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Somewhere between reality and fantasy...
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Looking for work
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Perfect attendence, honor roll, earned my name on the Dean's List the last year of College in '02
Anime Fan Since
1993 when I was properly introduced to what Japanese animation was
Favorite Anime
Too many to list ! ^-^
To become a voice actress, direct my own films, become famous so I have the power to help those less fortunate
Reading, writing, drawing, singing, dancing, stargazing, philosophizing,etc.
Singing, dancing, drawing, writing, impersonations, watercolor painting, playing the piano, etc.
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Quizilla Tests
 You are: KATARA!!
You are very responsible. But i guess you have to
be because you have a 12 year old hyper
firend and a hot headed brother to deal with.
You have watched over your tribe ever since
your mom died. You want to douse the fire
nation for good. You are a water bender as
well (a kind of bad one but your getting
there.) oh! and the avatar has a crush on
you! Yeah!
Which Avatar: the Last Airbender character are you? brought to you by Quizilla

You are the Angel of Light.
Good Traits:
Your actions revolve around the kindness in your
heart, because you know the true value of
what there is to all that is good. You also
keep faith in your beliefs and try to make
choices that other people must choose from,
because your main goal in life is to teach
people how to choose right from wrong. You
are also a child of great beauty and serenity
and take pride in the task God had given you
in life. The task of saving people from the
power and Satin and the road to hell.
Bad Traits:
Though you may be helpful and kind, there are times
that you prevent people from learning the
lesson they must learn themselves, because
you wish to teach them yourself. You must
then learn that with the constant help of
you, the people you are aiding may not learn
what they need to learn, so they will become
too dependant on your kindness and fail to
teach themselves the lesson that must be
taught if you are not around. Please learn to
have more faith in God's children. ^^
Your Best Friend is Most Likely:
The Angel of Nature
- What is Your Inner Angel - brought to you by Quizilla
 You're sexy because you're honest.
PROS: People can always trust you with their
problems, and they know who to turn to when
something comes up. The opposite sex loves
you, because they know that you will always
be truthful about your feelings, (which you
have no problems expressing) and that you
will take your relationships seriously.
CONS: I don't think there are any cons. Go
How are you sexy? (anime pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Not All Is Lost...
Well, I didn't get the job, but the problem is, I didn't know what was required. I have to have actual *CERTIFICATION* before going into a Medical Billing field. In order to obtain that I have to have schooling so I know what I am doing.
Without this neccesary education I cannot be employed.
But the lady who spoke to me gave me all the neccesary information so she must've seen potential in me (which is very uplifting). Nonetheless after I went through all of that I was tired and I nearly fell asleep in the car when Father was taking me home. I called Kelly services recently. In the past I didn't think I would be able to work 3 days (12,13,14 in February) for them. I called back to say I was still interested but they said they found a replacement. So getting the job is up in the air right now and I really need work. I just had a quarrell with someone I thought was a friend. He was saying at my age (he kept on referring to me as 27 rather than 26) that my biological clock was ticking and after a certain age men would no longer find me desirable. Also he was leading me to believe that he truly loved me/cared about me. I have been so enraged that I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs. None the less, this moron is leaving me alone for a time. Part of my day was awful and I felt like crying too, but I didn't. I cried a little bit last night. Life goes on though...matters will look up. The remainder of the day has been good, and I feel a bit better. I know life is like this. We can't always ride on the crest of the wave. Sometimes we are in the trough, almost being overtaken by the wave...but it is best to ride the wave right in the middle. And that is what I am trying to do.
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Friday, January 27, 2006
Interview Monday @ 2:00 PM
I will be having an interview for a possible Medical Billing job, so, wish me luck everyone !
^-^ I'm really excited about this interview.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Prep for the GRE
Since yesterday, I have been studying the Mathematic portion of the GRE. With tutoring later, I should be fine.
If I seem too busy, it's because I am taking my time with the GRE and preparing myself for March 11th, 1:00 PM. I didn't have any prep time with the SAT and it's a miracle I ever was able to get into College (but by some divine means I was able to get in). Also, I will probably have work in February from the 12-14. Of course it is only temporary, but it gives me the money I need to buy anime...My main love in life (but I have a life outside of it). ^-^ I feel all will be well as long as I keep studying and tutoring, I know I will do well.
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
Testing Comes First
I have been doing research on the GRE and I have discovered this comes first, as well as a 500 word essay (already done) explaining what your academic and career goals are. Also, I need 3 letters of recommendation from three professors, which shouldn't be difficult. I have 5 chances to take the test and I have seen what it entails.
Analyitical, Verbal and Quantitative Skills. The only trouble I might have is with the Quantitative area, but other than that the rest looks relatively cut and dried.
All I have to do now is register, get grant information and begin searching my alma matter's website for the names of the 3 profs I wish to contact. In time I should be able to return to College and begin my odyssey in becoming a librarian/curator. :D
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Wish Me Luck !
Tomorrow I have an appointment at IU to discuss returning back to school to get my Masters in Library Science. I haven't been on the campus of IU before so it will be a bit different than U of I was, but I should have no problems.
Besides, I will be able to *work* wherever I wish.
So, if you don't hear from me in a while, you'll know the reason. I will do my best to try to keep Crimson and Clover updated. As promised a new strip goes up every Sunday.
I am still currently working on...
1. Way of the Lioness
2. Looking For Wark
3. Last Holiday Lazlo (CL fanfic)
4. Cheaper By Edward's Credit Card (CL fanfic)
5. Rumor Has Ed (EENE Fanfic)
6. Bait & Switch (script)
7. Harmonious
8. At the Midnight Hour
9. Framed, Literally !
10. Slings, Stiches, Casts and Caring
11. Slightly Off Kilter
12. Where There's Smoke
13. Father Always Liked You Best
14. Two Steps Away From Crazy
15. Sound of Drumming
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Saturday, January 14, 2006
Invincible Kyanchome
The Little Mamodo With the Heart of a Giant...:_: This episode made me cry. Zatch Bell episodes usually don't do that to me ! But movies do.
The end of Memoirs of a Geisha made me teary-eyed and so did Cheaper By the Dozen 2. I'm not ashamed to say I cry at movies or watching TV.
I am currently working on a new story that was inspired by Coidzy on DA, it should be great once it is finished. Also in the list...
1. The Way of the Lioness
2. Sound of Drumming
3. Framed, Literally
4. Harmonious
5. Slings, Stitches, Casts and Caring
6. Slightly Off-Kilter
7. Bait & Switch (script)
8. Cheaper By Edward's Credit Card (Camp Lazlo fanfic)
9. Rumor Has ED (EENE fanfic)
10. Where There's Smoke
11. Father Always Liked You Best
12. Two Steps Away From Crazy
13. At the Midnight Hour
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Dollars From Above
Just walking along
Minding my own business
When suddenly I find fifteen dollars
I couldn't believe my eyes
I asked if it belonged to anyone
No one would claim it
Overwhelmed but grateful I took it
Knowing all the while that God is looking out for me
Always providing
I thank and praise Him always
Even at this tiny, unexpected miracle
It is undeniable proof God loves me
He always cares for His children
Despite my slight unease of the future
I know all my needs will be met
I have faith and hope in this sign
Matters will keep looking up
Whatever the obstacle or challenges life hands me.
January 12, 2006
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Dollars From Above
Just walking along
Minding my own business
When suddenly I find fifteen dollars
I couldn't believe my eyes
I asked if it belonged to anyone
No one would claim it
Overwhelmed but grateful I took it
Knowing all the while that God is looking out for me
Always providing
I thank and praise Him always
Even at this tiny, unexpected miracle
It is undeniable proof God loves me
He always cares for His children
Despite my slight unease of the future
I know all my needs will be met
I have faith and hope in this sign
Matters will keep looking up
Whatever the obstacle or challenges life hands me.
January 12, 2006
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
Memoirs of a Geisha
Asians and otakus alike will adore this well as the readers of this sumptuous book.
The scenery is absolutely gorgeous and the music, exsquisite. My favorite character is of course the lead, Saiyuri...who has the most lovely pair of blue eyes I have ever seen. ^-^ Coming from a lady, that sounds odd, but trust me, if you see this film you will understand what I mean. Plus, not just women will love this too will be fascinated by it. My father adored it !
Another plus...Directed by Stephen Spielburg...Music by John Willams. I also entered the contest to go to Hawaii...If I am fortunate, I will win. All I can do now is hope and pray. God only knows what the future holds.
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