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myOtaku.com: blackparadegrl

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ok, I'm sorry but I can't post the poem. I tried typing it and I got upset again. I'm currently freaking out. The fist thing is a friend of mine and lance's, Spike decided that he should run away or kill himself. So he stole his older brother (who happens to be my friend Jared)'s car. Then he stole some of Jared's money. He got caught by the police and he's being brought home now. I am pretty pissed off at him right now for this. I don't know what brought it on. Maybe because he's stressed because Jared hasn't been doing great. His head injury got worse. I guess he keeps going a little nuts becaused some guy that his dad knows keeps comming to see him and for some reason this guy scares the shit out of him. He freaks out even if his name is mentioned. So they've had to give him a tranquilizer or sedative whatever you wanna call it to calm him down. But the other day they gave him a little bit of an over dose and he had these really bad seizures for like an hour and he hurt his head again. Ever scince then his brother, Spike (the guy I was just talking about) doesn't want to see him now and won't even call him. It's wierd because they're really close and Spike idolizes Jared so I don't know what the problem is. And Jared has this tarantula as a pet that's really special to him. He used to have a ton of pets but his mom killed them. I feel so bad for him because he's been through soo much!! His parents did a lot of bad things to him and yet he still remains strong. Me, and his fiance and another friend of ours has finally gotten him to open up to us about stuff. All of the stuff that he's gone through is horrible. And the poor guy is only 18 and he's gone through more shit than most adults. I think Lance put the whole story in his site, idk. But Spike decided to taker the spider on him, idk what he was planning to do though. I'm just soo pissed off right now. And the other thing I'm pissed about and worried about is Lance just went missing. I was downstairs for a while on my labtop. He stopped p.ming me after a while so I went to go see what was up. He wasn't there and his stuff was gone. And he's not aloud to go for a few more days atleast. The building got searched and he's nowhere to be found. So I have no clue what happened. I'm worried but I'm also kind of pissed off. And hopefully he'll be ok. He's been really weak from the chemo and he falls asleep easily. I really don't know what to do. It's almost 1 am right now. I think I'm going to keep looking for him. hopefully I find him.

So Long And Goodnight

~Tragedy Revenge~

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