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myOtaku.com: BlackWingAngel~

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

New Story ^^
As the moon came out of the clouds, Haku ran out of the woods into the graveyard.
"GET HIM!!" yelled 2 men coming out of the woods.
Haku ran and hid behind a grave and fangs started to come out of his mouth. The men started to fire off flares and they started a fire.
"Get out here and fight vampire!"
Haku looked over as a bullet hit the grave that he was hiding behind. He jumped and opened his hands as claws came out.

The men started to shoot as haku dissapeared.
One of the men started to shoot into the air and all around as haku appeared behind him. The man yelled as haku slashed his back and then he shot haku in the chest. Haku yelled and ran into the town. He jumped into an open window then went into the shadows. The men were yelling and dissapeared into the town.
Haku sighed and tryed to get up, but he fell to the ground as the lights came on. A girl was standing at her door staring at Haku.
"who are you?" asked the girl.
Haku tryed to move to the window but the girl went over and closed it. she looked at his fangs and then into his red eyes.
"Are you a vampire?" she asked and sat on th ground next to Haku.
Haku just sat there with his hand up to the bullet wound. He started to get light headed.
"Please dont tell anyone im here"
The girl sat there and smiled.
"If i dont tell anyone youre here will you be my friend?" smiled the girl,"my names Julie."
"My names Haku, could you please turn off the lights."
Julie got up and turned off the lights. She got some blankets and pillows and went back to Haku. She put the blankets down.
"Are you ok?" she said while looking at the wound.
"I'll be fine i just need to rest."
He fell over and passed out.
Julie got a blanket and put it on him and smiled.
"What are we going to do with you." she said smiling.
She got another blanket and fell asleep next to him.
The next morning Julie woke up and found haku fast asleep next to her.
"Goodmorning." said Julie in a happy voice.
Haku rolled over. She looks for the wound but it had dissapeared. Julie looks at Haku and jumps on him.
"Are you going to wake up??"
Haku opens his eyes and sees Julie's face really close to his.
Haku picked up Julie and got up. She smiles and stayed in his arms. Julie looks into his eyes and saw that they were still red. As the sun came through the window the sunlight went onto haku. His eyes stayed the same, but his hair changed from black to brown and his fangs got shorter.
"What just happened?" asked Julie
"That happenes when the sun comes up."
"Thats cool. ^^ Do you have a place to stay?"
"No i dont at the moment"
"Then you'll stay here^^"
Haku looks at Julie and smiled. He thanked her and gave her a hug. The room was still slightly dark and the window was open. Haku jumped up and went into the corner of the room in the shadows.
A man looked in through the window and asked if she had seen anyone last night. She shook her head and said no. The man left. Julie turned on the lights, and Haku put his hands over his eyes and couldnt see.
"Keep your hands like that i need to change." said Julie
"Do you go to school?" asked Julie
"No i dont"
"Then your going to school with me ^^."
She grabed her black school uniform and put it on. She then went inot her closet.
"I think i have a boy uniform, they sent me 2 different ones."
Julie took it out and threw it at Haku. He put it on over his clothes
"What will the teachers think when i go in?"
"I'll jsut say that your new and your in my class." smilled Julie.
They walked out of the house. A man was standing out side selling some fruits and looked at Julie.
"Already found some one you like?" smiled the old man.
"Maybe^^ hes staying with me for a while."
The man turns to haku.
"Well you take care of her she gets in trouble this one."
He turned around and walked away.
"What did he mean by that??"
Haku looks at Julie.
"Nothing^^" said Julie quickly.
They walked into the woods. It was a clear day and few clouds were in the sky. The trees were full of bright green leaves. There was a calm wind and everything was nice and peaceful.
"Where's the school at?" asked Haku.
Julie pointed at a newer building at the end of a long path. It had 5 floors and a big courtyard in the front. The side of it looked like it had a swimming pool in it. Haku stared at the building when they got closer to it. Julie grabed Haku's hand and led him into the building.
"Who's your new friend Julie?"
Julie looked around.
"hey Em, this is Haku."
Haku smiled.
Em and Julie talked for a while, and Haku stood next to Julie.
Class finally started and it lasted for 2 hours. They went out for lunch. Julie got rice balls while Em got pocky. Haku sat next to Julie.
"You going to eat anything?" asked Em.
Haku shook his head.
"I'm not hungry."
Em looked at Haku.
"Whats with the red eyes?"
"There his natural eye color." stated Julie.
They ate and went back to class. Julie stopped in the middle of the hall and Haku bumped into her.
"Why'd you stop?"
Julie slaped her head.
"We have gym class today-_-"
"Where is the gym class?"
"On the roof today for some reason."
"The roof???"
They walked down the hall way to the stairs. Haku opened the door and Julie went first up the stairs. Julie got to the top of the stairs and opened the door. There were 8 kids and no teacher. Haku went to the edge of the building and looked over. Julie's house was just past the woods to the south and the town was to the north. Julie came up behind haku and put her head on his shoulder.
"Isn't it a nice view^_^?"
Haku just kept on looking out at it.
"Yeah it is^^."
There was some kids going toward Haku and Julie.
"What do you think your doing new kid?"
Haku looked over. Julie looked over as well.
"Go away rob." julie said in a angry voice.
"You afraid of heights new kid?"
Rob said as he picked up haku and dangled him over the side.
"DONT DO THAT!!" yelled Julie.
Haku looked at rob.
"If you do that you better hope I die." said Haku
"I dont like your new friend Julie, he's going over the side."
Rob said as he let go of Haku.
Rob turned around and laughed. Julie ran to the side and looked over crying. She said nothing.
"Don't worry Julie"
Julie looked over. Haku was sitting next to her on the side of the building.
"HAKU!" julie hugged him.
Rob turned around.
"How....but i .....?!?!"
Haku grabed Julie's hand and they walked to the other side of the roof. the bell rung for the end of the day.julie puled haku off the roof and went back to room 1-C.the room was really dark. they tryed to turn the lights on but it didnt work. julie walked in and tryed on a desk. haku caught her.
"are you ok"
"yeah thanks^_^"
haku got there things and the left the building. in the distance there was thunder. haku looked up and say a crow fly over head. he looked at it.
"is there something wrong haku?"
he looked back at julie.
"no theres nothing wrong"
the crow flew into a tree and watched them walk away.
julie got in the house first and haku fallowed behind her. she took off her shoes.
"im going to go take a shower"
she got a big towel and went into the bathroom. the door closed to the bathroom. the rain started and haku went into the bedroom and looked out the window. he sat on the window sill and watched the rain. the shower turned offand julie walked into the bedroom and sat haku in the window.
"watcha doing"
"nothing just watching the rain"
"well dont turn around i need to change"
julie started to change. haku staired up into the clouds. lighing struck by the house with a loud bang and startled haku. he fell backward into the bedroom.
"dont move!!"
julie throught a towel at his face. haku lay there on the ground. julie finished changeing. there was a loud crash. she yelled and haku took the towel off of his face. blue smoke started to go into the room.
"julie get under the blanket!"
julie startred to choke on the smoke. haku picked up a blanket and put it over julie. he started to choke on the smoke.
"haku what is this!?!"
"its holy water, stay under the blank..et"
haku's body started to get numb and he couldnt move.
"julie...stay under...the blanket......"
he fell to the ground.
julie tryed to get out from under the blanket but she couldnt. she pulled haku under the blanket.
"haku wake up"
she started to slap his face lightly.
"wake up please!"
julie held him in her arms.
tears started to come out from her eyes.
haku layed in her arms not moving.
julie brought put haku on the bed and sat next to him.
"please wake up"
she said many times to herself.
she watched haku.
haku's hand started to move.
julie jumped onto the bed and huged him.
his eyes opened.
"is the stuff finaly gone"
haku got up and and stood up.
"i'll be right back"
"dont go out you just.."
haku jumped out of the window and went into the woods. the sun had already set. julie got a flash light and went after haku.
"haku!!!where are you!!"
she started to search for haku.
there was a path into the woods with lights on the side. julie walked down the path when the lights turned off.
she ran down the path till she got to a grassy field.
there was some one else in the field as julie walked up to the person. it was haku
"hey ha..."
julie froze. he was holding some one in his arms but biteing there neck. it was a student in there class. she ran up to haku and slaped him. his eyes were glowing red and he looked at julie. he took his fangs out of the girls neck and put her on the ground.
"what are you doing!?!?!" yelled julie
"i havent eaten anything in days im sorry" haku put his head down
"what if someone saw you out here!"
julie grabed hakus hand and they weht back into the house.
"its time for bed"
julie got into her bed and haku got some pillows to sleep in the corner of the room. he fell asleep. julie got up and layed next to haku. she put a blanket around them and put her head on his chest. something shinny was around his neck and she couldnt help but play with it. julie fell asleep under haku's arm.
the next morning she woke up and he was still sleeping. she tryed to get up but she couldnt. the thing she was playing with was stuck to her.
he woke up and saw her hand stuck on something.
"please tell me you didnt get stuck on my necklass"
julie pulled at it and the necklass fell off and wraped around her arm.
"what is this?"
"i dont know my friend gave it to me and said for noone to touch it and if some one did to watch out for danger now. its no suspose to go in contack with humans"
julie pulled at it to try to get it off.
"can you get it off"
"i cant"
she started to freak out. haku calmed her down and he got ready for school. julie looked at him.
"why are you getting ready for school???"
"isnt there school today"
"no silly its saturday" smilled julie
haku fell on the bed.
julie jumped on him. she smiled.
"what are we going to do today?" asked haku.
"i dont know"
there was a loud banging on the door. haku freaked out and felll on the ground and julie landed ontop of him.
"haku calm down"
she walked over to the door and opened it. em was standing at the door.
"hey julie" she said smiling.
"hey em"
"wheres haku?"
"hes on the floor"
haku's head poped up on the other side of the bed.
"hi em"

(sorry this is only as much i can type)
(stupid teachers-_- .... i'll have more later so always check on this i'll have more every day^_^)

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