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Member Since
*the deliverer of death*
Real Name
I no longer have a name
For one so young has been married in widowed within 6 months. Have no relationship right now so I guess thats not an achievment. WHo cares. I say what I want to say....
Anime Fan Since
1991, 13 years...well technically since the dawn of time but hey I can't count
Favorite Anime
Sailor Moon, Samurai Girl: Real Bout High School; Bubblegum Crisis: 2040; Comic Party; El Hazard; Shadow Skill; ah forget it, every animé out there. You happy....
Try not to lose any of my friends...
Sleeping, sleeping and sleeping. I feel like freaking Snorlax....
can play every instrument, mastered all types of martial arts and know how to wield every weapon, just to name a few....
| BlackTiger24
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
the tiger has been busy
the tiger here and once again he apologizes for not updating or getting to any other sites. i'm very sorry. i will try to get to them today especially yours lena. work is killer. i barely get to spend any time with my wife so its hard on me too. anyways, today is a tribute to two sailor scouts becsuae i feel really guilty for forgetting there birthdays and both of them are my favorite scouts too. so anyways enjoy the pics and profiles.
Rei Hino(Raye)
meaning: the spirit of fire
birthday: April 17(i'm very sorry
Birthstone: Diamond
Age: 18
Height: 5'3
Astrological Sign: Aries
Blood Type: AB
School: Private/Juuban High
Favorite Colors: Red and Black
Hobbies: Fortune Telling, Meditating, Yelling at Serena(Usagi), Singing, Ancient Literature, Karate, Dating, and Manga Reading
Favorite Animal: Crow
Favorite Food: Sushi, Vegetarian Pizza, Blowfish, Fugu, and Thai Food
Least Favorite Food: Asparagus
Favorite Subject: Ancient Writing, Classical Literature
Worst Subject: Modern Society
Has Trouble with: Television and bad temper
Strong Point: Meditation, Dedication to causes, works hard, cares about her friends and family
Dream: To be a head priestess, singer, model, seiyuu, wife of someone she loves(me. just kidding)
Favorite Gemstone: Ruby
Boyfriend: Chad(me, just kidding)
Identities: Raye, Princess of Mars, Sailor Mars and Super Sailor Mars
Transformation Sayings: Mars Power! Make Up!,Mars Star Power! Make Up!, Mars Planet Power! Make Up! and Mars Crystal Power! Make Up!
Attacks: Mars Flame Sniper, Mars Fire Ignite, Firebird Strike,Celestial Fire Surround
Kaiou Michiru (Michelle)
Means: Water
Birthday: March 6 (very sorry)
Birthstone: Aquamarine
Height: 5'6
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Blood Type: O
Favorite COlor: Marine Blue
Hobbies: Violin, painting, swimming, collecting cosmetics
Favorite Food: Sashimi
Least Favorite Food: Kikurage Mushrooms
Favorite Subject: Music
Least Favorite Subject: None
Has trouble with: Sea Cucumbers and impertinent children
Strong Points: playing violin, painting, swimming
Dream: to be a violinist
Favorite Gemstone: Aquamarine
Other IDentities: Sailor Neptune, Super Sailor Neptune and Princess of Neptune
Now that i have the stats and profiles down, now its time for the pics:
there that should do it. enjoy the pics
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
~Ro-o-o-o--oa-a-a-a--a-ar!!~The tiger is back!
Well the Black TIger has returned just to update his site. He apologizes for not updating. I just been very busy. I just finally looked at my guestbook and found out i have more signatures. So to those who signed mine, I'll try and get to your sites if I can but right now I only have time to post this to at least let all my friends on myO to hear from me. Anyways, my wife is now 4 months into her pregnacy. Pretty soon, 5 more months and I'll be a father. Its gonna be hell. I work for her dad now at SOny Japan. He made me Vice President so it really sucks. I'm in the cosplay business. I make costumes for otakus everywhere in Japan becasue thanx to my costumes, I have won 3 conventions so now people flock to me. Other than that, I just got back from a business trip in Hong Kong and next week I'll be flying to Germany. Great, I can see now I at least racked up over 10,000 frequent flier miles and now I'm really getting sick of flying. I dont want to see an airplane again. Anyways, the tiger has to go. Take care.

hope you enjoy these pics and the new song
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Friday, March 18, 2005
its a girl. thank you.
Sorry that I haven't been updating, my comp has been going haywire. I dont know how many viruses I deleted and believe me that sucked. Anyways, today me and my wife Azumi found out were gonna have a girl and I'm so happy to know that I'm gonna have a daughter. TIme to beat the crap out of her boyfriends. Heh heh heh. Anyways, since shes a girl we decided to name her Rinoa Mikoto Kiribiyashi. Boy what a long name. Well I'll post pics up later because right now, I'm still getting viruses. Sayonara, ja ne!
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
The Tiger is staying!
I'm sorry I took so long to add another post. Anyways, the tiger has decided to stay because of some certain people that are friends to me, have talked me into staying. Thank you LadyLenaJade, my one true friend, thanx Sakura Hyyuga and Princess of Anime, you guys took part too and of course, my lil' sis Merik Ishida for well...remembering who I was. To others I know theres more but I really dont want to name them all because it would take to damn long and besides this tiger is going to be a father real soon. Boy, thats going to suck. Just kidding. Anyways, the tiger is here to stay.
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Monday, March 7, 2005
my final post
well, the tiger has come back but to only say, good-bye. The tiger has had enough of the site. He feels he has no support so he will delete the site. He hasn't even reach 300 visits so he's quitting. Anyways it was fun, while it lasted. Take care everybody. I will leave you with some sad pics:

anyways, the tiger is done. good-bye
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
Marriage Time
Well, the tiger is back. The tiger was back for a little bit but somehow a bunch of idiots in Japan attacked me and my little sister Sakura. Could of took them all on if they didn't catch me off guard by smashing me with their car, God that sucked. Anyways, the tiger escaped the hospital more like they released him with a hell of a lot of stitches. I look like a freaking rag doll or that one zombie chick in that "Nightmare Before Christmas" movie. By the way, happens to be one of my fav movies. Anyways besides the stitches, I have a broken arm and some fractured ribs. It's so hard to breath. Shoot feels like I was put in a sarcophagus. Also the tiger can get sometimes very dizzy and pass the hell out. What makes this all funny is that tomorrow, on good 'ol St. Valentines Day, thats when I finally marry the girl of my dreams, well the one I knew my whole life, Azumi. Our marriage is tomorrow and can you believe it, the tiger is gonna go through with it even tho he knows he will probaly pass out during the ceremony, lets hope not. Well, tomorrow I will announce it officially but until then, I have to savor my last couple of hours of my bachelorhood before I become a prisoner. Just kidding. Oh yeah, the cool thing is I get to have a huge bachelor's party. F**king right. TIme for the tiger to get wasted. C-ya cats later.
p.s. This pic is me in my tiger form.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
This is Azumi!
THats right, my fiancé Rei, who you know as the BlackTiger is in the hospital right now. I remembered he gave me his password and screen name to log in and now I'm doing you guys a favor. Rei and his sister Sakura are in the hospital right now.
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Sunday, February 6, 2005
The Tiger is Back
Yep, the tiger is back. FInally after going through a little bit of hell, he has come back and he has to say, he is suffering from some serious jet lag. Anyways, i'm back in Japan getting ready to knock out my wedding on the 14th. I gained custody of my little sister Sakura. Yep, the little monster is in my care. I finally buried my sisters so I got a chance to say good-bye to them one more time and finally, the tiger can actually enjoy his vacation and bachelor hood before the dreaded "tying the knot" saying comes in effect. Other than that, yours truly is going to get some sleep and take a gander at his pics of all his favorite Digimon goddesses. Yep, mind you, I have at least 4 goddesses from each anime and game that I worship. It seems that I always fall for the winged women. YOu know the tamers with winged digimon. Hint: Zoe, Mimi, Kari, and Sora. (Thanx for pointing that out Kai) Well hope you like my background pic of Zephyrmon and yes Zoe is my ultimate goddess in the digital world. Well, c-ya cats later.~Me-ow
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Monday, January 10, 2005
How many people have felt sadness. I have. I been feeling it for the past week now. Just when things can't get any worse. I really dont feel like talking about this, so I'll tell you this, this will probaly be my last post until next month. I wish everyone of you not to suffer like I have in the past week. I'll end my post with two songs. The first one is called, "We All Die young"
"We All Die Young"
Risk my soul, test my life
For my bread
Spend my time lost in space
Am I dead?
Oh, let the river flow
Through my callused hands
And take me from my own
The eyes of the damned
It makes my stomach turn
And it tear's my flesh from the bone
How we turn a dream to stone
And we all die young
Yeah we all die young
So tell me I know
I lived so afraid
And still we cry alone
With words left unsaid
Yeh it makes my stomach turn
And it tears my flesh from bone to bone
How we turn a dream to stone
And we all die young!
The next one:
"Life Goes On"
I felt this before
Now I feel it again
No matter how hard I try
This feeling won'tt end
So I pretend you're her by my side
Tonight on this lonely ride
I keep telling myself that
Life goes on while you're miles away
And I need you
TIme goes on as night steals the day
THere's nothing I can do
YOu heal up my wounds
I tasted your tears
You spilled out your heart
So I let out my fears
But one fear I kept to myself
Was how I prayed that you'd love no one else
Like you're saying you love me
(repeat chorus)
If you only knew, how much I missed you
When my mind plays these tricks on me
It shows me things I dont want to see
Thats why I tell myself
I keep telling myself
Just take another piece of me
(repeat chorus)
And this last mile, I travel with you.
I will end it there.
p.s. ignore the text color. it was the only one that i can find that will show up on my background. oh yeah, i'm a guy too.
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Friday, January 7, 2005
I am not a Girl
Sheesh, I hope people dont think I'm a girl because I have Sailor Saturn for a background. I been to somebody's site and looked at a comment that I made and after mine, there was a person that said she's right. I was the first message and she was the second. I'm telling you know, I am not a girl. Call me weird if you want, but you know what, I dont care. I'm the BlackTiger damn it, and thats that.
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