swoon* i luv u eyes-kun! oh n my avi is kanone-kun, who is also a total hotty n not to mention he's such an adore heehee *laugh* okay, i'll just stop ramblin now ^^
hope you all like the new theme (i know i do lol)

~luv kiei
Comments (4) |
Friday, April 22, 2005
*in monotone*
so there's tis one time...
i went to tis one place...
and i saw tis one person...
and i was like...
and then i was like... hi...
then he was like.... hi...
so we were like... bye...
so how's er body doin today? i feeel so terrible right now cause im not visiting any one's site. please forgive me!!! gomen nasai!! *sob sob*
objects under shirt are larger than they appear... teeheehee
oh the rain drops are fallin on my bed... but tat doesn't matter cause my hair will soon get red... *bow bow* yes i know, i've got a beautiful voice, ur all embarrasin me ^.- i love u all very very much
so.... let me ask u some thin.....
how u doin? *wink wink*
the corect answer woud be:
i'm doin good baby, how u doin? *nudge nudge*
well, i shall repart now.... but one more thing before i go
romeo romeo! where for art thou romeo?! deny thy father and refuse thy name *sob sob*
well later

~luv kiei
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