Rise of the Dead x.x
I'm alive!! o.o hey hey Kita if your reading this e-mail me or message me! (would prefer e-mail) I cant go on messenger anymore so e-mail me kay?
ok, thats all I came online for, if you wanna ask questions message me, l8er.
A Real Pic Of Me In Anime!
Jaydan was looking at pictures online and found a pic of an anime guy that looked liked me, the only thing that was wrong is that I have blue eyes and in the pic they were brown. So, Kitabug69 modifed the picture and gave the guy blue eyes. And now, it looks so much like me its freaky. So here's a picture of me.
So what do you think? I'm told it looks excatly like me. I think it does too. So... heres a comic for you, enjoy, Edward Elric vs Harry Potter. *disappears* Comments (2) |
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
man, yesterday wasn't any better...if fact i'd call it worse. my step moms drinking too much, she just said something like, your father abandoned me in this damn house with a worthless step son who doesn't respect the wishes on his only mother figure, then she started crying, then she turned violent, then started crying again...man i dont want to get into it. later, and heres a comic to humor you. Comments (3) |
Monday, March 13, 2006
crappy day, once again
yeah well i've been having crapy days lately. I've been sick for awhile, the typical sour throat, coughing, fever. My step mom has been drinking and causing problems...I haven't heard from my father in a week, he was suppose to pick my step mom up way earilier this week. Damn him. Thats all i'm talking about. Comments (2) |
Monday, March 6, 2006
something funny
i dont feel like talking so here a video to watch, its funny.
ummm...cant think of anything
ok! who's ever went overborad on the chocolate topping they up on ice cream? I just did, now i gotta head ache...hey its raining! Hum...they way it looks it will be poring tomorrow, i hope theres thunder and lighting. Jay's not a big fan of thunder though, that just means he'll say close to me all day. Today was...well normal, which is not common for me, weird stuff usually happens. My dad left saturday afternoon and Jay came back from plam springs that night, saturday we spent the day together and that was it. Heres a comic to make you laugh, VG Cats are great! Comments (3) |
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Long time no see
Did you miss me? Come on I know you did. I was busy with family and school stuff, and kinda lazy too so i didnt have the chace to post. So things that are new...a teacher has a thing for me at school, the teacher takes my cell phone, jay's in palmsprings, my dad who i hate is visiting tomorrow and I almost died choking on water. things that never change, i'm home alone with jay gone, people bug me at school, i ate ramen today...i suck at math. And now it time for the VG cats comic! Comments (1) |
Saturday, January 28, 2006
I didnt post this week cause i kinda had a crazy week, but now everythings all cool and i went to school today, probaly failed some test because i wasnt there the whole week. I changed my site tell me if its ok. Um...heres a comic to make you laugh. *disappears* Comments (2) |
Monday, January 16, 2006
Hey go visit Black Lighting! He just made a site a site and its really cool. Visit him, sign his gestbook, and add him as a friend! I comand you! On with the comic! Comments (2) |