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Friday, December 17, 2004

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Thursday, December 16, 2004
i know i know, i'm postin a lot today... really bored right now n i dont want to type up my story for honors english *sigh* i just want to say tat im sorry for i will not be able to make it to all u ppls site *sob* i promise to visit soon though. my sister feel down the stairs... it was really bad... she's only 3 or 4 n she slipped n feel from the top to the way bottm (our stairs is like 13 or 14 stories high) ...... she has a huge bump on her forehead n there's a scab too... *sweat drop* i feel terrible for her...
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prettyful... um... any idea who these guys are? i know they're from Clamp but is it just me or does it seem like CCS is mixed with X? or am i just imagin? @.@
btw there's a really nice pic i put on my friend's site, Zeppxrose, plz go ckeck it out n tell me how the pic is k? (it's the really green one)
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nothin much is happenin, just bored out of my mind n on the school comp again ^^' i always go on at school. btw here's a question for u all
if u could have any type of pet, wat would it be? (or ur fav. animal)
i know its lame but im sorta like takin a serve thin
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004

tis is wat happenes when u dont listen to ur parents *laugh*
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Sunday, December 12, 2004

love this manga scan im not sure if it's Dark or the other dude..im pretty sure it's the other dude but what's his name?
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Winter Wind
Walking alone
down the street
scarf around me
yet still no heat
Then the seasons
began to change
I start to follow
with in the range
Leafs are falling
sun becomes dim
wind gets cooler
feathers trim
Was once happy
like this flower
but now I~{!/~}m gone
washed by rain shower
i wrote this long ago too... there was a picture that went with it, but i cant find it. (just another lame poem)
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Saturday, December 11, 2004

Eyes Rutherford ^^ his so kawaii
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these guys r from a anime called Saint Beast... any one ever seen it? or am i all alone on this one?
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finally got to update. just had my choir concert yesterday n i guess it was ok. it would have been better if the epople could hear us, but noooo. the orchestra people where playing way too LOUND *sob* (no offence to those of u who r in orchestra)
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