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Somewhere between reality and fantasy...
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Perfect attendence, honor roll, earned my name on the Dean's List the last year of College in '02
Anime Fan Since
1993 when I was properly introduced to what Japanese animation was
Favorite Anime
Too many to list ! ^-^
To become a voice actress, direct my own films, become famous so I have the power to help those less fortunate
Reading, writing, drawing, singing, dancing, stargazing, philosophizing,etc.
Singing, dancing, drawing, writing, impersonations, watercolor painting, playing the piano, etc.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Get To Know Me !
 Your heart lies in the good. Eww *twitch* *twitch*
Where does you heart lie? (beautiful anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your a best friend. You've got someone who's like a sister/brother to you, and it'll always stay that way. No matter what happens, you'll make this friendship work thru thick and thin. You are the good friend enhanced...
What Type of Friend are you? - Anime Pics! - I'll update answers soon... brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a Sapphire
Some ancient writers claimed the Ten Commandments were written on sapphire. Ancient marriage partners had great faith in the stone, believing it would not shine if worn by the wicked or impure
What rare and valuable stone are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You have the laid-back, risk taker type of bravery. You like living life to the fullest and you don't give two shits about what anyone says. That's awesome. You should be in the army or a secret spy organisation (like the question in the quiz! hehe) Way to go!!!!!!!
What type of bravery are you? brought to you by Quizilla
You're down to earth, and like keeping it real. You're normally always happy, and believe there is a bright side to everything! Your outgoing personality makes you an awesome person to be around. Although sometimes you're too careful, and don't like taking risks. But better safe then sorry right?
What flavor of lip gloss are you? (Girls only obviously.) brought to you by Quizilla
The angel seems to be attracted to you because of your innocent and loving characteristics. You are optimistic, and quite happy-go lucky. You don't get angry easily, but when you do, things can get out of hand. You enjoy being in the company of your friends, and family members. With all these qualities combined, it isn't a mystery why the angel is most attracted to you. You go!
What is following you around? (Girls Only) (Boys only type is coming soon!) brought to you by Quizilla
 Fire - Dominant
You're a very confident and passionate person... You are a warrior and will fight for those you love...
Animagi form: Phoenix Most compatible with: Air Least compatible with: Water Song: Angel - Aerosmith Ruling God: Ares
Are you an Obscure or Dominant Element?? {Great pics} brought to you by Quizilla
 Ah, the Passionate love... You love with heart, body and soul, and you love love itself. You may have a problem to be true when in a relationship, but you don't do it on purpose. You have a hell of a hot temper, close to laugher, anger and maybe even tears (even if you would never cry in public...). You want your life to be something, nothing ordinary... Your partner has to be as passionate as you, no wimps tolerated!
Please rate aaaaand... eat chocolate bars? *cough*rate*cough* ^^
What Love are you Fated for? ~AWESOME anime pics!~ brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a soreress. You have many magical power. You arn't on evils side nor are you on good side. You only use your magical powers for those who need help or for revenge. Your friends have learned to stay on your good side. You need to control your timper a little better then you do.
What type of anime person are you? (With Beautiful Picks) brought to you by Quizilla
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