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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Am i seeing things?But has my flooble chat box has went missing?!Anyway to acces the flooble chat box just click on the link provided.I am sorry for the inconvinience.Btw,changed the background music to Dearest also form inuyasha.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
I am back.Anyway,Inuyasha is being played in Singapore!I am totaly hooked!I recomended it to my friends and they say they love it.But sadly,most of my friends can't watch it cause they sleep early.Inuyasha is being showed at 11.30pm!ya,a nice anime but they show it very late(What are they thinking!)Anyway got to run.Sayoanara.
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Friday, December 3, 2004
Happy Birthday!
Happry Birthday to MikoKagome04.Hope you have a blessful and fun birthday.
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
The white comet
Is it boring that i always talk about cars?If it is pls write in the chater-box.Anyway the song change the world is dedicated to kagome-chan.Today's car is the car which brought me fame in Akagi,Japan.They also call me the white comet because of this.It's the Mazda RX-7 Infini III (FC3S).
Drivetrain: FR
Transmission: 5-Gear
Best course: Akagi
Worst course: Arcade Myogi/Momiji Line
The FC is just as good a car as its younger brother, the FD. They have
similar times on most tracks although their characteristics could not be
more different. While the FD depends on stability, predictable
understeer, and acceleration, the FC relies on oversteer and cornering
ability but lacks slightly in brute power. Nevertheless, its oversteer
is quite controllable and its cornering potential is well worth giving
this car a try.
Tune course A (driven by Ryosuke Takahashi):
Wheels - RS Watanabe
Exhaust - Initial D
Front aero - Fujita Engineering
Side mirrors - Initial D
Sticker - Initial D
Tune course B:
Rear spoiler - MAZDA SPEED
Front aero - MAZDA SPEED
Tune course C:
Wheels - REamemiya
Exhaust - REamemiya
Rear spoiler - REamemiya
Front aero - REamemiya
Side skirts - REamemiya
Rear aero - REamemiya
Side mirrors - REamemiya
Tune course D:
Wheels - RS Watanabe
Exhaust - Fujita Engineering
Rear spoiler - Fujita Engineering
Front aero - Fujita Engineering
Side skirts - Fujita Engineering
Rear aero - Fujita Engineering
Side mirrors - Fujita Engineering
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And another car from Initial-D
Hi guys.Updated my site again.Added one inuyasha's song as background music(Dedicated to Kagome-chan).By the way if your wondering the background pic is a picture of one of the Subaru Impreza WRX STi. Today's car is my most favorite car.It is the Impreza WRX Type R ver. V (GC8V)
Drivetrain: 4WD
Transmission: 5-Gear
Best course: Irohazaka/Akagi/Akina
Worst course: Arcade Myogi
Driven by the infamous Bunta Fujiwara, this is another superb overall
car. Good stability, powerful acceleration, and good turning round out
a very nice package (that is, for a car that has no tune) Does not have
a best track but is relatively strong on almost all. A good beginner
car. However, in the hands of an expert driver, this car is a monster.
To acquire this car in:
Ver.2:At the car selection screen (when purchasing a new card), highlight ''Subaru''. Shift Down, Shift Down, Shift Up, Shift Up, Shift Down, Shift Up, Shift Down, Shift Up, hold down the brakes, and press View change. You should hear the sound of an engine to confirm the code. Select ''Subaru'' and go all the way to the right, to find that Bunta's Impreza has been unlocked.
Ver.3:At the car selection screen press shift down 6X, shift up 2X, brake, view change
note:In Initial-D,shift down=to shift up.So it's the opposite.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Another car from Initial-D...
Been playing Initial-D like hell.. today's car will be the Subaru Impreza WRX STi ver. VI (GC8).
Drivetrain: 4WD
Transmission: 5-Gear
Best course: Akina/Akagi/Irohazaka (dry/wet)
Worst course: N/A
The GC8 VI has overall above average capabilities. It picks up speed
very fast on both uphill & downhill. In addition, the handling is very
stable. However, although not as bad as the Skyline, the GC8 VI does
have a tendency to (predictably) understeer, especially on high speeds.
The understeering can be easily remedied by braking before attacking
corners/hairpins & using the Out-In-Out technique. Even if the GC8 VI
slows down on the corner entry, its top-notch corner exit speed allows
it to regain speed immediately. Since it is a 4WD, the method of
attacking hairpins without losing alot of speed is by turning early to
get close to the apex of hairpins. Uphill-wise, it accelerates very
fast, although, it does exhibit heavier understeer. Braking is the best
method to remedy this problem. Because of its fast nature, when racing
on wet conditions, the full potential of the GC8 cannot be used 100%.
The best way to control the GC8 on wet surface when tackling a corner
or hairpin is by letting go of the gas on the corner entry and stepping
on the throttle once the car is facing the corner exit.
(Personaly I like this car cause it dosen't have any weak course.)
Tune course A:
Wheels - Volk racing
Exhaust - STi
Rear spoiler - STi
Front aero - STi
Hood - STi
Tune course B:
Wheels - Volk racing
Exhaust - SYMS
Rear spoiler - SYMS
Front aero - SYMS
Side skirts - SYMS
Rear aero - SYMS
Hood - SYMS
Tune course C:
Wheels - Enkei
Rear spoiler - ZERO/SPORTS
Front aero - ZERO/SPORTS
Side skirts - ZERO/SPORTS
Rear aero - ZERO/SPORTS
Side mirrors - ZERO/SPORTS
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Updated and "repainted" my site.I will start to tell you about Car charecteristics for the arcade game.Todays car is the Mazda RX-7 Type R(FD3S).
Drivetrain: FR
Transmission: 5-Gear
Best course: Akagi
Worst course: Akina
The FD Type R is a strong overall car. Due to its strong acceleration,
good stability, and decent cornering ability, it is one of the most
balanced cars of the game as it excels on just about every course.
Because it's so stable, it is also a strong car under wet conditions.
However, take this car to Akina or Irohazaka, and you'll feel
understeer. Note that under B-tune (Kyoko Iwase's tune) the final
basic tuning upgrade is the replacement of the FD's twin turbo system
with one large turbine. This gives you better top end acceleration at
the expense of your cornering speed (in and out of corners). While it
won't affect your time attacks, the difference in acceleration is
Tune course A (driven by Keisuke Takahashi):
Exhaust - Initial D
Rear spoiler - MAZDA SPEED
Front aero - MAZDA SPEED
Sticker - Initial D
Tune course B (driven by Kyoko Iwase):
Wheels - REamemiya
Exhaust - Initial D
Rear spoiler - Mazda
Front aero - Border
Side skirts - Border
Side mirrors - Initial D
Hood - Initial D
Complete Basic Tune - Single turbine
Tune course C:
Wheels - REamemiya
Exhaust - REamemiya
Rear spoiler - REamemiya
Front aero - REamemiya
Side skirts - REamemiya
Rear aero - REamemiya
Hood - REamemiya
Tune course D:
Rear spoiler - MAZDA SPEED
Front aero - MAZDA SPEED
Side skirts - MAZDA SPEED
Rear aero - MAZDA SPEED
Go to: (For an inside view of the FD3S.) (To see the FD3S)
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Monday, November 15, 2004
I started to play initial-D at the arcade.What is Initial-D? Initial D is a popular anime and manga that takes place in the Gunma prefecture
in Japan. The main character is Takumi Fujiwara, a 18 year old boy who became
a drift style road racer. Takumi is in high school and has a job at the GS Gas
Station (Esso in the manga.) Itsuki Takeuchi (Takumi's friend) and Iketani
Kouichirou (the leader of the Akina Speed Stars) were working at the station,
and they were talking about cars and drift techniques. When Takumi asked them
what they were talking about and they laughed at him for his "stupidity" when
it comes to cars.
One night, Keisuke Takahashi of the popular Akagi Red Suns group was driving
his Mazda RX-7 Type-R on Akina Mt. Then a Hachiroku (literally means "eight
six") came up from behind him and then they basically raced and Keisuke was
defeated by the Hachiroku, or an OLD Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE86. Keisuke, was
pissed that his superior RX-7 was defeated by a old AE86!
Meanwhile, Iketani was working, Yuuichi Tachibana (his boss) told him that the
fastest driver in Akina is a man driving a Hachi Roku and owns a Tofu shop.
Iketani then finds out that it's Bunta Fujiwara, Takumi's father. One night,
Iketani was driving on Akina to improve his driving skills for his match
against the Red Suns, but he got into a huge accident and was put in a neck
brace. He then calls Bunta, asking if he can drive for him. Bunta said it's a
50/50 chance that he can make it.
Race Night. The Red Suns were waiting. Keisuke was ready to race against his
opponent. IF he shows up that is. Then the Truneo AE86 showed up. But to the
shock of everyone, Takumi steps out of the car. The Speed Stars were afraid
because Takumi didn't know a thing about cars. He then said that he beat RX-7
Type-R before. That's when Iketani realises that it wasn't Bunta that was the
fastest on Akina. It was Takumi!
I won't spoil the race but I will tell how Takumi started to drift. When he
was 13, he was delivering Tofu to a hotel on top of Akina Mountain late at
night. Takumi hated the fact that he was losing sleep so he can deliver tofu.
Bunta gave him a cup of water to put in the cupholder. He told Takumi, not to
spill any of the water, or the Tofu will break. At first, Takumi was spilling
a lot of water, but Bunta told him to "circle" the water, so Takumi did and
started to drift. Then he was driving and drifting so fast so he can get home
to sleep, NOT to improve his skills!
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Friday, September 17, 2004
Playing ragnarok..
It's early in the morning as i am posting this post..argh!(punches a wall to get rid of hand cramps due to constant typing and beyblading)Other than surfing the net,i am playing ragnarok online.This game rocks!My job in the game is theif. Yeah, you al must think i like steal stuff or something but i chose this job cause i can become an assasin/ninja(which ever you comfortable with.when a thif becomes an assasin,he/she will have the best agillity in the game.Has hp as high as a knight owns and can use katar(a weapon olny used by assasin).sadly,this class has low defense and if he/she get hit,it major damage if he/she dosen't wear good armor. well got to go.sayonara.
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
Bored as usual.nothing happening here thought of puting up something for a change..
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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