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lil bery05
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Ohio, unfortunately/Hobbs,NM
Member Since
future student at GHS/college student
Real Name
Kelsey/Marla(Marz as they cal me)
I'm not really sure.
Anime Fan Since
as long as I can remember
Favorite Anime
Escaflowne, DBZ, DBGT, Gundam Wing, Duel Masters and G Gundam/everything Kelsey has and much much more! like InuYasha^^
to become a great writer and to gradutae college, and become a rock star!
writing, sports, hangin' with friends, and drawing/and i like to add singing to Kelsey's list for me^^
sports, drawing, and writing/ another one to add singing to
| BlackWingedAngel
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
AAAAHHHHHHHHHH *screams and runs away*
*comes walking quietly back looking very cautious*
................... ................................... ............................................ ............................ *wispers* okay now most of you know what today is, yeah thats right Single's Awareness Day, in other words Valentine's Day. i really dont like this holiday, i find no meaning in it. but since i love all my friends *points at all of you* (yes all of you^^), i have decided to swollow my feelings of this day and give out greetings....but only here in my post, im aint that brave to actually give them out in pm's........yeah still not that brave. so here are all of the cool little greetings i found and you can pick which one's you like the most^^. well here they are.......and have a happy *shudders* valentine's day.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
hey everyone! how are you guys doing? well i hope. well today is just another day. but i am a bit happy, cuz the skool that i am hoping to traanfer to after this semester called me yesterday, making sure that i had been recieving my mail that they had been sending me. well naturally i said no cuz i hadnt, but then i realized that they were probably sending it to my aunt's house in Carlsbad. so i had them change the addy so that everything would be sent to me at the skool^^. so now i also have a tour date of the skool....on march 4th, and also and audition time on the same day for the choir. now all i have to do is get a hold of the cross country and track coach, to see if i can run for the skool and get some kind of scholarship. hmmm.........what else do i want to bore you all with^^, oh yeah, next week is my skools homecoming........thats kinda weird since we dont have a football team, just basketball........oh well. but next week is also the crowning of the homecoming king and queen which im a nominee for...but im not getting my hopes up, i am running up against a cheerleader, and most of you know how that goes. but the gurl is really sweet, so, hehe, i might even vote for her if the nominees are allowed to vote^^. well i dont think there is nething else i have thats boring/interesting to ill let you all back your your lives^^. byebye, love you all!!
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
*munching on pocky*
hey guys^^.
well lets just say my week hasnt started off to its best. i just found out that even after paying EVERYTHING for my classes and skooling, i still owe $200, and thats money i dont have. and the money im getting from work is going to pay for my car insurance coming up.......geez why does this have to happen to me *hits head on desk*. well enough of the bickering.oh yeah, and since i have had nothing to do i have started reading chobits gives me something to do^^. how many of you have read choits? i like it, its really a cute manga. well bye bye now^^
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
hey everyone *hands you a cookie and a drink as you walk in*
so how are you all doing? good i hope!! well i have been just chill'n, trying to keep myself from getting to bored over the week. oh and this is funny, okay i think it is funny; but i am a nominee(sp) for my college's homecoming. yeah..ME! i couldnt help but laugh....but instead of turning down the nomination i accepted it, and now im in the running for homecoming queen. *thinks hard* you know com to think of it, i have never been nominated for ne thing like this in my whole life....the last thing i was nominated for was "most likely to kick a guys ass" in high skool....but that was something that was done for the newspaper as a funny. hmmmm...........what else. oh and my piano lessons are going great. i cant really play nething, but i am learning...and pretty quick i might add....well thats what my professor said^^. and soon i will be playing major concerts!!! nah, just kidding...thats only for singing. but i will be happy when i learn to play full songs or sheet music. thats my wish for this year. hehe oh and im glad that you all like the way my dorm room took a long time to get it that way...and im still adding stuff to it....well at least to the ceiling^^.........yeah if you couldnt see in the pics(dont know if i got it or not) but i take the wrappings or boxes of everything i eat and drink and stick it to the ceiling^^. and it looks bad ass........and it tends to remind me that i have to go eat, if i tend to fell asleep during the day^^. well i believe i have gabbed you ears...or i mean eyes off enough for today. take care and have a good day! *hugs everyong tightly, and hands you another cookie as you all leave*
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
hey guys!
well i really dont have much to say except for i really hate my body right now! reason being...i got up for classes this morning, and as it was i was running a little late, but then when i reached down to get my shoes.......MY KNEES LOCKED! it totally sucked cuz everytime i tryed to moved they would just get tighter!! and by the time i was able to relax enough for them to first class(math), was already half way over. gggrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........damn these knee problems! ne way^^, the up side to today is that InuYasha is on tonight!!! YES! i cant wait. okay now for the BIG question....and this mainly directs to you Fruits Basket fans out there.............HOW THE HELL WAS KAZUMA'S GRANDFATHER THE LAST CAT!!??????? i was thinking about it last night while me and krista were watching Friuts Basket. cuz isnt that after the graduates from skool, he is locked away never to go into the fact from what i read and watched Kazuma's grandfather was not allowd to leave the house that he was kept in. so how the hell did he have a grandson if he was locked away and probably never had ne kids himself, in fact how is it possible? i dont get it!!!! well ill let you all ponder on that for a bit, and maybe one of you can tell me. okay, now that i have said everything that was on my mind, at least for now, i will show you some pics of my dorm room^^. only cuz its the first time since last year that it is actually clean! and i LOVE the way my dorm room looks! okay here they are:
 this is when you first walk through the door. (yes we have a cone on top of our fridge....we stole it from the hallway^^)
this is my wall......with only a portion of what i have on it^^.
this is the wall above the head of my bed....
tis me bed from a side angle
and another angle of me bed..except from on top of my desk, i was standing on it(geez i say that all proudly^^)
and this is my desk....selves....closet spaces....and all my crap, along with my roomys^^
and now just some pics cuz im bored!!
 hehe.....krista(roomy), was bored and she was roling around....good thing i have motion flash on my camera or this would have been bleery(sp)
 these are some of me other friends....from left to right: Aldofo, Sarah, and Paulita
 and me^^.......geez i look depressed!...hmmm wonder if i looked depressed in all of them.....yup!see:

 ump...not this one....i look rather coy in this one.
ne way thats all i have for today! love you all and laterz! take care^^ *hugs everyone tightly*
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Friday, January 20, 2006
hello everyone^^. well today starts round 2 of kagomeinuyasha199's site contest. so please go add vote for my other site, MARZ (just click on my name to see my other site)^^........i would really appreciate it.(me new theme is for the second round of the contest, hope you like, i thought it was toooo cute), oh and press F11 to see my site full view....its looks alot better that way^^.
hmmmmm..........lets see..........well nothing much is going on today. after classes i have to go to Carlsbad,NM to see if i can get me printer fixed.....its being stupid and everytime i try to print something, all it does is drop the paper to the wheel thingy but it wont feed into the actual printing part...but it still prints!!! just not on the paper, cuz well it doesnt feed into it. then it says there's a paper jam, but how can there be if the paper doesnt even do into the damn machine!!! grrrrrrrr! i have wanted to hit that stupid thing so many times, but i dont want to mess up the scanner (my printer is an all-in-one....with a fax, picture printer, scanner, and regular printer) but the only thing not working is the printer. i hope the people i bring it to can fix it...i want my printer working again!!!!*tear tear*
well ne way, im glad you all enjoyed the pics from you all know how i spend my boring time here at this lame skool. well if not that, hiding under trucks while performing operation X missions^^......yeah me and my roomy did one of those too, the night before i got all wrapped up^^. we took all the construction cones that are around the corner of our dorm and put them in the pick-up beds of all the baseball players then wrote all over their windows with shoe polish. but since we didnt want them to know it was us...of course.....everytime someone would come out of the dorm or pull up into the parking lot, we would dive under the nearest car or truck^^. at one time we were under a truck for about 20 mins.
well i guess that is all i have for today. so please go vote and have a great day!! *hugs everyone tightly and hands you all cookies*
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
okay guys! you want bored im giving you bored! me and my roomy, krista, got so bored last night that everyone that was in the dorm office with me decided that they were going to wrap me up in streemer paper! and krista got caught along with me when she was trying to take pics........and here are the pics that were taken!

and these are just some regualar pics that i wanted to put up.......cuz i have nothing better to do!

okay ne way.............i wanted to tell you all something...............OH YEAH! vote for me in KAGOMEINUYASHA199 site contest! PLEASE!!! ill give you all a cookie^^. okay, only vote for me if you think im worthy...... but the other contestants are listed on her site. SO GO AND VOTE.............for me^^ well i cant think of nething else.....and i have to get my butt to piano lessons. love you guys, and i hope you have a great day,k! and you better or ill hunt you down and give you BIG hugs and kissys^^. well byebye!
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
MYSPACE!!!!!............................its a great place^^
okay its official, i have become addicted to! i love it, cuz like here i make a lot of friends^^. and it makes me happy when i can make friends from all over the world and we can talk consently. and its great for finding old friends that you though dropped off the face of the planet^^.
hmmmm.............what else? you know i have no idea, i cant seem to find nething to talk about lately, i guess cuz skool really hasnt started yet for me........okay depending on when you read this i will be in skool. cuz i start tomorrow, um today. ne way........ill let you know in tomorrows post how my first day of the second semester goes.
well i cant think of nething else to write so ill ask ne of you have myspace? and if so would you mind if i looked for you to view your profile?
well laterz yall.........i love you!
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Friday, January 13, 2006
well this is a late post..........but ne way^^. today i did nothing but get my books for my classes, which their arent many of....thank the lord.
ne way...........i was just thinking if ne of you have heard of the anime called Black Jack .....its a really good anime that i seemed to have gotten hooked on over the Christmas break^^. and i just wanted to know if ne one else has heard of it or has seen it. hmmmmmm..........what else, well i have been doing great at my job...being RA really packs a punch. i only have to work a max of 10 hrs a week, but i still get paid the 15 hrs that are allowed to study work jobs. the only hard thing about it is that there arent enough people to work only there max hrs so they end up having to go over them.....which is not really a good thing, but we are trying to find other people that want to work in the office. so yeah....... okay i also have a big question, i am drawing Ino from Naruto in my fav pose that she holds during a battle^^.....but i cant remember for the life of me if her eyes are blue or green...i just remember that they are kinda pale, but im also to lazy to look it up. but i am hoping to have her finished by Sunday and posted no later then Monday.
well thats all i can think of at the ill talk at you all later. bye bye!!! *hugs everyone tightly*
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
im back!
well im back at skool, so naturally im back on the net, a much faster net to be exact^^.
okay one im not all that thrilled about coming back to college, but on the bright side i dont have to pay no $1075 dollors for this semester i only have to pay $510. and its getting a scholarship for rodeo, and im not even on the rodeo where close to it! but i aint comlpaining^^, thats $400 i aint got to dish out^^. oh and ive been kicked up to RA now in my dorm...thats where i work. the RA is the resident assistant, but im acctually right under the boss. so i pretty much get to tell the student living in the dorms what to do if i wanted to....and they have to abide by what i say or they could get suspended. but its also harder, people depend on you more and expect you to always be there when its convenient for them. but i guess they will just have to suffer on the convenient pert^^. ne way. i hope that everyone's holidays were awsome, and i hope you are all ready for a new semester/term......just think...........only a couple more months then its summer break^^! i cant wait. well i guess thats it for now, i have a few thing to do for the office. laterz!!
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