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I got on the Honor Roll and destroyed mant ZOMBIES
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
Hey Guys
Hey guys guess what? I have a contest advertisment for you guys anywho it's run by SessLover18 it's theO awards and everyone is welcome to join. Anywho I'll put the link at the bottom, anywho I want you guys to tell me if you like this or not. This is part of a RP my friend and I are doing ^^. Aro smiled at her and jabbed his knee into the girl's stomach. Taji went flying upwards her grip still on his sholder. The next thing Aro knew she was upside down balancing on his sholders.
"Hiya, old man." The girl said her fingers dug into his sholders and she threw her legs forward and flipped in the air Aro coming along with her. He landed a few feet away. She smirked Aro looked like he was knocked out, she took a deep breath and collapsed on the ground it had been awhile since she had a really good fight. She closed her eyes taking deep breaths.
"That was fun," she muttered as she fidgeted with her hat. She took out the food she had gotten, she was about to bite into it but she bit into nothing but air.
"What?!" She asked as she looked at her hand there was nothing there she heard a chuckle and looked up towards Aro her eyes narrowed.
"Hey I beat you!" She shouted as she pouted she didn't have the strength to take him on again.
"Well not really, you sort of collapsed..." he told her as he finshed off most of the food. He knelled down next to her and handed her the rest. Taji blinked and looked up with him, she frowned trying to act as if she were annoyed but mostly she was over joyed she was getting food. The girl fidgeted with her hat once again it was itchy but she always had to wear it out in public, she was always told that by the few people that could actully put up with her.
"Yo, old man what's you name?" The girl asked as she kept her eyes on him while eating her meal. Aro blinked and turned around, he smirked before replying.
"Oh yeah my name is..."
Anywho now for the link I hope that all of you join!
Oi and can you guys help me pic a background? Here are the choices, just click to see the bigger image thingy ~.^
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
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