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myOtaku.com: blacklightning

Saturday, August 6, 2005

   lawn gnomes!!
don't ask ybut i had the idea to do a search on google for evil lawn gnomes..O.O odd thing came up. and some funny things too lik this

Top 10 best uses for a lawn gnome....
10. Used as table legs, they keep the dog from begging for scaps at dinner.
9. Bludgeoning device to attack the person who thought up silent "G's".
8. Freak out your neighbor by sneaking out each night and moving them slowly across the lawn until it reaches his front door.
7. Hollow one out so you can fit your head inside. Wear it while driving.
6. Markers for dog crap that is too disgusting to pick up and you don't want to hit with the lawn mower.
5. Handy for those weekly re-enactments of the presidential debates.
4. Put a bed in your front yard surrounded by 7 gnomes and wait for Prince Charming to show up.
3. There's gno good use for a gnome.
2. To stop your car from hitting your mail box.
1. The ideal guests at a slumber party for your kid who has no friends. (probably because you have a lawn gnome)

lol i will coninue my search and maybe post somemore stuff about it later.i know what your thinking this is odd right? why would someone search for evil lawn gnomes..well someones got to ! so why not me lol well

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