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guitar, and singer
Anime Fan Since
about 1997
Favorite Anime
G-gundum.......damn wait! to many to chose from!
guitar, computer, drawing, skateing
drawing, guitar, singing, and Skateing
My names Billy! Yes, I know thats a boy's name. Most of my friends call me Broken. Becsue my left-eye has two diffrent colors! One half is blue and the other is grey! It's really kinda kool! Well I play guitar,skateboard, draw. Love to draw! and hang with my mates: Sonia, Mike, Tripp, Nad, Bynx, Nix, Twitch, Mark and David!We're a really close bunch. It takes a lot of time for us to trust people, thats why we stay together. We VERY railrly let anyone into our group. We all see loney doctors, We love it!Well to us it's: "WE MAY BE WEIRD...BUT AT LEAST WE HOTT!" I don't think I'm ugly or fat. I happy the way I am!
Sunday, June 19, 2005
What do you need in your life?
 You need someone loyal. People have let you down since forever and you have always been left by yourself. Your life spark is now barely flickering and there is a big feeling of emptiness and hopelessness. You don't know what to do anymore in your life and everything has a sense of meaningless to it. Though you're not only sad, you also carry hate and many grudges on people. You have a hard time letting people in, but with your history you don't even desire that so much anymore.
What Do You Need in Your Life? [dark pics] brought to you by Quizilla
SExxY BUnnY GirL
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What kind of kiss are you?
 You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss that never lessens and always blows your partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
SExxY BUnnY GirL
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What goddes are you?
 The Goddess of Ice and Hope. You are a creative wonder. Always calm and collected, you hold the awe of many people and you are exceptionally logical. You are an inspirational beauty.
Which gorgeous goddess are you? For girls! (breath taking pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
SExxY BUnnY GirL
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What's behind your eyes?
 In your eyes, people can't seem to see anything because your eyes are covered up by tears! You are constantly hurt and depressed... No one seems to understand how you feel because everyone is scared to get close to you... You long to be able to reach out and tell someone everything, and all of your problems... But you have no one to tell, or they just don't seem to want to hear what you have to say. You've been hurt many times that you don't seem to have any tears left to shed, or if you do, they're an endless river flowing... You've started to hide and bottle up all or your problems and feelings, hoping that maybe they just will go away... You want company, but at the same time, you're scared of it. Your sanctuary is your room where you can just be alone and try to throw away all of your aching pains. You're dark and mysterious and people like you for that reason. Even if you think you're all by yourself in the dark, someone is always there with you. Your special someone wants to admit and show their feelings towards you, but they're afraid of how you'll take it. Get out more and enjoy life because, it is far too long to frown your way through :)
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
SExxY BUnnY GirL
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What kind of person are you? *wink wink*
 You are the bad boy / girl of your school. You have little faith in yourself and usually find escape in some sort of addicting substance or yourself. You would rather torture others above anything else. You regularly skip school and when you go, always tend to ditch a certain class. Some classmates can fear you while others pity you...and your family. (No offense) Your cruel behavior and abject personality tends to single you out from the crowd...and you prefer life this way at times. However, lonliness can rear its ugly head and force you seek a way to silence it. But be warned, your path is dangerous... but only a strong person can walk this road. Some ideal occupations for you can be a Police officer, Celebrity (who doesn't love the badasses?), Wrestler, Polotician, or some sort of leader. Either way, your destined to be known by many.
What type of teenager are you? brought to you by Quizilla
SExxY BUnnY GirL
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Do you have problems?
SExxY BUnnY GirL
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What are you?
| You scored as Friend. You are a good friend. When someone has an issue, they run to you because you care unlike most people around you. You always do things for others. Last but not least you're respectful and deserve more respect than anyone, though you may not get it.
Friend | | 90% | E(FUCKING)MO | | 85% | CUNT!!! | | 65% | Prep | | 30% | Jock | | 20% |
What_ARE_U??? created with |
SExxY BUnnY GirL
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What anime girl are you?
SExxY BUnnY GirL
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