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I got on the Honor Roll and destroyed mant ZOMBIES
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Can't remember so long ago I knew I should of got that calender
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Yu Yu Hakusho, Full metal Alchmist *starts rambling on and on and on*
actulay learn how to draw good
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Hey Guys

Hello everyone how are we doing, anywho I would just like you to meet my little bro thedarkside. Yep he's a Star Wars guy right? Anywho here is a link to his site!
thedarkside's site anywho I hope you have him as a friend, he's a really nice when you get to know him. Anywho I have just started on the second page. My hand hurts in a way, anyways here is the quizy I promised you enjoy my friends!

You are a demon, yet a demon but you have been hidden inside of a person all of this time, people might think nothing of it until it's to late. You are one of the more agile types most of the time but you can only do so much because you are half demon. At first people tend to avoid you but you end up being a really nice person in the end.
What are thou? brought to you by Quizilla
B-Day count down : 3 days left! |
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Hey Guys

Oi I finnaly got to sleep in todays so this is the summer freedom I have been yerning for! Anywho (heh heh I said it again) I have finshed with the first page of my comic, I'm going to finsh the proluge before I start puting things up. Don't worry I suspect the proluog will only be about three pages top, if I can just draw this guy right *flail* anyhow I hope ya like the new theme! Well what else is there to say hmm... I have to do summer reading T-T not fun stuffs oh well at least I should get it over with right. Oi I made a new quiz on quizilla check it out oi and here is what I got ph34r it lol.
(sorry I'll finsh up the post later) |
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Hey Guys

Oi hey guys sorry I wasn't able to go to all of your sites yesterday my sister was kicking me off the computer, summer school is now over yes! Anywho I have the rest of the summer to read and annotate a book not fun, anywho I was thinking maybe I will do the comic, anywho I'm going to my dad's apartment on sunday so my family and I can see the fireworks fun stuffs! Anywho I made a cake for my class and whatnot! Fun stuffs anywho I might change my site for the Forth of July, anywho my birthday is on monday fun stuffs well now for your quiz!
 You are the dreamer daydreaming and obbsessing ovr something you wat very badly....mabe youll have it soon enough
What are you? (10 different outcomes) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Hey Guys

Sorry I haven't been on since forever I have been doing alot of stuff for the final, oi it's not fair I don't want to do a play thingy for final! T-T anywho I'm thinking that I might put up a online comic on here but that would mean I would update rarly because of drawing it and all, but I will think about all of that stuffs later. Anywho not much happened today we just learned more stuff for the other part of our final, a test that's about seventy pages long T-T. Oh well I'll get over it and there is now seventeen more days till the Harry Potter book comes out and there is six more days till my birthday. I'm so excited my bro and I might have a b-day party together but it would be in august because my cousin might come around then so yeah. Did I mention my bro is about six years younger then me ^^; guess not. Anywho I want to thank Super Gal 16 for the welcome sign she made me it looks awesome if I do say so myself ^0^. Anywho I have been getting alot of chain letters today, I really don't mind them everyone that sent me one I just don't pass them on so that's just a heads up to everyone out there. Anyways I have something new instead of a quiz, I have something else for you instead.
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
Hey Guys

Hey I'm back, my friends and I went to go see Batman it was so funny the people who went were Libermen, Luara, Anderw, and I it was so funny because we weren't paying any attention to the movie at all we were off in our own little world. Anyways Max and everyone were in the hallway and then all of the sudden Max turns towards Andrew and I who were talking about the random things right, so he goes "you two should go out." So yeah so me and Andrew turn to him so quickly and shouted "WHAT?!" In union so yeah I was all werided out by the thought. So anyways Luara and I decided ah heck lets go to the movies right so we invited. Greg, Daria, Alec, Andrew, Mike, and ourselfs right so yeah no one picked up their phone at first so Luara and I were getting annoyed. So finnaly Mike calls us back and then he calls Andrew and Greg and everyone still wouldn't pick up their phone so that how we all ended up going. So anyways we were all goofing off not really paying attention to most of the movie I fell asleep in the middle of the movie(yeah I'm that out of it) so anyways after the movie we went into the arcade and stuff and I got a teddy! So yeah then we went home and yeah it was fun well I'm going off to do something now I have no idea what though. Anyways here is your well deserved quizy!
 You're a "Green Angel". You're one person who is extremely protective of people around you (especially your friends) and you'd end up as a gaurdian angel. You're stronger than most and aren't ashamed to show it. People know how tough you are and don't dare to mess with you when you get mad. You're real close with your friends and couldn't live wihout them so even in heaven, you want to help them. You know they'd want you as a gaudian angel and you'd love to be able to ensure safety of your friends for yourself because you're on of those "If you want something done right, do it yourself" kind of person.
What Color Angel Are You? (PICS) brought to you by Quizilla |
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Hey Guys

Hi everyone, oi I'm so tired right now but that's besides the point. Anywho I went to go see Brigadoon with my class for Theater Arts it was really cool. Except there were alot of elderly so we felt sort of werid. Anywho I have to baby sit tommorow, it's my little bro, his friend N, and N's little bro J. Right well I have to save up for some mangay goodness *happy* anywho right now I have twenty four dollars so I can at least by one or two mangas! Anywho I shall get off that subject. So I'm almost out of summer school, I have about... um *counts days on fingers* five more days left of summers school! Oi I can't wait to just laze around like I ussaly do during summer. Anywho I have about nine more days until my B-day so yeah just a heads up.
 Your power is: Being a controller of an element Explanation: Wether it is earth, fire, air or water or even all of them, you can control that element. That means you can manipulate their pysichal form and with just thoughts and make an inferno for example. In good purposes it can be used to protect but in evil purposes it is used to hurt. As a person you are slightly 'odd'. People see you as different and probably has prejudices against you. They see you as 'weird' or the 'freak', and either that hurts really much or you chose to ignore it. You keep your hatred for people inside and probably daydream about killing them, which gives you satisfaction. Truth is you are not evil, only missunderstood and mistreated. Negative aspects: Since you have deep problems inside you could get into some sort of mental illness or simply get depressed (if you aren't already).
What Power is Compatible With You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, June 20, 2005
Hey Guys

w00t I'm back fun stuffs right, anywho not anything to report right now. Oh yeah I found my 'inner voice' well that's what Mr.Fritz calls in anyways well I shall talk to you later.

Astaroth: Yup! You're like Jen! Which means I don't like you... Well, maybe if you were a little NICER. Sheesh. Well, I guess you probably wanna know a little more about Jen and since I'm such a genius, I'm gonna tell ya. She's the only American in the group. Her name means "white wave." Go figure. You'd think her folks woulda picked something more along the lines of Fire than Water. Pff. AnyWAY, she's also a Capricorn, which means she's ambitious, prideful, determined, and focused. (Yeah, maybe on treasure and money and... *ahem*) Capricorns wanna make a place for themselves in the world. Never woulda guessed.
Comments (3) |
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Hey Guys

The results are in and the vote is for warrior type theme, so I'll put that up later today. BTW happy fathers day to everyone out there! Anywho I'm doing pretty well except for the fact that I was dragged out of bed to early. Anywho the FLCL episode was so funny yesterday with the eyebrows. They fell off in the end lol anywho I'm off in my own little world right now so yeah. Anyways the quiz is coming up soon well here it is...
 .:You live your life: ~indifferently~:.
Nothing matters. You fear nothing. Everything matters. You fear all. You could be the perfect partner and the worst friend/lover. There will always be the things that matter and the things that don't. Realize that before you let go of your grip just a bit too much..
How do you live your life? (with pics! ^.~) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
Hey Guys

Sorry I haven't updated for two days oi I'm getting lazy, anywho I'm doign alright I'm not dead yet. There isn't much that have happened just more and more stuff in acting like projects! *flailing* not fun stuffs right there, anywho I think I might change my site again. I'm sort of getting bored of this one, oi anyways I'm having a intresting weekend my dad has to go to a billion weddings not fun for me because my bro and I are going to have to stay home alone because my mom is going to be at my sister's horse show. Yeah I sort of screwed up on the dates heh heh don't ever trust me with dates. Anyways I was asked to get married on gaia I love him so much so one thing I have to tell you okie.
Last_first_born IS MINE YOU TOUCH HIM I WILL BITE YOU IN THE THROAT AND RIP THEM OUT! okie now that I got that side of me out sorry about that. Anyways for my new theme ideas. I can have a...
-Warrior theme (with swords no guns for me)
-Beach theme (yep for you summer people ^.~)
-A neko theme (hey what can I say I'm compulsive)
-Fallen angel
-Or anything bright (I had a lot of dark themes lately it scares me ^-^;)
Well yeah now onto the quiz!
 In your eyes, people see shards of ice everywhere... You are cold and distant, pushing away people that love you and truely care for you! You want to be able to reach out and love them but... You can't for some reason... You're just too.... You :P Underneath that cold exterior lies a warm, happy soul that wants to let loose and have fun! Your sanctuary would probably be anywhere up high where you can look down on life below you, like the roof of an apartment building... Your eyes resemble a saddened, crestfallen person seeking out attention, but doesn't know how to handle it. However, you do find comfort from your friends, they're always there for you, and they know the REAL you :) Even though you do seem rather cold, you can be very protective over something you truely believe in or love. Let go of that "tough" rep and just be you! It's impossible to live life without some fun and love ^-^
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Hey guys

hello how are you doing people, anyways I am doing quite well. So yeah so many comments are coming in I'm so happy. Anyways my friend has created a website it was so it's so funny Andrew is hilarious. I think I might draw a picture for his site if he lets me, anyways acting went along ok for the most part it was funny. We were doing improv. again right so I was a athlete, Brian was a model, and the other person (I forgot her name bad memory ^^;)was a lair. So we were in the water and one of us couldn't pay to get on the boat that was going to rescue us. It was pretty funny anyways we're going on our feild trip soon. Anyways here are a few pics that I found on a site that Lisa gave me, she's a Harry Potter fan.

You can find the site
Now for the quiz...
 Duty and Loyalty: You serve your purpose and do what you must do. People would consider you someone to rely on, and one who keeps his/her word when he/she gives it.
Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait) brought to you by Quizilla
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