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Somewhere between reality and fantasy...
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Looking for work
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Perfect attendence, honor roll, earned my name on the Dean's List the last year of College in '02
Anime Fan Since
1993 when I was properly introduced to what Japanese animation was
Favorite Anime
Too many to list ! ^-^
To become a voice actress, direct my own films, become famous so I have the power to help those less fortunate
Reading, writing, drawing, singing, dancing, stargazing, philosophizing,etc.
Singing, dancing, drawing, writing, impersonations, watercolor painting, playing the piano, etc.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, December 3, 2005
Tickling my nose with its minty splendor
I catch the sent of peppermint candies
Outside a store window
Decorated in holiday finery
The lights and merry colors of red and white Poinsiettas
As well as evergreens welcome me
The sights, sounds and smells delight my senses
As the clerk hands me my sack of candies--
I cannot wait to share them !
It may be a small gesture
But those I meet will be given joy, cheer and goodwill as they go on their path
May the spectacle of the season remind you
Joy can be experienced anywhere at anytime
You simply need to allow it into your heart.
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Blocked Nasal Passages
I still cannot breathe too terribly well, but other than that...I am doing fine. I have begun my new work and I work from 5:30 until 10:30, Nov 28th until the 20th of December (which could be ending sooner since we have a lot of people working on this project). We will be grading papers from California from ESL students, so it should be interesting. We weren't given much warning as to training and qualification but fortunately, I qualified. :D Yes ! Thank you Jesus ! ^-^
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
An Idiot Wrapped in a Moron
My father's acting like an imbecile. I hate it when he acts like a freakin' kid. Sometimes he just blows a gasket about something really dumb and then takes it out on everyone else. I really hope that whatever is his issue will be taken care of soon because it's really starting to ruin my holidays. X_X
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Friday, November 25, 2005
It was an innocent mistake
I meant nothing by it
Despite you knowing this
You yelled at me and cursed
You make me feel awful
Treated me horribly, filling my eyes with tears
I cried myself to sleep
Feeling my heart break with each teardrop
My heart is numb again
My body has become ice
One day that prison will be melted
Yet for this time I must insulate myself
Maintaining skepticism,
Not allowing myself to fall for pick up lines
Remaining cautious with any male approach
Strange at it may seem,
It's my survival mechanism that keeps me from being hurt
Because life can be this way frequently
I hold onto my mantra:
Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me.
November 24, 2005
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
not a good time...
well looking at how things have been it's another plummet in my daily life. it started with a free spirited chat with my friend and my love (no longer my love anymore) took some things the wrong way. it was an innocent mistake and i meant nothing by it.
nonetheless, he cursed at me and made me feel like crap. cried myself to sleep and seriously contemplated suicide. i still feel sad but hopefully i'll feel better soon. going to a funeral tomorrow, it's someone in my mom's family. it's sad because i felt like she was getting ready to see God but she's in a better place now.
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
Newness !
Yesterday I stood in line for 2 hours (approx.) and was able to get an interview. The woman who interviewed me (Amber) was *very* impressed with my criteria/skills and wanted to direct me to a Medical Billing (despite my lack of training/experience) job on the NorthEast side. I need to talk to another contact *first* before thinking about this position.
I would like to have something closer to home.
As for everything else...all is going well. Joseph, my Egyptian Prince, is looking for work and I pray for him every night.
Not an hour goes by that I don't wish he was closer but I have left everything in God's hands. If I take love into my own hands, it always fails...but if it is in God's hands, I know somehow everything will work out.
~*~WIPs ~*~
1. Framed, Literally !
2. Bananas @ Camp David (CL fanfic)
3. Horsing Around (CL fanfic)
4. Rodney's Country Club (CL fanfic)
5. Slings, Stitches, Casts & Caring
6. Slightly Off Kilt-er
7. At the Midnight Hour
8. Sound of Drumming
9. Show Me the Mummy (Martin Mystery fic)
10. Lost in the Void
11. How to Care for a Baby Dracogriff
12. Leif's Unidracogriff
13. Where There's Smoke
14. Maniac the Nuisance (TT fanfic)
15. Secret of the Tanzenite Earrings
16. Operation: Caedusus (Totally Spies fanfic)
17. Sacred Heart
18. Windfro, Bobobo's Brother...From Another Mother (Bobobo fanfic)
19. Honor Among Murderers
20. Father Always Liked You Best
21. Two Steps Away from Crazy
22. Iota, Nil and Bumpkus
23. Parish the Thought
24. The Importance of Being Finn (JCA fanfic)
25. Return to Alabasta (OP fanfic)
26. A New Ally (Code Lyoko fic)
I realize this may seem like a lot but it is helping me keep my mind active. Expect to see the Lazlo fanfics done soon.
If anyone has any ideas for upcoming stories/songs/scripts or artwork please let me know. Also my beatnick poem "Bistro" is currently being written and will most likely be posted sometime during the weekend. ^_^
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
Looking for work...again...
My recent work has ended and I am looking for work again. I might be selected for the Pilot project coming up in December. I'm not really certain what else is going to happen but I am going to be turning 26 this Monday ! I'm really pleased matters are looking up for me, however.
I am currently working on many projects and I have finished a holiday poem that I will post once December is here, so look forward to it in my upcoming December journal. :) Take care everyone and be blessed always !
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Why November is Fascinating
1. All Saints (El Dia De Los Muertos)
2. Grandma Nelly's Birthday (Nov. 6)
3. Pat Sajack was also born in this month
4. So was Monet, Debussey, Weird Al, Prince Charles and Bill Gates
5. Mother's birthday is Nov. 26th. Intially I was supposed to be born on this day, but I was breeched. Therefore I was born on the 14th.
6. Thanksgiving !
7. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
8. Traditional Lighting of the Indy Statue "Christmas Tree"
9. It's also time for Eid-El-Feiter (time of the Feast), a very holy time for Muslims
10. Let us not forget Guy Fawkes day in England ! ^-^
After doing some research I also found out that there is a Sadie Hawkins Day, a "Mischief Night" and John Phillip Sousa was born in November as well. If you want to see for yourself, here is the site to prove my findings.
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
Get To Know Me !
 Your heart lies in the good. Eww *twitch* *twitch*
Where does you heart lie? (beautiful anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your a best friend. You've got someone who's like a sister/brother to you, and it'll always stay that way. No matter what happens, you'll make this friendship work thru thick and thin. You are the good friend enhanced...
What Type of Friend are you? - Anime Pics! - I'll update answers soon... brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a Sapphire
Some ancient writers claimed the Ten Commandments were written on sapphire. Ancient marriage partners had great faith in the stone, believing it would not shine if worn by the wicked or impure
What rare and valuable stone are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You have the laid-back, risk taker type of bravery. You like living life to the fullest and you don't give two shits about what anyone says. That's awesome. You should be in the army or a secret spy organisation (like the question in the quiz! hehe) Way to go!!!!!!!
What type of bravery are you? brought to you by Quizilla
You're down to earth, and like keeping it real. You're normally always happy, and believe there is a bright side to everything! Your outgoing personality makes you an awesome person to be around. Although sometimes you're too careful, and don't like taking risks. But better safe then sorry right?
What flavor of lip gloss are you? (Girls only obviously.) brought to you by Quizilla
The angel seems to be attracted to you because of your innocent and loving characteristics. You are optimistic, and quite happy-go lucky. You don't get angry easily, but when you do, things can get out of hand. You enjoy being in the company of your friends, and family members. With all these qualities combined, it isn't a mystery why the angel is most attracted to you. You go!
What is following you around? (Girls Only) (Boys only type is coming soon!) brought to you by Quizilla
 Fire - Dominant
You're a very confident and passionate person... You are a warrior and will fight for those you love...
Animagi form: Phoenix Most compatible with: Air Least compatible with: Water Song: Angel - Aerosmith Ruling God: Ares
Are you an Obscure or Dominant Element?? {Great pics} brought to you by Quizilla
 Ah, the Passionate love... You love with heart, body and soul, and you love love itself. You may have a problem to be true when in a relationship, but you don't do it on purpose. You have a hell of a hot temper, close to laugher, anger and maybe even tears (even if you would never cry in public...). You want your life to be something, nothing ordinary... Your partner has to be as passionate as you, no wimps tolerated!
Please rate aaaaand... eat chocolate bars? *cough*rate*cough* ^^
What Love are you Fated for? ~AWESOME anime pics!~ brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a soreress. You have many magical power. You arn't on evils side nor are you on good side. You only use your magical powers for those who need help or for revenge. Your friends have learned to stay on your good side. You need to control your timper a little better then you do.
What type of anime person are you? (With Beautiful Picks) brought to you by Quizilla
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Moving On
I'm completely over Amir, although we're still friends which I think is marvelous. :)
As you can see I am working hard and I haven't had any time whatsoever to post new works. However, I will be posting some new poems tonight. Also I am working on a number of new stories. :w00t!:
A ton of Camp Lazlo fics are in progress. Rodney is going to be making an appearance again as well as a new character, Penelope Peacock (she's a white peacock from the Far East).
Also, I have original stories in the works and artwork up and coming. Be on the lookout for it ! :thumbsup:
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