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among the stars...
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I have joined a boy named Sora and a girl named Kaya, in hopes of saving my fallen world
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I have lots of animes I like
To return home to my loved ones
causing trouble, and fighting alongside my new friends
Despite my lack of intelligence, I have great common sense and can get out of bad situations with ease
Thursday, March 2, 2006
Hi everyone!!! Please forgive me for not being on for the past year. I totally forgot I had a myotaku account until Chikara reminded me of it.....
and as for the children.......
I killed them.........
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Friday, November 25, 2005
Here is a link to the main song to be featured in Kingdom Hearts 2, "Passion" by the lovely miss Hikaru Utada who sang the first Kingdom Herts song "Hikari" aka "Simple and Clean" They better not screw up Passion, its too good a song ><
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Lots of new Kingdom Hearts 2 news!
Sorry I haven't been on in awhille my friends. But Im back and I got some new news to tell you. Lots of new things have been revealed about KH2 (Which is sapose to hit shelves in about 2 weeks)and here it is. First off, a list of the Final Fantasy characters that are sapose to make an appearance
FF Characters:
From FFX...
Yuna (X-2 verison)
Rikku (X-2 verison)
From FFVIII...
Seifer (Not confirmed)
From FFVII...
Tifa (Not confirmed)
Vincent (Not confirmed)
Also some of the FF7 characters are wearing their Advent Children costumes ^_^ (Like cloud and Yuffie)
Please note, this may not be complete so if I screw up you can't kill me
Also just found out about some new worlds that will be in the game. There will be a world dedicated to the Disney movie "Tron". I've never seen it but my friend, Kevin, says its a movie about a computer virus and a virtual world. Thats probablly why when you go to the world of Tron, Sora and co get new futuristic looking outfits. Also of course, they have a world dedicated to the old disney cartoons back from when cartoons were first made (Remember that old disney cartoon with mickey donald and goofy driving the steamboat down the river?). This world is all in black and white and the Sora crew all look like cute noodle drawings. One thing I noticed is when you go to this world, Sora is wearing his old outfit from the first game and Donald and Goofy are in their disney outfits (The vest and the sailor uniform). Also just found out Lilo and Stitch is gonna be in it, with th ability to have Stitch fight on your team.
And of course, they have the new Lion King world. (Yes Kaya, Lion King! ^_^ I can imagine you spazzing as you read this) When you go to Lion king world, Sora becomes a lion (a mini one) Donald is a bird and Goofy is a turtle. Of course along with visiting the new Pirates of the Carribean world, you get to visit all the worlds from the first game along with another new world, Beauty and the Beast.
Unfortunatlly though I know at one point in the game you have to fight Beast, I don't know why but I know it has something to do with the unknown lying to him about Bell or something.
Ok, I know I have been rambling so I'm just gonna re list all the new worlds in KH2:
Lion King
Beauty and the Beast
Black and White Disney (I have no idea what its called ^^;;;)
Pirates of the Carribean
Lilo and Stich (Im not sure about this one, I know they are in the game but IM not sure if you actually go to their world)
But of course, new characters will alos be in all the old worlds too, like you finally get to see Pegasus and Megera in Hercules and Santa Claus in Nightmare Before Christmas. Also, Pete (Goofy's rival from the old disney cartoons) will make an appearance as one of the evil guys (of course). One thing tht is still annoying me is the Blonde Haired Kid from all the trailers. Everyone still has no idea who he is and its being aggrivating me to know his true identiy. Who is he and why is he able to use the keyblade? I know for one thing he has a connection with Sora, for in one trailer the BHK talks with Naime about Sora.
Blonde Haired Kid: I don't really understand. Is this world really the real thing?
Namine: You and Sora are connected. And, you are required in order for Sora to return to his original complete self.
This above is a quote from one of the KH2 trailers. The whole thing is stil shrouded in mystery. and now I leave you with some new pictures from the KH2 game. More later you fools!
Love ya ^__^

SORA LION! Kaya is gonna have an attack when she sees this. How come Goofy always ends up a turtle when they turn into animals? Is it because hes -snicker- slow?

ITS NOODLE TIME! I told you they looked like noodles! and loook there all in their originals outfits. Also, why the hell is Sora driving the boat!? Hes only 15 in this game, he can't drive!

What!? NO! Why are they fighting!?!? Damn you Hades and you're ability to persaude freakinly awesome FF characters into joining your team! >D

What the...? Are they ballroom dancing? Oh wait, no thats just one of their cooperation attacks, a new feature in KH2 =D

WOOT! Its Cloud and Squa- I mean Leon -coughcough- fighting side by side! ^^ Cloud looks awesome in his Advent Children costume.

I must say Sora and the others look a little out of place here. Jack Sparrow and the background look really realistic whille Sora and co look... eh... chibi ^^
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Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Fools! There shall be no next time!!!
I apologize for not being on in such a long time. Many things have been happening here in Florida. Today Felicia and I participated in a play where I was a drunk driver and she was the passenger. Felicia sat on a cart which I had to push and that was our car, except I had to wear those bear googles that make you see the world when you are drunk. I then needed to push the cart through an obstacle course. I had to avoid hitting a cute little puppy, a sweet old lady, a tree with many baby birds in it, a bus full of children and the police man's car. I hit the grandma, the children and the cop but luckily p=missed the dog and the tree XD. However,I broke Felicia's legs and now she is unable to walk and I was arrested. Mind you, this was all a play for the class I didn't actually hit an old lady with a cart. In Gaia news, Gino Gambino is dead again, but don't worry most likely he'll come back, someone will find him burn't to a crisp but still alive. In quizzila news, I have finally gotten my story "Battles of the Elements" up, unfortunatlly it soon may bomb because I was told by someone that it was nothing more then a Fushigi Yuugi rip off which made me really sad because everyone knows I am no good at writing and comeing up with ideas so please don't rub it in my face. And finally in other news, my friends and I are forming our group of homunculus. Rin is Sloth, I am Envy, and Ayame is Wrath. Slowly but surely we are recruitting all the homunculus and when we do I shall draw us all. Im also running out of room in my room, my new room is only a 1/4 the size of my old one so my stuff is all crowded together and it gets dirty really fast. I also can't stop singing Numa Numa. Before I got though, must let my friends know. I took pictures of my Florida friends so when I get the time I'll put the pics up for you guys too see. Bye everyone -hug- ^^
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Friday, September 9, 2005
Go here to watch the Cloud Song! Its so effin cute ><
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