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myOtaku.com: BlackWingedAngel

Thursday, March 10, 2005

   How my day went again...
Well today was alright. We had our Ohio Achievement test. It was alright. Then afterwards we had our little activity which was to go to a room and watch a movie. I went to Mr. Rawski's room with Krissy and Sam and we watched Napoleon Dynamite. It was funny. OMG I finally finished my book "The Five People you Meet in Heaven". That is now my favorite book. I suggest you watch it. It's great. Yeah well today there is this kid right, Nate Daniels hes joking around and it liks Mr. Rawski if you let me leave I'll give you $5. So he's holding out the 5 and I take it and Mr. Rawski is like I'll take care of this. So he lifts me off the chair and we start fighting. I'm serious we're like full out fighting expect punching and such. But yeah I gave the money back to Nate and Mr. Rawski had my arm and he says "Where is the money?" and Nate is like "I have it" and Mr. Rawski is like "Oh". He didn't know that I gave it back. LOL! Well yeah when we were fighting I kinda of spit and it got on his shirt. LOL! He's like "Oh thats gross!" and I'm like "That's what you get since you're so scared to fight me for real." LOL!!! Yeah it was funny. Yeah I found out some interesting stuff that Mr. Sobecki said about me. Sam if you're reading this I'll tell you. I cried about the crap he said to me to my sister and she told my mom and my mom and I got in a fight and she tried to hit me but I walked away...Well I guess I'll talk to you guys later. Buh bye...
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