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lost in the shadows of chaos and confusion
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Saturday, June 2, 2007
center>I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: tachi-chan
Likes: me and me only!
Dislikes: annoying fangirls
Owner: moi
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!
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Monday, April 23, 2007
okay, I have a small problemo. Lets say, hypethetically, that I have a crush on this guy...buuuuuut, all my other friends do too, including my best friend. I mean, all the girls like him. But, sometimes I get confused. What should I do? Should I ask him out? Or let one of my friends go for it? Is it wrong for me to like him? I mean, if you say like that its wrong for me to like him if my friends liked him first, well, then it'd be wrong for them to like him. I've liked this boy for as long as I can remember(yes, I've known him that long. I'm not eggagerating) but, he never really liked me so I got other boyfriends and stuff. But, that doesnt mean that I stopped liking him, then before I knew it, ALL the girls started liking him too. What do I do? But you know..this is all a hypethetical question anyways........
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I hate being sick. I woke up this morning and had the worst cold ever. I missing school today......and Drama club, and the play is on Friday. I hope I'm not sick for the play at least. Oh well, so bored....everyone's at school so I have nothing to do...... T.T
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Monday, March 12, 2007
okay, I have made some e-cards! woo! I'm so happy! One of them is even featured! its an inuyasha e-card. Its not that good, but hey, I got bored. The others are to be posted soon. So, you can check them out.
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
OMG sorry!
I'm really sorry guys! I havent posted in soooooo long! T.T I'm sorry! Guess I was more busy over vacation than I thought. And, now its over! Well, anyway, yesturday was awesome. I had a friend over for a few hours and we played mad gab and played with my cat. It was fun and then I went to a concert with a few of my friends. It was a My Chemical Romance concert. Rise Against played too. It was awesome. I had so much fun! We were VIP but the seats werent special or anything, pretty close but its not like we could touch Gerard or anything (Oooo how much I wish! >.<) so, anywho, we hung out for a bit and I bought a T-shirt($25.00) I didnt get home until about 11:30, and thats earlier than I thought I was gonna get home by. I stayed up till 1:00 watching Bleach and Eureka Seven on Adult Swim and went to bed after that. I was soooo tired I went straight to sleep. My grandma works early on Sunday's so I woke up when I heard her getting up this morning at 5. So, I've been up since 5. Right now I'm the only one awake in my house......XD oh well. Its kindda nice...all quiet except for my constant typing and the T.V on in the other room....hmmm...maybe I should turn that off so I dont wake up my little brother. I dunno. Well, yeah, I got up and watched the News at 6:00 while drinking some orange juice. Then got bored and decided to play some Jewel Quest on the computer. I got really far until the game shut off and said "Your Free Trial Has Expired" so now I'm bored again and gonna play solitare. Wow, this is the longest post I've ever written(I dont count my story as a post)I kindda like making long postes...I hope all you guys dont mind reading one thats this long. If you do mind, I apologize...So, yeah thats it for now. Love you all! <3
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Monday, February 19, 2007
I'm on Vacation!
Woo-hoo! February vacation! Sorry I havent posted in a while or anything, I've been real busy. But now I'm on vacation, and have tons of free time! :D
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
No school!
Snow day!!!!! Woo-hoo!!! I'm home alone today! It rocks! I love snow days!
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Monday, February 12, 2007
Hey guys! I'm working on a story, maybe will turn it into a manga soon....but anyway, Here's part one. Its called "Witchcraft". This is the link to read it on Quzilla: Witchcraft :Part1
And just because I'm not sure if the link will work, I'll post my story right here:
Ryan thought his life was okay; He had friends, a nice family, a dog, what more could he really need at age 16? Well, a girlfriend would be nice but hey, he still gets by without one. His life was fairly normal. The same average life that most people have at his age. But what happens when he gets transferred to a new school? And whats up with that black cat? He's sure its been following him. Ryan's going to learn that his life was never normal, and from this point on, it wont ever be.
Ryan shuffled his feet on the sidewalk as he walked to his new school. He's been there for about a week now. The kids are pretty nice, nice enough. The school was a while away though from his home, a few days away, so his parents bought him an apartment near the school. He kindda liked the idea of living alone. It was cool so far.
As he walked he thought he heard something behind him. He quickly turned around only to see a small black cat siting on the sidewalk behind him. It looked up at him and it's bright green eyes flashed in the sunlight. Ryan backed up from the cat a little, it creeped him out a bit. He turned away from it and ran down the street towards his school. Thats the same cat thats been following me all week! I'm sure of it! Whats with that cat?! he thought as he neared the school. Once he got to the school he slowed down his pace, trying to make himself look less paranoid.
A few girls giggled as he walked by to the school. Ryan sighed, slightly embarassed. He glanced over his shoulder at the girls giggling and his eyes widened when he saw the same cat from before sitting on the sidewalk by the girls, green eyes shining. he quickly went to the school, putting his hand over his mouth to keep from screaming. He rushed into the school and into his homeroom. He was alone for now, no one was in homeroom yet. Luckily for him, the cat wasnt there either.
Ryan spent the beginning of his day constantly looking over his shoulder for that darn black cat, but as the day went on and he saw no sign of the cat, he calmed down a bit. By the end of the day, that cat and its green eyes were almost out of his mind. That is, almost, until he was on his way home from school and there, in front of his apartment, was none other than the same cat. He wiggled his way around the furry black creature and slipped into his apartment. Once inside he locked the doors and windows and sat on his couch. Ryan sighed and thought, I must be going insane! Locking doors from a cat! A cat! What can a small thing like that do to me?! He stood up and went to unlock his door when he heard a faint scratching on the other side. He quickly moved away from the door, What does that damn cat want with me?! Why wont it go away?! he thought as he went into his room. He could still hear the scratching outside the door as he sat on his bed.
Ryan sat on his bed hiding from the scratching for what seemed like an eternity and without warning managed to fall asleep.
2:00 2:00 Ryan watched his alarm clock flash the time. It was dark, still early in the morning. He heard a tapping on his window and shut his eyes, almost afraid to look. He opened his eyes again slowly and peered over at the window, and just as he feared, he saw on the outside of the glass that same black cat. He sat up and looked at it. The cat turned around and jumped from the window and Ryan got up to look out the window at it. When he got to the window, all he saw outside on the sidewalk wasnt the cat, but a girl. She was young, maybe a year or two younger than himself, and she had purple hair. The two of them made eye contact, her eyes were grey, his were blue. Aftyer that, she turned and began to walk down the dark sidewalk. Before Ryan could do anything the girl had seemed to dissapear into the darkness and he couldnt see her anymore.
Later that day Ryan set off for school again. He didnt see the cat that morning and he was glad. He walked to school with a smile on his face until he actually got to school. He walked down the hall to his homeroom when he noticed that it seemed to be empty. He was the only one there. Well, he was, until he looked down to the end of the hallway and saw sitting there, a small black cat, its green eyes shining in the light. Ryan shut his eyes and yelled, "What do you want with me cat?! What did I do to you?! Why cant you just ever leave me alone?!" when he opened his eyes, the cat was gone, and the hallway was filled with the other students. They were all staring at Ryan like he was crazy. They had all heard his outburst. Great....I'm talking to, talking to cats that arent even there. And now the whole school thinks I'm crazy....He thought to himself as he entered his homeroom.
Everyone in the classroom was talking about something, whispering and smiling. Ryan smiled too when he overheard two girls talking, but not for the same reason everyone else was happy. "Did you hear? Theres gonna be a new girl starting today." "Yeah, I heard about that. Wonder where she is." the two girls said. Ryan was just glad that they werent talking about him like the kids in the hallway were. Everyone stopped talking and turned to look as the door opened and the new student walked in shyly. Ryan's eyes widened when he saw that she had purple hair and grey eyes, the same girl from that morning.
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Sunday, February 11, 2007
hey, sorry guys. I havent been on for a while cause my mom grounded me. I'm real sorry guys, but now the punishment is over so I'm back!
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Monday, February 5, 2007
Chat box.
Hey guys, check out my chat box. Oh, just incase you didnt can all type stuff in it too! That way we can all talk! :D just thought I'd tell you.
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