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myOtaku.com: BlackFireRose

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Hi! I'm just new here. Oh yeah! My first fan art submition was accepted. Weee! ^_^
If you like to see it, check it out now. So far, I have about 10 comments received on my first fan art. No thumbs down. lol.
I'll be submiting more fan art soon. As soon as I have time drawing.
Oh yeah! and please sign my guestbook. ^_^

Monday, February 9, 2004

Purple Day!
Today is purple day! I get to wear purple things, buy purple stuff, read books with purple covers. Everything is purple. =D
Tomorrow is Blue day.


Sunday, February 8, 2004

Just found out that My first submition was accepted. Hoorah! ^_^
Yesterday, watched The Butterfly Effect. Really cool movie. Kinda scares me, though. Heh.
