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myOtaku.com: Black Dragon99

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Hi I'm Danny but everybody calls me Dan. I could tell you about myself here in this intro but if you wanna get to know what Im all about your better off coming and talking to me. dont worry I dont bite lol

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

sorry about the other day. I was feeling really sorry for myself and I just wanted to post something and feel sorry for myself lol. anyway, Im feeling much better and I have my appetite back lol also thanks to everyone who commented on my last post wishing me well. Im also feeling alot more relaxed at the moment too. anyway, I'll catch you all later

+Searching for the light+
Black Dragon99

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Monday, February 25, 2008

................................................I feel like crap. I cant seem to consentrate at the momment and I've been feeling really depressed over the last couple of days and I have no idea why. I've also lost my appetite. it seems like everything I eat doesn't taste good and I dont wanna eat. maybe its because I've had nothing to do, maybe its something else, Im not sure. sorry to bore you all with my ramblings and feeling sorry for myself but I just need to get it off my chest. also I've been getting this really weird feeling like something bad has happened to someone I know on here so please pm me and let me know that your all ok. catch you all when Im feling a little bit better
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Thursday, February 7, 2008

long time, no post
hey guys. its been a while hasn't it lol. well first of all Id just like to say get well soon Insane Android coz she's not feeling to good at the moment.

I've been watching gundam seed lately. its really good. if you haven't seen it you should check it out. anyway, I'll catch you all later coz I cant think of anything else to say lol

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

feel sick, cant sleep
well I cant sleep which sucks and I think I know why but Im not too sure I wanna talk about it too much.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

............bored out of my mind
hey how you all doing. I dont have anything I really wanna say I just got the urge to post lol anyway as the title of the post says, Im really bored lol didn't have college today so all I've been doing is playing xbox 360 and Wii. anyway, someone come and pm me coz I need to talk to someone lol catch you all later

+Searching for the light+
Black Dragon99

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