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• 1991-09-04
• Somewhere in this world
Member Since
• 2004-11-23
• Student/ ZOMBIE hunter
Real Name
• Tori
• I got on the Honor Roll and destroyed mant ZOMBIES
Anime Fan Since
• Can't remember so long ago I knew I should of got that calender
Favorite Anime
• Yu Yu Hakusho, Full metal Alchmist *starts rambling on and on and on*
• actulay learn how to draw good
• Sleeping, Drawing, Daydreaming
• none so far...
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Hey Guys

Hey I'm back, my friends and I went to go see Batman it was so funny the people who went were Libermen, Luara, Anderw, and I it was so funny because we weren't paying any attention to the movie at all we were off in our own little world. Anyways Max and everyone were in the hallway and then all of the sudden Max turns towards Andrew and I who were talking about the random things right, so he goes "you two should go out." So yeah so me and Andrew turn to him so quickly and shouted "WHAT?!" In union so yeah I was all werided out by the thought. So anyways Luara and I decided ah heck lets go to the movies right so we invited. Greg, Daria, Alec, Andrew, Mike, and ourselfs right so yeah no one picked up their phone at first so Luara and I were getting annoyed. So finnaly Mike calls us back and then he calls Andrew and Greg and everyone still wouldn't pick up their phone so that how we all ended up going. So anyways we were all goofing off not really paying attention to most of the movie I fell asleep in the middle of the movie(yeah I'm that out of it) so anyways after the movie we went into the arcade and stuff and I got a teddy! So yeah then we went home and yeah it was fun well I'm going off to do something now I have no idea what though. Anyways here is your well deserved quizy!
 You're a "Green Angel". You're one person who is extremely protective of people around you (especially your friends) and you'd end up as a gaurdian angel. You're stronger than most and aren't ashamed to show it. People know how tough you are and don't dare to mess with you when you get mad. You're real close with your friends and couldn't live wihout them so even in heaven, you want to help them. You know they'd want you as a gaudian angel and you'd love to be able to ensure safety of your friends for yourself because you're on of those "If you want something done right, do it yourself" kind of person.
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