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HuNtErXMeTaLX666 (and) HellsingAgentX66 (needs capitals and lowercases to work) :D
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I live in the shadows that you so fear behind your bedroom door, I come from hell and back again.
Member Since
Special Agent member of the Hellsing Organization and Grim Alchemist for the Military; top alchemist
Real Name
Angel BlackWing
I am an amazing drawing and writer {poetry,stories, etc.}, i have gain As in all classes, I'm a white belt in Issnryu, I am skilled with swords, and I also plan on becoming a fighter in the Air Force.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Hellsing, Inuyasha, Naruto, Fruits basket, Scryed, Bleach, Rurouni Kenshin, FullMetal Alchemist, Hunter D, Trigun, YuYuHakusho, Cowboy Bebop, DNAngel, Trinity, Gravitation, KH, Love Hina, Wolfs Rain, Big O, Akira, Dragon Knights, and lots more.
To become a fighter in the Air Force, artist, author, black belt and master swordsman, travel around Europe, and TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!! <-- ultimate plan.
ANIME! Drama club, track & field, being bored, drawing, writing, reading anything, school, music, intruments, karate, shopping, COMPUTERS, videogames, collecting dragons and vampire things.
Drawing, writing, singing, fighting, swords, being bored, math and science, being respectful, always happy, running, and being able to take over the world........if that counts.
| BlackSphinx64
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
hi everyone. whats up?! Well i wanted to info everyone on 2 new sites. One of them is my friend from school (annoying friend that is)
Dokuro99 <<
ShadowHellAngel <<<
check it them out kk bye bye
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Dear Mr. Masomi Kurumada,
I'm going to tell you the truth now, YOUR MANGA OF KNIGHTS OF THE ZODIAC ARE THE WORST. I mean who the heck are you?! You draw women like men and men like women! I mean come on!!!!!! People don't like that. I keep messing up the names my brain hurts everyday because of you. I don't know who is who anymore. I beg of you to retire, trust me you need to. And I thuoght certain friends of mine looked like girls *hint hint David COUGH COUGH* So get the point! At least you get one letter from me to warn you before you get like a TRILLION! That's how bad it is. My head hurts so much, its like when I look at the picture --- MY EYES ARE BLEEDING! (OR) I'M BLIND! (OR) I meanly drop dead. Last time my glasses broke the last time. I'm so sueing you now. Yeah you heard me, get that straight. Well hey I'm telling you the truth, so get over it. And I thought my art teachers' face was horro and I mean TRUE HORROR!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh *angel dies* Okay back after my grave death from looking at one of your pictures in the books. OH GOD!!!!! And your picture photo come on ____YOU"RE UGLY> But not your dog he's really cute. I thought my vice principal combined with my art teacher squared were ugly but you really past them. I hope you like my most beautiful, nice, mannerful, and cute pleasing note. TeeHee Well look on the bright side it could've been worseyou could have been laugh at....*5 seconds later* HAHHAAHAAAHHAAHAAAHAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA....ha. Just get over it okay. Trust me, other people can be worse. And Xavier, he looks like Harry Potter and he sometimes looks and acts like a girl *no offense xavier* lol. I know i'm lazy VERY
From: Angel BlackWing
p.s. (this is jennifer) You are really hot and gay, when you were younger you were hot. okay but now you are just gay. And you should be ashamed. Of your books that is.
From: Jennifer
p.s.s . You manga sucks!!! Even though i never read it. I saved myslef from eye injury. BUT!!! I saw the cover, a pink guy that looks like girl in a pink shirt. AHHHHHHHH!!!! Thats ewwwwwww forever. I mean i'm meeeeeelting, i'm meeeelting. Love Hina rocks and so does Negima. oh yea.
Good luck From: Xavier
Okay this is just a fake letter I made up with my friends. So don't get offened lol. Hope you enjoy it. Its very funny in ways. I'm just posting this because i'm bored and i have no clue what to type then this. okay then bye bye.
p.s.s.s. Mr. Masasomi is the creater of Knights of the zodiac.
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hi ya
hello. okay i'm bored. I just wanted to tell some people to stop by one of my friends site...
thats her username. She has a good site. So do me a favor kk. G2g have to get ready for school and right now its 6 so i'm running late. lol thanks, bye bye
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Friday, January 27, 2006
HELLSING Releasing control art restriction to level three,level two,level one,situation A, the Cromwell approval is now in effect,hold release until target is silenced,now it is time to teach you how real vampires do battle!~Alucard
Killing off our enemies, our allies, those we should protect. Nations we should rule even ourselves, but it's still not enough, your lot and I truly are incorrigible warmonger aren't we major.~Alucard
"In the name of God impure souls of the living dead be cursed into eternal damnation Amen."Dont worry these are just some quotes from the show Hellsing.
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sooooooooo bored.
I haven't posted for a while because .....i'm bored. lol. To much homework. GhAAAAaaaAAA. *tears* I think in one day i got like 7 things of homework. Man can't these teachers give us a break. Its soo not fair. I'm going to become a fossil. I want to read but i can't even go to a bookstore. Well i'm going to make a new site YIPE!!! but i'm going to keep this one too because i love it soooo much. lol Its going to be called
come by and visit me and everything else kk. bye bye
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Lost in a Dream
written by Naomi
What he saw in sickness made in life
In his fever he saw his queen.
In his eyes she was the love and
lover of his life.
In his sleep, his dreams took hold
releasing his passion on the woman who held him
Warming his body with her own
wanting to help him.
He took her as his;
not knowing, not hearing
her calling to him.
Only her loving hands’ caress
as she held him to her breast
Not feeling her press against his touch
his strength enveloped her will
his memories dripping with lust
In his fever, eyes and mind were
only but a dream away.
While his release controlled her, his
mind controlled his power.
The poison flowing in her blood
identical to his
Mirror image of his love
Betrayed by a kiss
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I'm back sorry i havent been on for awhile but and i shall bring my site back up agian. Muhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahha
Its my new cheap evil laugh. ^^ I'll post a new poem on k hope u like it.
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Monday, January 2, 2006
Help once again.....
If anyone reads this can you help with telling me how to...
sumbit articles
and quizzes
because everytime I try they never appear on theotaku. I get everything right. But i tried about three times. Its driving me crazy i'll never be able to do anything then. Grrrr. Well I hope anyone could help.....please. *dieing here*
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Guess What......more info
I found out new info on some anime. Well if anyone has a PSP they are starting to make anime series for it. What they have out so far is Hellsing, Blood: last vampire, Ghost in the shell, Gundam seed, Gundam wing, s-cry-ed, escaflowne, Cowboy bebop, Appleseed, samurai champloo, gungrave, and few others but thats what I know so far and that would include any movies in that list. And they released the new .Hack manga. Also a few other manga called The dreaming, The world exists for me, ark angels, Devil may cry 3, dragon head, samurai champloo, blame, kingdom hearts, warcraft, fruits basket 12, dn angel 10, A girl in a million and response. If I know anything else i'll be sure to tell everyone k. Hope this post helps.
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Friday, December 30, 2005

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