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to be a good poet, and to grow up and move away from my parents for good
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| Blackwingednoir
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
hello everyone!
its been a really crappy day, first i couldn't talk, then we had to make this vegtable pizza in had mushrooms, carrots. califlower, pepers,cucumbers..ect and the sauce was made out of ranch dressing and mayonase....*gags* oh it was so gross! i almost threw up!!!!!! WE WERE FORCED TO EAT THAT POISIONED SHIT! and i was already sick to begin with. >.< NASTY MAN!
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
i went to school today...i wish i didn't
i kept losing my voice....and i sounded really weird....and i have tons of make up work to do...@.@. well i'm watching Spiral, and my favorite character Eyes Rutherford, just came into the episode, and he has the sexiest british accent i've heard in along time! i love it! i absoultly love it!! lol! i'll stop now..i'm being weird.
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
it feels like i'm gonna die....@.@
i'm so sick....i have to take medicine every 4 hours....and i'm losing my voice...and i keep coughing and it hurts so nose is stuffed up...and i had to get off my computer last night and i didn't have time to tell my friend y...i bet shes worried now...its been a really bad weekend...yesterday me and my friends went shopping and we went to a pet shop and there was this adorable cat, i wanted it so bad but it was $100 and it had lukemia!! thats so not fair!!! it was all by itself too!!!.....i think i'm gonna die if i don't get better...well anyways thats all.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
i'm throat hurts really really bad...and i still gotta go to school
my mom says i have to go to school even though i got a really sore throat. thats totaly not fair!!! i'm in pain and i have to suffer through hell!!! i have 3 subjects due, and i didn't even start them, and i have something to do in homeroom! gah this is not good! my moms gonna kill me!! we're in a winter storm warning as we might not even have half of our classes because we might get let out early which i think would be the best thing ever! because i would have more time to finish my stupid homework....damn homework...evil....its really cold out...and i'm so bored...i can't yawn because my throat will kill me...well thats all for now..bye bye!
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
WTF? i had the weirdest dream!! my dream, i was at school, it seemed like a normal day, but with my powers, of knowing things before they happen. i knew something was gonna happen, i just didn't know what. so i went to my classes, but i couldn't consentrate. at recess i hung out with my friends....and..we weren't ourselves..we were fighting and arguing. so i got mad and walked off...i was along in the halls and i kept feeling an eerie presence, i turned around and slowed down at every corner. it felt like something was watching me. i heard the bell ring, and i went upstairs to my locker, and got all my books and went to class. when class started the teacher started to talk. then there was an explosion, and i black out. i wake up, and my head hurt. i looked around and everyone was dead....i found out later, everyone in the scool was dead...but me.
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Monday, January 3, 2005
YES! i get to get a poem published again!!!
i recieved a letter today, one of my poems is being published!! i've been best poet of the year, i've had many poems published, and i've won money twice, ok heres the poem thats gonna be published
"Black Winges:
not the same
just because my wings are black
doesn't mean you can treat me the way you do.
My black wings don not mean anything
you treat me diffrent
not a human
what happend?
you used to be so good
why are you treating me like this?
My black wings...
the source of my pain."
what do u guys think? say what u feel. i want the truth
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
*yawns* tired...
i spent 2 nights at my friends house, and i was up 'till 5:35 am the first night, then 4:50 am the next night, me and some of my friends came and celebrated the new year together, it was fun, even though i kept falling and getting hurt....stupid socks. today we went shopping, me and 2 friends and their nana went shopping at goodwill. it was cool, i got 5 things for $5.20 i got a rabbit that look like wiz/with from D.N.Angel, i had to have it...well i might take a nap. later.
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
i'm at my friends house, and my friend scared the crap outta me last night, she got off all of a sudden and i thought she died. honest, i thought she did. i miss my one seems to be on anymore...i haven't talked to anyone besides my friend amanda (aka kingdomheartsfan) yea...i've been playing kingdom hearts chain of memories lately, i have to beat wonderland....>.< well thats all for now!! bye!
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