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Naruto, FMA, Negima, Bleach, Tenjho Tenge, Azumanga Daioh, Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing, Tenchi Universe and loads more
Im not really sure I have any goals at the moment. just going with the flow
Too many to mention...hanging out with friends is top priority though lol
I'm gonna have to get back to ya on that one
| Black Dragon99
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
life is good, life is is boring and weird lol
well hey. how you all been? I finally got to a computer to update. and not some short thing to let you all know that Im still alive lol
weeelllll where should i begin. incase you haven't seen, I've submitted some new art for the first time since september ^¬^ thanks for all the comments from everyone who has seen it. it ment alot to me.
other then that, I've finished most of my coursework in 2 of my classes at college. I still have a few things to do in 1 of them so that I can go on to the next course in september but I'll have that done in no time at all lol
also I cant sleep D: I've been like that since friday and I keep not getting to sleep till late, then waking up in the middle of the night and then yesterday I woke up at 6 and couldn't get back to sleep which wouldn't have bothered me if I didn't have to be up for college at 7:30 that morning D: but on the bright side, Im getting £30 that Im owed XD I also feel like there is something else that I wanna say.....but i cant remember -_-' oh well. If I remember then I'll come back on and say lol. Also, who likes my new background. the girl is Naru from Love Hina just incase you dont already know. she may look cute but she's dangerous lol I might change my avatar as well to match the wallpaper tho Im not too sure at the moment. think I should change it, or keep it how it is? anyway, catch you all later ok.
+Searching for the light+
Black Dragon99
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Friday, January 11, 2008
very quick post
hey just quickly dropping by to say hi and that I just submitted a new piece of art. anyway, Id best get going back to class before the teacher kills me lol I might post later tho i not sure if I will yet. catch you later.
+Searching for the light+
Black dragon99
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Sunday, January 6, 2008
quick update
Hey, how you all been over the holidays? I've been ok I guess lol anyway I've drawn a new picture, well, more like a sketch of Sota with a new look. Im also trying to sketch my 3rd o.c Asuna. I've started it but now I feel like something is wrong with it so Im just trying to fix it lol anyway I might post them when I go back to college tomorrow. later
+Searching for the light+
Black Dragon99
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Saturday, December 22, 2007
Ten Games To Play Before You Die
This week’s game is the legendary Halo on the Xbox. Halo is a legendary FPS that revolutionized the FPS genre with its state-of-the-art graphics and realistic A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) when it first débuted on Microsoft’s new console – the Xbox – in 2001. Since then, Halo has spawned 2 sequels, one on the Xbox and the other on Microsoft’s current console, the Xbox 360, a soon-to-be-released RTS (Real Time Strategy) game called Halo Wars and even a possible film (though it may only be a rumour).
In the year 2552, Earth is caught up in an intergalactic war with a group of alien races known as the Covernent. After an attack by the Covernent on one of Earths space stations called The Reach (while attempting to find Earth), the Earth battleship Pillar of Autumn tries to lure the Covernent fleet away from Earth by warping into a part of space away from Earth. The Pillar of Autumn ends up in an unknown part of space and is attacked by the Covernent and crash lands on a mysterious ring shaped planet called Halo. Just before the ship goes down, its crew escapes in the escape pods and head for the ring shaped planet. Amongst the survivors is humanities last hope of survival against the Covernent. A super soldier known as Master Chief. Now, Master Chief must search Halo for survivors to help reclaim the Pillar of Autumn while fighting off Covernent forces and trying to uncover the secrets of Halo.
The best parts of the game are:
• a rich storyline;
• large selection of Earth and Covernent weapons and vehicles to use;
• several different difficulty levels to challenge the skills of any gamer;
• a wide variety of dangerous enemies; and
• levels that range from large, breathtaking outdoor fields and valleys, to indoor facilities with narrow corridors for dramatic shootouts.
The worst parts of the game are:
• the Xbox version of the game does not online play unlike the PC version which does;
• your allies die too quickly; and
• some parts of the game will cause you to die over and over again before passing them.
Halo is by far one of the greatest first person shooters of all time and will make you want to play Halo 2 and 3 just to see how the war with the Covernent will end. Halo is available in most good second hand game stores or should be available on ebay.
Black Dragon99
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
random post
OMG IM POSTING LOL. just a quick update tho. sorry if I havent been looking at peoples artwork lately but well...I've just gotten lazy lol sorry about that. well i desided to go take a look today but there's a problem. the stupid computers at the librery wount allow me to open comments 0_o why the hell would they do something like that? anyway it doesn't matter. I'll just say what I have to say here.
Insane Android:
Sasuke picture: nice picture. its not as detailed as most of your other pictures but it looks good. Id like to see a completed version of this someday as well. it has alot of potental to be alot better.
Teapot Domescam:
Hidan picture: I think I commented on this at college the other day before the teacher caught me but Im not sure. anyway, I havent really seen much art of Hidan (and Im still not at Shippuden yet lol) but this looks really good. I dont really understand why there's a stamp there but whatever lol.
Tao Ren picture: now there's something you dont see oftern. a Shaman King pic. i love how Bason is drooling over Tao's food.
Crimson Stars:
Request for shinalchemist: great picture. Im not familliar with the 2 in the picture but the guy kinda reminds me of kisuke from bleach (but with an eyepatch and green hair) and the girl reminds me of someone but I forgot who ^¬^.
Jax picture: I like how this came out. whenever I see this picture I get this feeling like he's getting ready to go fight someone. riding horseback shooting arrows at orc's like something out of Zelda twilight princess.
if I've missed any artwork out please tell me. also Im starting the next ten games to play before you die tonight tho Im not reall sure when it'll be up. sorry about that. Im also gonna go draw (or at least try to draw) something this week, Im still thinking about doing that Rock Lee picture so dont worry Insane Android I will do that picture some day. anyway, I guess this post wasn't as short as I thought it would be lol a few quick questions to end this long post.
1. have you ever thought about or considered something that would have scared or creeped out most people but didn't bother you (or did you really like it)?
2. is your taste in the opposite sex (or one of your tastes in the opposite sex) weird, questionable, not normal or would be considered weird, questionable, not normal to others (others being "normal people if there really is something as a "normal" person lol)
anyway, sorry about the weird questions. I just have alot on my mind. catch you all later.
+Searching for the light+
Black Dragon99
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Monday, December 3, 2007
Im back
sorry about last night. I wasn't feeling like myself but Im doing much better now. I ended up playing Gears of War and that helped to calm me down a little. after all, shooting things is a good way to releive stress ^¬^ tho I still feel a little stressed at the momment but thats most likely coz Im at college at the momment so I'll be ok when I get back home. anyway, how are you all doing. catch you later.
+Searching for the light+
Black Dragon99
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Sunday, December 2, 2007
Pissed off!!
I feel so stressed and confused at the moment like I can't do anything right. college is pissing me off, Im pissed at myself for being so DAMN LAZY and not having a job, I've lost my appetite and I feel like I've said something wrong to someone but Im not even sure if what I said was wrong or even what I said to that person to begin with. anyway I'll be over in the emo corner if anybody wants me
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Monday, November 19, 2007
random post
just thought id make a quick post to let you all know Im still alive lol Im working on a new picture of Rock Lee (which I will start tonight so please remind me to do that) and Im trying to write the next volume of ten games to play before you die. Im not feeling to good at the moment. Its raining, Im cold and I cant be bothered for college so I might go home early today lol other then that, the other day me and my friend Carl were talking about live action films based on anime and game and we desided that a live action Naruto would be crap lol but a live action Bleach or Love Hina would work out just fine lol also Im getting an Xbox 360 and the game Assasins Creed coz my mum wants it lol anyway, here are some random pics I found on the internet a while back

a video that i havent seen in a while. its really funny
remember this wallpaper? Im thinking of going back to it.

something cute

and a Naruto parody comic on why Orochimaru left the Akatsuki.....for InsaneAndroid

a picture of Uryu from Bleach. I have a new found respect for the guy.

Kenpachi from Bleach. damn this guy scares the hell out of me lol.

Samus from Metroid

and one final picture.

anyway catch you all later.
1. who would you have star as yourself in a film about your life story?
my answer. dunno yet lol
+Searching for the light+
Black Dragon99
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
Took one of my friends to get some manga on saturday. the shop we went in had a yaoi section. I was tempted to get him to look at the books lol even tho it said yaoi on the shelve, he has no idea what that means lol Im not that evil tho so I didnt. who thinks I should have. there were alot of people in the shop so it would have been funny.
*Searching for the light*
Black Dragon99
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Monday, October 8, 2007
new site style
yo. how you all doing today. I desided to change my site again. the last style I had was getting on my nerves and my avatar was starting to creep me (and Insane Android) out lol so I went back to my old avi and desided to put this Sakura picture up as my wallpaper lol
In other news, Im still working on the next volume of Ten Games To Play Before You Die lol it should be up by the end of next week the latest. I wanna get it up by this friday tho but with all the college work I have it might not work out ¬_¬
what else can i tell you......I went out with friends to the Funland arcade over central London on friday. OMG I aint been there in ages, loads of people were there and we were all making aload of noice by one of the dance machines untill security came and told us to keep it down ^¬^ anyway, I'll catch you all later.
1. How was your weekend?
+Searching for the light+
Black Dragon99
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