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myOtaku.com: BlackDranzer

Saturday, October 1, 2005

I am back
Yay!I am back after such along while.Alot of things have happened that didn't allow me to update my site.Well,i have cleared those and here I am.Well one of the things which pulled me back was bacause i was role-playing on this site called GundamSeedRPG.Even though i said rpg,it's not a game.It's more like story telling about your own unique character.Go and check it out.I am a modertor there,so if you do sign up and have questions,feel free to pm me or add me on msn This is my msn add: swordstrike_14@hotmail.com
Well,this is the link to the site: http://s12.invisionfree.com/Gundam_Seed_RPG/index.php?act=idx

And finally,I have quited Initial-D.Alot of my friends beat me up cause i quited as they have lost a prodigy racer(i am not bragging or whatever).

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