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myOtaku.com: BlackWingedAngel

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

   How my day went again....
Nothing really interesting, just funny things. Okay well Becki (Mr.Sobecki) was filling in for Mr.Fruth the 7th grade social studies teacher so me and Krissy would go and visit him once in a while and he was my teacher for Intervention (long word for study hall). Yeah it was fun in there. Okay in choir Krissy decides that it'd be fun to put her pony at the very top of her head to make her hair stick up. So I joined in and soon Sam joined in. Only because he has long enough hair to put up. We went to go Becki afterwards and he's like "If I didn't know you guys, I would have guessed that you were part of a family." I thought it was funny. And today was Mr.Hugely's b-day so I gave him a few hugs. I wore Coach Gregg's big, big coat. It smelled really good. And Kayla, one of the 7th grade girls decides to put a basketball under my coat and button it up. So it looked like I was pregnat. Well I went to Coach and I was like "Do ya wanna feel my baby?" So I rubbed it against him and hes like "Get away from me!" And Rachel, another one of the 7th grade comes up and is like "Coach I'm can't believe you I'm turning you in! Your going to rot in hell forever!" She meant like getting me pregnat bc I was wearing his coat and all. He started laughing it was funny. Well ne ways today at our game we won and the 7th grade lost. Our score was 33-31. It was getting close and the refs SUCKED! So bad! Coach Gregg wasn't a happy camper when they lost. Well gotta go. Buh bye! :D
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