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Somewhere between reality and fantasy...
Member Since
Looking for work
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Perfect attendence, honor roll, earned my name on the Dean's List the last year of College in '02
Anime Fan Since
1993 when I was properly introduced to what Japanese animation was
Favorite Anime
Too many to list ! ^-^
To become a voice actress, direct my own films, become famous so I have the power to help those less fortunate
Reading, writing, drawing, singing, dancing, stargazing, philosophizing,etc.
Singing, dancing, drawing, writing, impersonations, watercolor painting, playing the piano, etc.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Broken Hearted
Right now I could care less about lots of things. My heart has been broken, unintentionally. Amir came home w/ a date.
I admitted to him that I loved him, but I should've known this would've never worked. I am going to write about it in poem form to help me cope and I will cry a bit about it as well.
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Your Mood Ring is Blue-Green | 
Inner emotions charged
Yet, somewhat relaxed |
Your Japanese Name Is...

Midori Hojo
What Your Sleeping Position Says
You are confident and ready to tackle life.
You are pretty vain and happy with your physical appearance.
You are born to be the center of attention, and you're unhappy on the sidelines.
You're always up for trying something new - in and out of bed!
You are a Believer

You believe in God and your chosen religion.
Whether you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu..
Your convictions are strong and unwavering.
You think your religion is the one true way, for everyone.
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
Brush Strokes
The cherry hewed sun is barely visible
It represents a fire in the sky
Brilliant, passionate but fading
The wispy clouds in the horizon
Look like they were painted there
Impressionistic work the Master made
In order to amaze us
Such a masterful painter
The works are never similar
Brush strokes by a human hand
May try to imitate the Master's
Yet none can compare to his palate
One can only observe
Responding in reverence
Pleased in ending another chapter
In a day of work well done.
October 19, 2005
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Current Events
I and my scoring group have been doing sensationally with our RIB (please don't ask me what that is, I still have absolutely no idea).
The long and short is, we are required to move on to RIB 2. So we will be going through training tomorrow and qualification rounds.
Wish me well in qualification rounds. I hope I make it. I'm going to take things slow and read carefully before I mark something as an answer.
As for works in progress, I have currently written a Rio and Folgore fan poem, and also a poem about my OC Firefly.
Since EnterVoid isn't working, she'll probably be used as a RP character somewhere down the line or I will write a story about her.
Other current projects...
~*~ Legend ~*~
*--In Progress
**--Getting there
***--Just about done
1. Havoc Meets Eris... (Billy & Mandy fanfic) ***
2. Summer Dreaming (script) **
3. The Importance of Being Finn (JCA fanfic) *
4. Looking for Wark (FF inspired fanfic) *
5. Slings, Stitches, Casts and Caring *
6. Slightly Off Kilt-er *
7. Framed, Literally ! *
8. Show Me The Mummy (Martin Mystery fanfic) *
9. At the Midnight Hour *
10. Sound of Drumming *
11. Sword for Hire *
12. A Helping Hand *
13. Father Always Liked You Best *
14. Two Steps Away From Crazy *
15. Honor Among Murderers *
16. How to Care for a Baby Dracogriff *
17. Leif's Unidracogriff *
18. Maniac the Nuisance (TT fanfic) *
19. Secret of the Tanzenite Earrings *
20. Where There's Smoke *
21. Operation: Caeduseus
22. Sacred Heart *
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
Beware the beast within !
Wallace and Gromit is absolutely spectacular ! If you enjoyed the original capers, the film is even better ! It even stars two familiar voices. The gorgeous Helena Bonham Carter (who also provided the voice of Emily aka Corpse Bride) was the lovely, angelic Lady Tottington and Nicholas Smith (Mr. Rumpbold on AYBS?), played the Vicar. It's a very adorable film and exceptionally funny.
Also, Two For The Money is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. Al Pacino is unbeliveable. Speaking of actors, I recently recieved Jim Carrey's autograph ! How amazing is that ! It was signed (I kid you not)...Spank you very much !
Jim Carrey ! ^-^
I won't be availible for a while because I start work Monday.
But I will most likely be availible on the weekends. :)
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Friday, October 7, 2005
No energy left, formless
Dried up, abandoned in the hot sun
Pointless to go on any longer
And I wish I could be stronger
I feel so weak
Tears stain my cheeks
Shaking like a leaf
All because of unrequited love
Hope seems to be all for naught
Anger and resentment my self overwrought
Wil lthe sadness never cease ?
Shall I ever find peace ?
Only tomorrow knows
For now I'm filled with sorrows
Emptyness consumes what once was whole
Sometimes it hurts to bear a loving soul
This pain won't last forever
I shall conquer this endeavor
Tomorrow it shall be gone.
And once more I'll be filled with song.
October 7, 2005
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
According to my parents I'm worth, much MUCH more...
I am worth $1,775,058 on
This is really statistically based though. :)
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Autumn Days that feel like August
The sun shines through the leaves
Reflecting off the dew of the grass
The above normal temperatures
Make the weather like August instead of October
Yet I have no complaints
Weather like this in the midwest
Is a dream come true for many
I'm not complaining but celebrating
Sultry though the weather may be
It's perfect weather for the festival to come
And all the gala events afterward
Soon nature will join in
With her bold pallat of reds, oranges, yellows
As well as mauves, maroons and purples
The colors everywhere delight the eye
Though Indian summer comes early
It still is a welcome change
Giving us even more to be thankful for.
October 4, 2005
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
Ups and Downs...
I'm not working yet, but I have gotten an email from Fossil. I might hear back from them soon, and I hope I do. I am also talking to someone who says he has a friend in the US that will be able to help me in getting work. I have also signed up for Kohls. I was yet again another victim of reverse ageism. The lady giving me the application said I looked too young to be getting an application there. I told her I was 25. She said, "You look like you're 18". I laughed and said, "Don't worry, I get that a lot". I'm not getting my hopes up about Kohls. (sighs) ^^P
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Friday, September 30, 2005
Love is Strange
Recently I had to delete an overly affectionate (and passionate) Italian from Milano off of my MSN list. He said some things that were rather sultry and downright brazen !
I thought it wouldn't be right to rid him from my list but I had already told him I love someone else, and my love is pure.
I can only love one person, no one else. I am committed.
Anyway, the Milano is no longer an issue. As for my Prince, he still hasn't read my emails (he's very busy), but I feel we might possibly have a chance, maybe. I am fortunate in everything except romance. But there are a lot of people in love with me and a lot of them are Arabic. I don't know what it is w/ me and Arabs but it's INSANE and IRRITATING at times.
Now, on with the good news. I have gotten an email from Fossil and I might hear more from them later. I also have work coming up in October (it begins on the 10th). After that, I could possibly have work elsewhere. I have also contacted a new friend from Turkey that said he had an American girlfriend who could help me. God is so incredibly good, and He has blessed me once more.
Also, I am working on some stories/poems.
~*~ Legend ~*~
*--Just begun
**--In progress
***--Almost complete
1. EENE KP crossover ****
2. EENEKP (fanart) ****
3. Macabre Beauty (Corpse Bride fan poetry) *
4. The Importance of Being Finn (JCA fanfic) *
5. Rare Occasion **
6. Master of Deciet (TS fanfic) *
7. Love Letter from the Past *
8. Soletta * (Zurg for Spirit-Titan)
9. Havok Meets Eris (Billy & Mandy fanfic) *
10. Framed, Literally ! *
11. Rebirth of the Butterfly (Corpse Bride fanfic)*
12. Slings, Stitches, Casts, Caring *
13. Slightly Off Kilter *
14. Show Me the Mummy (Martin Mystery fanfic) *
15. At The Midnight Hour *
16. A Helping Hand *
17. Sword for Hire *
18. Honor Among Murders *
19. Father Always Liked You Best *
20. Two Steps Away From Crazy *
21. Lost in the Void *
22. Campers Worth Their Merit Badges (Camp Lazlo fanfic) *
23. How to Care for a Baby Dracogriff *
24. Leif's Unidracogriff *
25. Maniac the Nuisance (TT fanfic) *
26. Secret of the Tanzenite Earrings *
27. Where There's Smoke
28. Looking For Wark (FF inspired) *
If anyone has any ideas for scripts/artwork/poems, etc...
Please let me know. I take requests, but please consider the rules. I will not draw anything naughty or perverted, let alone write it. I will write about slash relationships but not in graphic form, and so on and so on. You get the point.
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