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myOtaku.com: Blacknova

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

well its like 11:00 p.m.(still Monday) so its been like what(six hours since i last updated?) n e ways, remember that project i was talking about earlier? well a girl from my class called me today(yesterday if ur reading this tomorrow XD) and she told me that the only the rough draft of the project is due tomorrow!!..see ppl, procrastination paid off in the end ^-^
the new layout: well i thought it was about time i dedicated an avitar to a friend again, so this avitar is dedicated to my friend.. DK...DerangedKikyo..not Donkey Kong(hehe..laugh at my feeble attempt at humor) well anyways check out her site if u want to go somewhere where u will actually laugh(unlike mine -__-)

p.s. in completely unrelated news: i still havent done the rough draft yet -__- ...*in skool teachers voice* "So what did we learn today kids?" *lots of kindagarteners talking in unison* "procrastination doesnt pay"


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