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Luray, Virginia
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Katie Miranda
I passed 8th grade *yes!*
Anime Fan Since
when came out in 1994
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Inuyasha ^/////^
Being a cosplay designer
Reading and watching anime
Baton, jump roping, swimming, and analyzing computers
| Blackberry14
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
I passed my MATH CLASS! I am SOOO FRICKEN HAPPY!!!!!!! KYAA!!! My mom is going to be so proud of me. Now, I don't know if anyone of you would know, I am going to a private school in my 10th grade year. The only problem is that... I'm really not that religious. YOu see, I am going to a Christian private school. lol I gotta read stuff about Gods things... which might be boring.
My mom left us Friday and went down to Florida to visit my two brothers (they are sharing apartments) and my grandpa. She should be back soon... OH! My brother, Pacmanpunk (his name isn't really that, but oh well.), is coming home!!!!!!!! You see, if I told you his name then you would be asking, "Are you Mexican?" Well, no, I'm not. lol
Well, gots to go now. Peace ^-^
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
Ahahaha! FREE SPIRIT!!
HEY! Today si the first day of summer break and I'm on the computer instead of going out and go swimming! lol. God, am I bored -___-
That's all I wanted to say. Gots to go now. Peace ^-^
 Virgin! You are pure and innocent... You look into the world with wide open, curious eyes. You love to giggle and play with your friends. If you are honsest, you don't really care about boys. There are more intersting and cooler thinst than the complicatet mens, right? Fact: You're a free spirt!
What's your female appeal? ( with pics! ) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
Long Time No See
HEY! I found out that I only have to take ONE FINAL EXAM! And that's math (but I'm really good in math:( )
Anyways, my mom is leaving tomorrow to go to Florida to visit my brothers and my grandpa.
This past weekend, my friend's house was on fire and now she has nothing, so everyone at school has been getting her stuff (and so have I by giving her $50 and some neccessary stuff) and that makes me happy. (she was happy to see me on the day of the fire because I was the only one who came to see her, and I had to run about... 10 minutes to her house.)
Japanimated is having her promotion today, so I wanna say good luck to her and good luck with 8th grade! GOOD LUCK LITTLE SISTER! And my little brother is graduating from Kindergardener, so good luck to my little brother.
Well, gots to go now. Peace ^-^
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
OMG! I can't stand not being on the computer for 2 weeks! AH! I almost went insane... okay, not really, but you get what I mean.
I went to Chincoteaque Island this past weekend. Does anyone on myotaku live there? Nevermind. It's really small. I mean REALLY SMALL.
We went to the beach and it was like 50 to 60 degrees outside and we didn't have bathing suits, so we went in our clothes. After being the the freezing water for about an hour (japanimated didn't fall in, but I did <3x's>) we went home and took a shower. Since none of use want to wait for the other, japanimated went to use the inside shower while I was stuck using the outdoor shower. It was really nice though, but my brother kept bothering me! UGH! I hate little bothers!
I went shopping before we left and I got 3 tshirts, 3 pairs of shorts, one towel (really pretty), Apple Seed movie, and two stuffed, toy ponys (since the island is known for it's horses).
I PASSED MY SOLS!! I am sooo freaken happy. But I have to take my math and english finals since I didn't take that SOL (but if I did, I would of passed anyways)
Well, sorry for not updating in a while. Gots to go now. Peace ^-^
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
I just finish my collection of Tokyo Babylon... and it was sad! WAHHHH!!!! I bawled my eyes out for hours! Although I know what happens in X/1999 because I saw the anime SHOW, not just the movie.
Anywho, I am now working on a new manga. Let me tell you this... it's like really funny. But I'm just only had 12 pages. I only do one page a day and then when I get to or after 10 pages, I would just tone the pages and write in the sound effects. Hard? Not yet. Just wait till I get to the fighting scences (sp?).
Okay, it's a Sunday so that means that only one of my bosses is here (and he's nicer than my other boss because she works me out until I have no energy left.). That also means that I am allowed on the computer! YAY!
Well, I best be getting off now. Peace ^-^
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
I am sooo bored! I'm watching AMVs on
I made like... a couple of new Inuyasha AMVs, but like I say all the time, I WISHED YOU GUYS COULD SEE IT! But my computer is lame and won't so it.
It seems that we might go to the beach this weekend or the next, depending on the weather. You know what that means? NEW BATHING SUIT! YAY! Favorite time of the year. lol just kidding.
It seems that my mother won't let me go shopping until I die. Yeah, a little different but it seems like it.
 You are the depressed/dreamer anime girl.You either lost somebody you love or somebody broke you heart so bad that you can't pick up the shattered pieces without hurting yourself.You think nobody can heal your wounds but don't stop looking because you never know who loves you enough to try hell the one special guy could be right infront of your eyes and you don't even know it.You also love to day dream because it seems like the only place that makes you happy.BBut little do you know that people all around you are trying to make you happy and you won't let them in fearing you'll get another heartbreak or get hurt worse.But just try and if things go wrong just brush it off and try again.It never hurts to try.One more thing never let that lost love one leave you heart keep them in forever and keep their memory alive.
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
Quiz of the month! lol Pretty pic.. sad result. Wanna be happy? Grab a glass of chocolate milk.
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Friday, May 6, 2005
Well, it seems that I got Fruits Basket off my mind now... Now I'm going insane for Gravitation. But I'm not going to change my site around... no no no.
I got outta school early. You see my brother had this note that he was (or seemed like he was) suppose to go to a doctor's appointment, but my mom did it so he can skip one of his classes. Well, he put my name in it too (with my permission, of course) and we got outta school and played video games for about an hour. lol, nothing special.
Did you watch FMA this past Saturday? It made me and my sister cry. It reminded of our father when he died (not same way, but Japanimated was the same age as the little girl.). I cried for 30 minutes after the show was over, then I calmed down. I guess I can't help but feel as if one day he will come back to us, but that's just a hopeless dream that I may as well give up.
Well, gots to go now. Peace ^-^
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Right now I have become Fruits Basket obsessed. And you know what that means? New background! And for those who are fans of Fruba... Kyo and Tohru should be a couple!!! *sigh* At least I got that off my chest.
Yesterday, I went to the barber shop and got layers in my hair. Looks alot better than before. The part I liked in their was when they washed my hair. lol it felt great! lol
Well, I'm just putting nonsense in here. Gots to go now. Peace ^-^
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Sorry for not updating in a week, been busy. So, I'll just do something a little different:
Sunday: Got my hair cut (up to my ears kinda look like a boy)
Monday:.... Nothing....
Tuesday: PIZZA NIGHT! And made more AMVS
Wednesday: Went to bed at 6:00 p.m.
NOW today, obviously I made like... 3 new Fruits Basket music videos. LeAnn Rimes's Can't Beat The Moonlight, Seether's Broken (without Amy Lee), and some other song that goes, 'Seeing Red Again' something like that.
Usagi-san wants me to post up this one thing. *sigh*:
How to make a Blackberry14
3 parts competetiveness
1 part silliness
5 parts ego
Method:Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Top it off with a sprinkle of sadness and enjoy!
Personality cocktailFrom
I think it means how to make a drunk me... lol
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Hot Guy
 The guy you want is probaly the popular guy in your school. Which is great to me:) He's so dreamy that you'll want him to notice you so badly your do anything. Like in the cafateria you'ld trip on something infront of him to make your food spill all over you!!! Even if it's a brand new shirt or your favourite skirt!!! Oh well at least he'll notice you:)
Who's Perfect For You??? (Cute Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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